• @[email protected]
    1910 months ago

    All MS want to produce are sequels to their tired franchises. Does anyone even buy Halo anymore?

    • Cyborganism
      310 months ago

      Halo wasn’t even all that great to be honest. It was popular because it was an accessible, easy to play FPS on a console during a time when those types of games were mostly played on PC.

        • @[email protected]
          510 months ago

          Mine personally is that all past Reach were garbage, I’ll never forgive what 4 did to the lore, humanity being around and a spacefaring race back when the forerunners were was fucking stupid

          • g0d0fm15ch13f
            410 months ago

            What if I told you that 343 didn’t make that decision. Ever wonder why Guilty Spark called Master Chief reclaimer? Though I agree with your point, 4 was the last halo game I bought.

            • @[email protected]
              110 months ago

              All of the lore snippets we got before 4 kind of hinted that Humanity was chosen as the next tech bearer because they were on the verge of a sentience level that the rings would exterminate, but not fully there yet, the fact that the forerunners would choose to pass the mantle on to a race they were actively at war with INSTEAD OF SAVING THEIR OWN RACE, is BEYOND stupid

        • @Zehzin
          210 months ago

          I have a similar bad take as OP about Goldeneye 64 tbh

          • @[email protected]
            210 months ago

            goldeneye 64 was pretty innovative even compared to its pc competition at the time. It suffered from performance issues, but the xbla remake or just good emulator settings fix that and really make it shine

        • Cyborganism
          210 months ago

          I disagree. Half Life was top dog back then with Counter Strike, and Unreal Tournament and Quake arena for the multiplayer arena fps genre.

          I found Halo’s level design pretty boring and repetitive. The story wasn’t appealing to me either. I didn’t like the American-like militarism aspect. Especially in that post-9/11 period.

            • @[email protected]
              110 months ago

              Crazy take. Op was right that halo basically made fps more accessible for console players- that along with great storytelling is its real legacy. At the time, if you wanted the most out of fps games, you’d buy a PC and pick up a copy of Half-Life from a store, find an update off a shady ftp, then after install you’d have access to tons of mods giving you access to an array of truly unique experiences. Fps weren’t really made for console at the time and lacked a lot of usability (I.e. aim assist was not well developed, games were way faster and also more difficult for console controls). Counter-strike paved the way with TAC shooters and streamlining fps, but again you needed Half-Life and the retail port didn’t come until 2003. Halo brought a console first experience with casual play in mind, most notable: low gravity for easier positioning and easier to shoot players, spawning with a decent weapon so you weren’t outclassed off spawn, limited you to carrying only two weapons for easier weapon management, slow movement, and regen so you didn’t have to chase health packs. This wouldn’t be complete without me actually saying what Halo was good for- Notable innovations were obviously its physics and graphics engine, extensive user input assistance (aim assist and movement assist), use of vehicles (other games were clunky and there was little to do other than drive from one point to the next), story telling, sophisticated AI, and system link. To call halo some sort of Renaissance game that vitalized a dead genre is so very weird- you do realize this was the time of Counter-strike, team fortress, unreal tournament, quake, tribes, alien vs predator… Esports was growing with CPL and ESWC, both with majority fps-only titles. I can only assume you were not alive to experience it.

                • @[email protected]
                  110 months ago

                  You are free to discuss all the stuff you thought that made the title as great as you thought it was. I clearly elaborated on why I thought it wasn’t a genre defining fps but your comments were all about you claiming halo is great but not really saying why or how. Did you even try to explain what parts of the game were so revolutionary? Notice you wrote 4 paragraphs but didn’t mention a single aspect of the game that stood out against what was in the market at the time. You also claimed I disparaged “casuals” when I clearly talked about features that made the game easier to pick up on console (you know, the market they were targeting) compared to what was the norm. You called the genre dead and I elaborated why it wasn’t and what it was up against, and to be clear, you claimed the entirety of fps as a genre was dead. Not adding the millions of pc users seems weird when it is alive in that market (and many new games being produced are proof the market had growth). What do you consider widespread usage? How do you know Halo set the benchmark and not Counter-strike or team fortress or… maybe gaming in general was just growing and it was along for the ride? Or maybe it was marketing that put it on the map? You may as well have claimed no fps existed until halo. Do you think moba as a genre is dead? Moba dwarfs other genres in viewers but it is largely pc. For console fps, i would argue goldeneye set the standard in the late 90s with its good controls, split screen multiplayer, and memorable campaign. If we’re talking gameplay trends clearly more tac-like shooters based on cod and counter-strike flourished. Also I recognize esports as relatively niche but you’d also need to realize it’s the 2000s and recognition of esports at all is a big achievement in terms of gaming becoming mainstream. Gaming was stigmatized for a long time and the idea of competing in it for money was a breakthrough.

                  All that said, if you want to continue I don’t care. It would’ve been nice to hear what parts of the game changed the genre but if you prefer zero substance comments I’m done here

      • @[email protected]
        310 months ago

        Halo under Bungie was pretty damn good.

        They were unique for that OG Xbox era of consoles, and although there were a lot of great games on the PS2, the one thing they sorely lacked was a really good FPS. Timesplitters was close, but Halo was where FPS first felt designed for a controller. The level design was on point as well, things like The Silent Cartographer still hold up now. It wasn’t just a series of corridors.

        Other devs cracked it by the next gen, notably Infinity Ward, but back in that generation Halo stood alone.

      • CynicalStoic
        210 months ago

        Totally agree! I remember being shuttled to the demo XBox by a GameStop employee who was fawning over the first Halo and I was not impressed having just finished Half Life 2

      • @AProfessional
        10 months ago

        The Halo remasters are a very reasonable price…?

        $40 for 5 games, regularly on sale for less (low of $10).

          • @AProfessional
            510 months ago

            Couch coop works fine in the remasters. Halo Infinite lacked it.

              • @AProfessional
                410 months ago

                Yeah I think I got it for $20 and played through 3 games couch coop. So thats why I was taken aback by the comment :P

              • @[email protected]
                10 months ago

                Honestly it’s worth spending the money on. Any bad talk about bugs and whatnot have been resolved for awhile now. The biggest price to pay is hard drive space.

                A buddy and I did co op in different states for the whole series starting with Reach and it was a blast

      • mynachmadarch
        210 months ago

        There are dozens of us! Dozens!

        Halo’s problem with both 5 and Infinite seems to be the game eventually reaches a great point, but by then everyone has left for the most part, and with it having happened twice they’re going to struggle getting people back for Infinite 2: Reclaimer Boogaloo or whatever they name it. Just give those passionate devs a longer leash and let them cook please.

    • @morphballganon
      010 months ago

      I lost interest around Halo 4. Making Cortana and Dr. Halsey turn into villains was dumb. Also, 4’s forge mode was inferior to Reach’s. Also, 4’s environments were too bland, monotonous and grey. The earlier games worked in part due to the aesthetic variance from one level to the next.