So I have balls and yeah they’re the first thing on my body to start to smell. I can skip a shower if I’m in a hurry and I don’t smell much. That’s with working a job that’s usually physical. I was a punk kid fucking punk girls when I was younger and we didn’t bathe every day. I didn’t notice much smell then.

Now I see these ads regularly that are like hey women you stink after 12 hrs 5/10. What’s up?

  • Victor
    11 months ago

    Your balls start to smell first? Wonder why. Inadequate wiping? My armpits will start to go musky after about 4 days in the same clothes. That’s my first thing to go. 🤷‍♂️

    • SaltySalamander
      2211 months ago

      My armpits will start to go musky after about 4 days in the same clothes

      Why the fuck are you wearing the same clothes for 4 fucking days? The only profession in which that is remotely acceptable is if you’re on the front fucking line of a warzone, fighting for your life.

      • Victor
        11 months ago

        Relax bud. I sit still most days. Web developer. Half the week I work from home. Usually wear the same clothes for about a week. Not socks or underwear though, change those almost every day. T-shirt normally change after 2-3 days. 👍 Shower about 2-3 times per week. I use Aleppo soap. It keeps you clean for much longer, too.

        lol, so worked up about it, too. You okay?

        • @MutilationWaveOP
          1111 months ago

          The guy who suggested I don’t wipe my ass properly everyone!

          • Victor
            11 months ago

            Wow, you’re ganging up on me, too?

            It wasn’t like I was accusing you, I was just curious.

            • @Dkarma
              111 months ago

              Removed by mod

              • Victor
                011 months ago

                I was not talking to you. Go away, troll. Go back to Reddit. Blocked.

        • Porto881
          811 months ago

          The other dude might’ve overreacted, but you gotta change your clothes every day. If you wait until you start noticing you stink, everyone else around you noticed days ago.

          • Victor
            11 months ago

            No I don’t, every day would be insane. We’d be running the washer non-stop if everyone in the family did that. I am very aware of my smell, I check it every day, and my wife will let me know if I start smelling (at which point I already know way before her anyway, but just didn’t have time or energy to shower yet (two kids after all)).

            People are overreacting about this, holy hell. Folks, everyone’s chemistry can be different. Everyone’s energy expenditure and temperature during the day can be different. I am not you. I don’t sweat much or start to smell at all during the week, unless I don’t change my clothes or shower for about 4 days. But I do change my clothes and shower more often than that. So there’s no problem here for anyone to fix(!).

            I appreciate everyone’s concern and everything but please get off my back now lol.

            Edit: people down voting because they’re jealous of my easy hygiene? Or what is going on? I’m just lucky in combination with some good hygiene routine choices. That’s it.

            • SaltySalamander
              611 months ago

              at which point I already know way before her anyway

              You actually don’t. Or your wife is accustomed to your smell too, which is probably the case.

              • Victor
                -111 months ago

                I can tell before her, because I’ll say I stink and she won’t agree. I’ve also asked my mother if she thinks I ever smell bad – never (as an adult), she says. I asked her because she asked me, as well, for this very reason (being too accustomed to your own smell, as she lives alone). She doesn’t smell either, and uses no products when she showers, just her own natural ingredients soap mix. It might be genetic, that we don’t produce much odour. I don’t f-ing know lol. All I know is my own situation, and everyone here seems to think we are all the same and alike, but humans are very different sometimes. Deal with it.


                • @Dkarma
                  111 months ago


                  Incel of the week here ☝️

                  Literally “mommy says I don’t stink”.

                  Holy shit.

                  • Victor
                    11 months ago

                    Okay dickhead, I have a wife and two children… I thought I left Reddit not to bump into people like you.

                    The fact that she’s my mother had nothing to do with it. She’d tell me if I did. I’d tell her if she did. What’s your point?

        • @[email protected]
          311 months ago

          As someone who also works from home as a software Dev, shower more often and change shirts more often. You stink.

          • Victor
            11 months ago

            Another one who can’t grasp the fact that bodies are different. I expected more from a fellow dev. Shame. 🫤

            You do realize I shower more often than 4 days, right? That’s what I’ve been saying all over this thread, that after 4 days is when I do start to stink a little bit. 👍

            • @[email protected]
              111 months ago

              Nah breh ive worked with people like you too often. Theres always one on the team that fuckin stinks because they think “bodies are different”. Thank god I work remote so I never have to sit by people like you ever again.

