• The House passed a more than $60 billion bill that provides more military aid to Ukraine.
  • It’s part of a larger foreign aid package that’s likely to pass the Senate and be signed into law.
  • 112 Republicans voted it against — the most ever, and a majority of the GOP conference.

Saturday’s vote marked the first time the House had approved billions of dollars in Ukraine aid since December 2022, when Democrats still controlled the chamber.

In the two years since Russia’s invasion, opposition to aiding Ukraine has grown from a fringe position to a majority view among House GOP lawmakers. Many argue the money should be spent domestically or that policy changes at the US-Mexico border should take precedence.

Here are the 112 House Republicans who voted against the bill.

  • @Filthmontane
    -21511 months ago

    I agree with these 112 morons. We shouldn’t send aid to Ukraine.

    • @I_Has_A_Hat
      11 months ago

      The aid is in the form of outdated, surplus military equipment that was scheduled to be replaced anyways. The alternative is paying a company to dispose of them. So why don’t you want to send this aid to Ukraine where it can be used? The only people that should have any problem with this are those who are busy sucking Putin’s knob.

      • @[email protected]
        2511 months ago

        Or people who don’t know anything about what you said because the media just acts like the bill steals money from us to give to them instead

      • @Filthmontane
        -411 months ago

        A lot of that equipment would’ve just gone back for rework and upgrades. Just because they’re old doesn’t mean they don’t work. That narrative was intended to force the US to by new more expensive hardware instead of repairing what we already have. Now that the old stuff is shipped out there’s a demand for new builds.

        We will only give Ukraine just enough to prolong the war as long as possible. This war means trillions of dollars in sales if it goes on long enough. I bet the US can stretch it up to ten years if they play the same right. And all the while, Ukraine will be bombed to shit, waiting for the US mega corporations to make more money on the reconstruction efforts. They just need to make sure Putin stays in power or the whole scheme falls apart.

        • theprogressivist
          211 months ago

          So your idea is to let Russia steamroll Ukraine in which Ukraine will still be bombed to shit? Yeah you’re a fucking bootlicker.

          • @Filthmontane
            -411 months ago

            The best idea is to force a peace treaty. Tell Putin he can have the land he’s captured if the war ends now. Better to let him take that land than wait until Russian military gets back into Kiev again or other more populous cities in the West. He’ll feel like he’s won and the killing will end. Otherwise there will be no end. Putin will never give up unless the Russian people put his head on a pike. Even if Ukraine somehow manages to push Russian troops back to their borders, the war doesn’t end there and Ukraine isn’t going to conquer Russia.

            • @I_Has_A_Hat
              311 months ago

              Your solution to a tyrant is to… appease the tyrant? Fuck off.

              • @Filthmontane
                111 months ago

                The other solution is Ukraine becoming the next Afghanistan

            • @StinkyOnions
              211 months ago

              I hope your country gets invaded and you use this same diplomacy you’re using for Ukraine. Spineless bitch.

              • @Filthmontane
                -211 months ago

                Well, if my country was being invaded I’d probably just leave. Ukrainians have that ability. It’s not like Palestine where they literally can’t leave.

                  • @Filthmontane
                    -311 months ago

                    Just keep gobbling up that imperialist propaganda. Thinking for yourself is too hard anyways.

      • @[email protected]
        -2511 months ago

        The only people that should have any problem with this are those who are busy sucking Putin’s knob.

        I would like to point out that russia is fine with this war otherwise they wouldn’t have started it. Politicians and government use wars as a tool to get more power and enrich themself which is pretty much what is happening right now too

        • Skua
          2011 months ago

          Russia isn’t necessarily fine with it just because they started it. After all, they seized Crimea back in 2014 and got away with it without a fight. Russia also made a push to capture Ukraine’s government in a matter of days at the start, which they wouldn’t have done if they didn’t think there was a chance of it succeeding. It’s very possible that Russia expected this to be over quickly and based its decision on that expectation

          • @[email protected]
            -1911 months ago

            If they are able to bribe 112 US government figures i believe they also weighted in the option that the invasion of a full ass country they have been at war since 2014 could have last more than 3 days

      • @Filthmontane
        -411 months ago

        The US has no intention of ending the war. They want Ukraine to be the next forever war to drive the military industrial complex

    • @[email protected]
      2711 months ago

      Exactly what a Russian bot would say.

      But you also like to push Chinese interests, don’t you?

      • @Filthmontane
        -311 months ago

        Whoa, you caught me. I’m a Russian bot.

    • Diplomjodler
      1611 months ago

      And what do you think will happen if Putin wins in Ukraine?

      • NoLifeGaming
        -2011 months ago

        He already is winning. Look at a map of controlled areas by Russia vs ukraine. Watch analysis by Scott Ritter and John mersheimer.

        • Diplomjodler
          11 months ago

          Actually I’d prefer analysis based in reality, not some far right fantasy.

          • NoLifeGaming
            -1611 months ago

            Your classification of them as far right says everything about your ignorance. Is everyone who doesn’t agree with you far right? Did you know that both soctt and John consider what’s going in palestine a genocide? Or can you not comprehend nuance and just like to stay in an echo chamber where you feel validated with your beliefs?

            • @nyctre
              311 months ago

              Nah, they’re not far right. One’s a sex offender and the other spews Putin’s words as truths, despite evidence to the contrary. Facts keep changing, yet mearsheimer’s “beliefs” do not. To him Putin isn’t an imperialist dictator despite the fact that he keeps annexing more and more land to russia by invading sovereign countries and has been “president” for over 2 decades while his opponents keep falling out of windows and such. 2014 was a coup, obviously, because Ukrainians couldn’t possibly be opposed to getting closer to Russia, etc, etc.


        • @alienanimals
          11 months ago

          Putin thought he would take Ukraine in a matter of days. It’s been years.

          The ruble has been hit hard by all the sanctions. The Russian economy has been weakened to divert funds to a war inept Russia can’t even finish. Russia’s infrastructure and money-producing assets like their oil refineries and rail yards are being attacked by Ukrainians as well as partisans within Russia.

          Are Russians killing a lot of Ukrainians? Sure, but they’ve made a laughable amount of progress in Ukraine over the years. Look at the Black Sea fleet numbers. Ultimately Putin is fucking over Russia for a war he can’t finish.

    • @avater
      11 months ago

      and why do you agree and join those morons?

      • @Filthmontane
        -211 months ago

        They’re right for all the wrong reasons. They just support Russia. I just don’t support Ukraine becoming the next forever war.

    • @[email protected]
      1011 months ago

      Your post history shows you are intelligent and articulate. I feel that, geopolitically, that is a self-destructive act for our country over time. Why do you feel it’s a bad idea?

      • @Filthmontane
        -211 months ago

        Because the US has no intention of saving Ukraine. The intent is for the war to go on as long as possible so we can continue making a shitload of money on selling weapons. As soon as it’s no longer profitable we’ll let Russia roll over Ukraine.