• @atmur
    341 year ago

    Yeah, I was on that slide for a bit, probably around that age as well. Luckily I was too socially awkward to ever bother anyone with it, just kept to myself and watched that garbage.

    Wanna know the slightly embarrassing thing that made me reevaluate? One of the channels I watched, which up to this point had almost exclusively made anti-feminist videos, suddenly made a video bashing furries in the same way. I wasn’t a furry, but I had friends who were and it’s usually a very friendly space for a harmless hobby. So I thought, “this is stupid, why would he make a video bashing these people who aren’t harming anyone?” and then it clicked. Took a break from that space and never went back.

    So, thanks furries

    • @Fried_out_KombiOP
      101 year ago

      For me, I always considered myself egalitarian, but what happened is I bought into their talking points that SJWs and feminists were actually just misandrists seeking special treatment. I don’t think I was truly in danger of becoming a hateful bigot or voting for hateful bigots, but I certainly carried some of their talking points.

      What snapped me out of it was one day watching one of these chuds do a video where they took like a politics or social values quiz of some sort, and I saw they didn’t truly believe in equality. It was that that made me realize, “Wait, these guys actually believe some things I fundamentally disagree with.” Basically they showed their power level.

      So thanks, random misogynistic youtuber for showing me your true colors.

      Like you with the furries, it goes to show that all it really takes is one moment of what they’re saying not matching up with what you know to be true.

    • @[email protected]
      51 year ago

      Honestly, this is a huge mistake on their part. The right’s been testing anti-furry messaging, complete with breathless misinformation (litter boxes in the bathrooms, anyone?), and I don’t think that it’s going well because it never seems to stick around for long. Furryism is popular enough that most working age adults and teens know someone who’s a furry or are one themselves, and they, like most folks, are generally nice people who just want to be left in peace. By contrast, I don’t think most folks know or know that they know a trans person, so it’s easier to sell fearmongering bullshit with regards to them.

    • JackbyDev
      1 year ago

      It’s interesting to look at cultural values now versus the past and wonder what the future will be like and what we (as in folks in the present) will be embarrassed about or scolded for. I definitely think Furries are one. (Edit: hating Furries I mean.)

      So many people think it is about beastiality. Sure, some Furries have fetishes related to being in fur suits and sure I bet there exists at least one Furry who is into beastiality but that’s not the norm at all. I think because people don’t know people who are Furries they either find out about them through fear mongering lies or they hear about the few times that actually bad Furries do something and assume it’s the norm.

      I fully expect my descendants to be embarrassed to bring their robot friends around me when I’m old because I’ll say something like “I used to be a programmer” and they’ll be like “you can’t say stuff like that, they take it as you saying you want to control them” and I’ll just be confused and apologetic.