              • Victor
                -111 months ago

                Keep talking to me like you’ve met me before…

                I don’t stink. I shower way before I start to stink. I told you, all of you, I start to stink a little bit at day 4, but I shower about every other day, at the gym twice a week and at home during the weekend. It all amounts to no hygiene issues. I am also very thorough with my junk after peeing and no. 2. I wipe with paper and wash with water if I can’t get it perfectly clean. You don’t know shit about my hygiene so leave me alone. Prejudiced jerk.

      • Victor
        311 months ago

        You don’t stand on all fours while shitting? No wonder your balls aren’t getting a share of that shit.

      • @[email protected]
        311 months ago

        You don’t produce as much oil when you shower less which is what the smelliest bacteria consume.

        • Victor
          211 months ago

          Exactly. I started showering less often but with more naturally oily soaps (Aleppo soap mainly) and I don’t need to shower as often since a few years back now. Feels much better. Less stress, better hygiene, no such problems, no itching anywhere, no nothing.

          • @[email protected]
            111 months ago

            Must not live in a very humid area, 4 days wouldn’t fly here for anyone that goes outside at all

            • Victor
              111 months ago

              It’s not very humid in the winter, no. Far in the northern hemisphere, here. Farther than 63° North. So very dry air during the winters. I guess I do shower a bit more seldom in the winter. That’s probably true.

            • HubertManne
              111 months ago

              Humid or or not I find 4 is doable but 3 is more ideal but only if I don’t do any strenuous activity. If I do then I pretty much like to shower it all off.

              • Victor
                111 months ago

                And this is exactly what is happening with me. I don’t actually wait until 4 days, because if I do I start to smell. People in this thread are confused about that and down voting according to their confusion lol.

                • HubertManne
                  111 months ago

                  I actually do sunday and wednesday nights so go the four but its the end of the weekend when I can sorta afford it. Its not like I stink to high heaven. I can just sorta tell that really 3 is the sweet spot.

                  • Victor
                    11 months ago

                    Exactly the same for me. 👍 Apart from the days of the week. 🙂

      • Victor
        111 months ago

        I can tell when I do smell. I can also sense my deodorant until I start to smell. So nothing wrong with my sense of smell. It’s actually quite sensitive. I’m just very clean, I suppose. I don’t sweat much when I move a lot. 🤷‍♂️

    • @MutilationWaveOP
      611 months ago

      I’m 40 years old and my balls are quite long. Different body bacteria maybe? I shower after I shit so it’s got nothing to do with wiping.

      • Victor
        411 months ago

        I shower after I shit

        Like, a bidet? Or a full-blown no-clothes shower?

          • @MutilationWaveOP
            411 months ago

            I uh… slip my pants down and uhh.

            Nah I am very regular and it’s rare for me not to take a FULLY NAKED FULL BODY shower shortly after I shit.

            • Victor
              11 months ago


              ^That ^was ^all ^I ^needed.

            • @[email protected]
              11 months ago

              Well “regular” is relative. And you don’t sound regular. You sound very ir -regular. In that it’s normal for you to shower after you shit. (Jk I knew what you meant).

              Why don’t you get a bidet? You’d save so much water.

          • Victor
            111 months ago

            Research 😏

              • Victor
                111 months ago

                Depends, in all honesty. Temperature and how late I am into exercise e.g. Anywhere from 3-7 cm maybe?

        • @MutilationWaveOP
          311 months ago

          If I have to shit at work I must be sick. I haven’t shit at work in years. I shit once a day in the morning. I eat a lot of fiber.

          • Victor
            111 months ago

            Wow. I’m envious. I shit like three-four times a day (morning after waking up, possibly after breakfast, after lunch, after dinner). And I don’t eat a lot of fiber. 😭 At least it’s a proper texture, otherwise my asshole would be in trouble.

              • Victor
                111 months ago

                What could be wrong? I feel fine. Poo comes out perfectly normal consistency. 🤷‍♂️

        • Victor
          11 months ago

          😂 bro, didn’t even think about that. They probably don’t, eh.

          Edit: I meant they probably don’t poo at work. Not that they don’t work.

    • @[email protected]
      611 months ago

      I have a really good sense of smell; trust me, you smell after one day and just can’t smell it yourself until day four. I’m sorry if this comes as a surprise.

      • Victor
        211 months ago

        Asked my friend today if I smell, a day after I showered. And I did some pretty rigorous activities today as well. They agreed to smell me, but said I don’t smell.

        What now? Trust your smell, when you have never smelled me? You’re just as full of shit as everyone in this thread replying to me. Not because I’m saying you don’t have a good sense of smell. I bet you do, and I bet you can smell people who do smell bad. But I don’t smell bad. Deal with it. I’m really starting to think it’s a jealousy thing here. People can’t accept that I have good hygiene for some absolutely fucking absurd reason.

      • Victor
        011 months ago
