cross-posted from:

“A group of Republican lawmakers introduced a bill on Wednesday which would send “any person convicted of unlawful activity” at a college or university, to do community service in Gaza for six months.”

“Strangely, the bill appears to refer to any “unlawful activity on the campus of an institution of higher education beginning on and after October 7, 2023” but does not specifically mention the ongoing student protests, rendering it stupidly broad.”

"Ogles spoke with Fox News about the bill, saying that, “If you support a terrorist organization, and you participate in unlawful activity on campuses, you should get a taste of your own medicine. I am going to bet that these pro-Hamas supporters wouldn’t last a day, but let’s give them the opportunity.”

  • @[email protected]
    13410 months ago

    Remember folks, a protest vote against Biden just puts us one step closer to fuckery like this actually happening.

    • @Linkerbaan
      -13410 months ago

      And a vote for Biden does nothing to change it since Biden is already Gestapo ing the students.

      • @[email protected]
        5810 months ago

        We live in a 2-Party system. Let me guess: You already vote, donate, and volunteer to abolish it, and are leading a grassroots effort for voting reform… Right!?

        • @Linkerbaan
          10 months ago

          You only live in 2 party system because you keep screaming that you live in a 2 party system.

          Keep endorsing your own oppression. The perfect slave.

          • @Olgratin_Magmatoe
            3610 months ago

            You only live in 2 party system because you keep screaming that you live in a 2 party system.

            No, we have a 2 party system because the existing law is inherently biased against 3rd parties thanks to our use of the electoral college/FPTP, lobbying, and lack of election finance regulation/enforcement.

            It is a built in feature to our current laws.

          • @BassTurd
            3110 months ago

            Maybe learn how the world works. It could help you in life, because clearly, you’re not even close to reality .

            • @Linkerbaan
              -4910 months ago

              Man who says we need to continue doing what has been done for the last 100 years claims this time it’s gonna be different.

              • @[email protected]
                2810 months ago

                I don’t know, man. I used to vote nothing but third party, yet here we are. So I kinda feel like the third party voters are the ones who keep doing the same thing and expecting different outcomes. Ross Perot was a character, though. But of course he still lost anyway and my vote did fuck all. Until Fascism is back out of fashion, I’m going to vote straight ticket dem. Eliminate the existential threat and then we can worry about the little stuff.

                • @disguy_ovahea
                  10 months ago

                  I can relate. I voted for Nader when Bush stole the election in 2000. I spent that entire term wondering how much better Gore would’ve handled 9/11 response and retaliation. It was the last time I let my vote go uncounted.

                  Being registered as Independent or Green Party is practically disenfranchisement. Now I periodically change my registration from Democrat to Republican, depending on which primaries I’m more interested in participating in.

                • @[email protected]
                  -110 months ago

                  and then we can worry about the little stuff.

                  Genocide, Climate catastrophe, Internment Camps at the Border, Police and state racism… All the little stuff.

                  Instead of holding the Dems accountable and offering them to win you back by actually adressing issues, you give them a free pass not to adress any issue you care about. They care about losing power. They don’t care about what you want. Threatening to take away their power is the only thing that makes them listen to you.

                  • Putting Trump in charge doesn’t hold Democrats accountable. It would move them further to the right, which is the exact opposite of you want. They don’t care about disinterested non-voters, they only care about courting those that do show up to vote.

                    Change needs to come from within. Organize within the DNC. Primary their candidates. That’s how you get people like AOC elected. Once the primaries are over, there’s no shot at moving them further left.

                  • @[email protected]
                    210 months ago

                    As a gay man, let me make it clear: letting non-Democrats get into power does not do anything to hurt the politicians and does everything to empower those who would have me and people like me in the LGBTQ+ community dead. A vote that puts Trump in power - whether directly or indirectly - is a vote for the continued genocide of American minorities.

              • @stoly
                710 months ago

                247 years.

          • @[email protected]
            10 months ago

            A two party system is the natural result of the American voting system. A first past the post voting system will always eventually lead to a two party system. If you want to avoid that eventuality, you need to use a different voting system.

            • @stoly
              1210 months ago

              Notable that the founders didn’t think there would be parties. That was naive and they would have gone about it differently if they knew better.

          • @stoly
            1610 months ago

            lol you should work to change the world. That starts with understanding how it works

          • @[email protected]
            1310 months ago

            So, no. You do nothing to improve the world and are just angrily yelling into the void… Thanks, adult toddler.

          • @barsquid
            1210 months ago

            A child’s take on game theory.

            I wonder what you would say after looking up how many third party candidates successfully gained enough EC votes to be president?

            • @eran_morad
              310 months ago

              Can’t win an argument with a fucktard.

            • @[email protected]
              010 months ago

              Biden still runs internment camps at the border. Biden builds the wall that Trump was ridiculed for by the Dem supporters. Guantanamo is still open…

              You play this game one round at a time. They play this game ten rounds ahead. And that is why you lose every round, thinking you had won it.

              • @barsquid
                110 months ago

                Thanks for the thoughts, bothsideser.

                  • @barsquid
                    010 months ago

                    It is boring correcting, over and over, things which redcaps have deliberately distorted.

                    “Why did Biden obey the law with money that was already allocated to the border wall prior to his administration? Both sides.”

                    “Why did Obama only release like 200 Gitmo prisoners instead of all? Shouldn’t he have put the remaining 50 directly into US cities so he could close it all the way? Both sides.”


          • Cethin
            810 months ago

            Engels said, in a letter to Marx, the US “[c]onstitution…which makes it appear as though every vote were lost that is cast for a candidate not put up by one of the two governing parties.” (Engels to Frederick Adolph Sorge, December 2, 1893, in Marx and Engels on the United States (Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1979), p. 333.)

            We need to work to change things, but this is not new, and you are not smart for thinking that you have moved past it. Sure, if everyone agreed to vote for a single third party, it could happen. That’s not going to happen though, at least for the president. Even people voting third party can’t really agree on which one, diluting votes even further. Third party may work for some local elections, but not the president. Not yet at least.

            • @barsquid
              210 months ago

              From the table on Wikipedia, the record by percentage of EC votes is 24% (72/303) in 1860. By a former VP, not a Jill Stein.

              Splitting the vote in PA that year made Lincoln’s win a certainty. Nice that a spoiler candidate worked against the pro-slavery regressives of the era.

              Their party split when the national convention didn’t agree they’d abide by the SCOTUS ruling on States’ Rights, LOL, absolute shitheads. And then they also did an insurrection.

            • @[email protected]
              110 months ago

              Sure, if everyone agreed to vote for a single third party, it could happen. That’s not going to happen though

              And by repeating this mantra you protect the system and the systems parties against change. From a mass psychological point this is brilliant and the same play that the Sovjet Union and other regimes played and play. Break peoples spirit so they defend their own opression as they cannot envision anything outside of it.