I dont own the shitty fish Taco, you posting it was fine I’m glad you liked it enough to crosspost!

    • @[email protected]
      39 months ago

      I can’t officially put a Creative Commons on most of my memes. But my memes are fine to share. If I feel particularly proud I put a watermark in it. Not because I want people to think “oh that meme is stolen.” But I want people to know it was my doing.

  • @[email protected]
    229 months ago

    The only memes anyone truly “owns” are the ones that never get posted, like that stockpile of overly angsty and unrelatable rage comics I made back in the early 2010s. But then, is a meme that never gets posted even a meme at all?

  • @Starkstruck
    169 months ago

    To have your meme be “stolen” is to know you have created something worth sharing

  • @Nihilore
    109 months ago

    “Stealing” a meme is oxymoronic

  • @[email protected]
    49 months ago

    complete free meme access to everyone EXCEPT for the clout demons who run instagram pages and slap a shitty watermark on other people’s work

  • @[email protected]
    29 months ago
    CW Politics

    This is the mindset behind communism. It’s easy to feel this way when you take away the need to make a profit off your labor. You get to be happy for the appreciation of your work and not worry about possible income being stolen. Life is happier when money doesn’t exist.

  • @Mango
    29 months ago

    I’m the guy who coined the phrase “if buying isn’t owning then pirating isn’t stealing” and don’t really get credit due to the nature of it. I’m still heckin ecstatic to see it all over the place!

    19 months ago

    big Joe Pera energy