“But the Trumpian part is that even though, or perhaps because, it may be part of a Trump scam, Knight now too may be on the hook for $175 million as it won’t automatically get out from underneath its own proffered surety.”

Hankey, a billionaire, has already said that his company will be able to post the money for Trump.

He was reacting to a comment on X by lawyer Dave Kingman, who wrote that Knight will not be able to post the $175 million.

“Understand that Knight Specialty has a problem. This bond cannot be approved. Under the CPLR [Civil Practice Laws and Rules] the surety will remain obligated under the bond until a replacement bond is filed. Trump is unlikely to get a replacement bond. Knight Spec will be liable AND Trump won’t have a stay [on enforcement],” he wrote.

  • @ZagamTheVile
    1411 months ago

    Yeah but come on. He wore a tan suit once. What did you expect? It’s like we were asking for this.

    • Zerlyna
      1211 months ago

      So did Reagan and both Bush’s but “that’s okay”. /s

    • @EdibleFriend
      1011 months ago

      Don’t forget the terrorist fist jab.

    • @CharlesDarwin
      211 months ago

      And the feet on the desk! And the latte salute!

      Also, also, also! The looooooong form biiiiiirth sertifikate! We never saw it! He is the Kenyan usurper! And The Storm is still coming for Hillary and Obama and Hunter, by gawd.