• @LazyBane
    11 months ago

    I said third parties my gamer, as in people not voting either rerun of the crusty old guys.

      • @LazyBane
        11 months ago

        Yep, not denying that, and the solution is just for the Democrats to just not be a worse option that third parties. Democrats are not entitled to votes becuase they’re just better than the other bad option.

        I mean in an ideal democracy voting for the party you actually like wouldn’t just lead to the party you hate the most getting more power.

        • @aesthelete
          11 months ago

          I mean in an ideal democracy voting for the party you actually like wouldn’t just lead to the party you hate the most getting more power.

          But we’re in this democracy, in which the left of Hitler party has to carry the national vote by basically over 50% to get over the system rigged against it electing candidates (i.e. the electoral college).

          Everyone’s quick to hate on Democrats gaming the system, but the party actually gaming the system needs a lot less votes in order to “win” an election.

          I understand moaning about the situation, but doing anything but voting Biden for president in our system is unambiguously helping Trump win.

          • @LazyBane
            011 months ago

            I just think we should hold our political representatives to a higher standard. Trump got in, for a number of cultural reasons I’m told, but a significant contributing factor was because Democrats pushed Hillary Clinton super hard under the assumption that they’d win anyway, and ended up alienating much of the left who didn’t like Hillary who, shockingly, didn’t vote for her.

            Biden’s stance on Israel has likely alienated much of the voter base who has ties to Palestine or at the least are sympathetic to their struggle. I don’t like seeing patterns of loss in the party that’s supposed to be the good guys in the two honestly pretty bad parties.

            • @aesthelete
              111 months ago

              Trump got into office in 2016 because no matter what Republican was put up there it was pretty likely that they’d be elected.

              If we’re going to hold our political representatives to a higher standard, why don’t we start with the party nominating people who attempted to overthrow the government for president?

              Why is it always that every couple of election cycles we have this hand wringing bullshit that helps Republicans get back into the white house?

              I genuinely don’t understand the “leftists” in this country who vanish every four or eight years, and then get engaged in the political process again after four or eight years of a Republican predictably not giving a single shit about any of their thoughts at all. I get not wanting to endorse US involvement in Gaza, but the only viable alternative will pay no mind to not only mowing down civilians in Gaza, but his political opposition here in the US as well.

              Outside of all of the political issues of the day, the vanishing left who is unreliable at voting has done a number on climate change policy over the decades which they seem to pretend matters only every second or third election cycle.

              Republican voters reliably hold their nose and vote to the point where they keep white house control even with the worst possible walking obscenities as candidates. But God forbid a leftist take twenty minutes out of their day and vote for someone who isn’t 100% aligned with their politics.

              The right wing plays the long game while the left wing pisses and moans about politicians being politicians and doesn’t reliably show up to vote, and in the end we all lose.

              • @LazyBane
                011 months ago

                Man, if only there was some kind of like, party representative, whose job is to be the face of the party and their policies in order to motivate people to vote for that party. Oh well, might as well cry about Trump a million times over instead of thinking about how the party could improve it’s own odds of getting elected.

                • @aesthelete
                  11 months ago

                  It’s fine, go and vote for rfk jr. 👍

                  I’m used to the left in this country being a bunch of ineffectual whiny losers awaiting their pie in the sky candidate while some vile Republican monstrosity wins a term in the oval office by promising to fart on every Mexican puppy or whatever.

                  • @LazyBane
                    111 months ago

                    If Republicans wins, doesn’t that make you a “ineffectual whiny loser” too?

    • TheHiddenCatboy
      211 months ago

      Your assertion was that

      …Democrats would have an easier time turning third parties over if they didn’t push a dementia patient…

      Silence7 pointed out that Biden’s State of the Union showed that the 3 years older man had a lot more virility than Trump showed in his Criminal trial.

      So, your point of Biden being an old geezer that couldn’t keep his eyes open, let alone actually articulate himself, is at odds with the facts here, and Silence7 is pointing this truth out to … well, not you, who I suspect has a closed mind who benefits from leftie voters being peeled off from Joe Biden, but at least to people who read you and think the 81 year old is too damn old and let this stupid ear-worm get into their head. Sorry it doesn’t serve your purposes to have people pointing out to you that the dementia patient is the OTHER guy in this election and Biden is spry for being 81 years old, but them’s the facts, and you go to debates with the facts you have, not the ones you wish you had. ;)

      • @[email protected]
        411 months ago

        Oh I’m not writing for the trolls — I’m writing for bystanders to make the point of how awful the trolls are.

      • @LazyBane
        -111 months ago

        Yeah if America was just honest about the political douloploly then merely being better than the worst option would be a valid strategy.

        Unfortunately these pesky third parties seem to provide a better option to part of voterbase, and sadly the poor Democrats still have to compete with them too instead of just settling on being the least mediocre. So sad, so evil.