fuck you
yesNow remind me I’m supposed to schedule a prostate exam.
Dude what are you talking about, it was still here less than 15 years ago. The Nintendo Wii literally had an ATI GPU
I hate to break it to you but the Wii came out 17 years ago
It came out in 2006, but production didn’t stop until 2013. There is still a very active homebrew and modding community out there.
Not that much time
How about
Oh come on that’s not even that old
Looks at release date
I was 9 when they were released lol
Does your back and knees hurt?
Back/neck mostly, but all the time lol.
Oh I had that one it was great
I’m 30 and my back hurts. Has done for 8+ years. So this could apply to anyone ~22 or over in my experience.
Well most people wouldn’t really know the name of a company like that until they were 15 or so, and 30 is when the back pain really starts to hit so it seems pretty accurate.
Do you mean this?
Yes, anyone over 30 is super old omg lol. I can’t even imagine how horrible it must be!
Is ATI not still around? I thought I still saw Radeon GPUs pretty regularly, no?
They got bought up by AMD and their mobile GPU division got bought by qualcom.
Adreno is an anagram of Radeon
Oh shit til
And now Samsung and AMD are developing mobile GPUs lol
AMD bought ATI a while ago. The ATI brand hasn’t existed for about as long but AMD kept branding their GPUs with Radeon
So every GameCube owner? Since the GC has a “Graphics by ATi” sticker on the front.
The wii had that as well
i would have went with this rule
I would have gone with the Antikythera Mechanism myself
or this tbh
Ooh that’s a good one. Ow owie my powdered urned kneecaps
I learned to program on a CoCo3 that was hooked to a 13" CRT as a monitor.
Athlon64 days!
Slot A Athlon’s
they do, but for the reasons you think ;)
I love being 46 and in relatively good health. I remember ATI and nothing aches (งツ)ว
Fuck you, I wish you a continued long and healthy life ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)
ATI 9800 pro held a special place in my heart. If I remember correctly it’s what I played half life 2 on.
IIRC that was the ideal GPU to play Half-life 2. My 9700m could not keep up. I was only 16 at the time, so I fell for the lies from the DELL salesman when I was buying my first gaming machine for that game. He told me that mobile GPUs are almost as good as desktop GPUs, and that the 9700m was almost as good as the 9800 desktop card. It was not.
Barely got 30 FPS on medium, and I couldn’t run it at the laptop’s native resolution of 1900x1200. Had to settle for 1280x800 and the crappy upscaling of the time.
I worked my ass off an entire summer for that stupid brick of a laptop (it was a first gen XPS, BTW), and it couldn’t even do 60 FPS in the latest games. I was betrayed so hard by that purchase that I learned how to build my own PCs so I’d never have to settle for an overpriced “gaming” laptop ever again.
Oh jeez. Fuck that salesman. :( That’s an awful thing to do to a kid. Money comes so hard at that age.
I had a self build and a decent CRT at the time so scaling wasn’t an issue but I remember how horrible it was in those days on LCDs. It actually put me off moving from the CRT for a long time.
I definitely overclocked that card and it was really good for that even on the stock cooler but I do vaguely remember it struggling with HL2. I can’t remember what CPU I had so that could have been the bottleneck.
I remember the Voodoo brand cards, so not only do my back and knees hurt, but I should probably start getting my prostate checked.
FUCK YOU, also yes :(
FFS. My first GPU was an ATI 9250. My knees are fine thank you!
Mid 40s and the two weeks my buddy lent me his voodoo 2, which was CPU-INDEPENDENT, were some of the best times I had playing FF7 on my DX4. I should have my prostate checked.