Sen. John Fetterman (D-Pa.) said in an interview that aired Sunday that he believed opening up to the public about his mental health struggles earlier this year would negatively impact his career.

In an interview with NBC’s Kristen Welker on “Meet the Press,” Fetterman opened up about his battle with clinical depression earlier this year and urged those facing mental health issues to seek help. He said that for the first couple of weeks while being treated for depression at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, he felt scared about sharing his experiences publicly.

  • Ghostalmedia
    619 months ago

    Looking at this comment thread, everyone seems pretty quick to completely write off someone they generally agree with simply because they don’t agree with that person on one or two other issues.

    Yeah, I don’t agree with his stance on the Israeli / Hamas war, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t want to encourage people to support destigmatizing very a common mental health issue that 1 out of 10 people have.

    Hell, I have loved ones that I generally agree with politically that think Hamas’ atrocities and crimes justify going even lower in response. I don’t agree with them about that issue, but I’m not going to go nuclear on them about it. I’m still going to bond with them over common ground.

      • @[email protected]
        9 months ago

        When you’re citing the nypost about dems, you’re really really reaching to stir shit up. The post is an even more out there Murdoch rag.

        Liberal infighting only benefits the rich and republicans and they love to incite it.

        • @[email protected]
          49 months ago

          The site sucks but it’s true. Bro ran on progressive issues then outright said “jk I’m not a progressive.” fuck em. 🤷

        • @theparadox
          19 months ago

          I could have cited another source but this one had many more examples than others I glanced at. I’d rather avoid the post but Fetterman is kinda shitty for a lot more reasons than Israel. I’m annoyed that everyone is acting like it’s the one reason people are upset with him.

          Dude either faked being progressive for the votes or he bailed on his ideals for one reason or another. Either way, he’s a dick. I’d still prefer him over Oz or virtually any Republican willing to tow the party line though.

    • @[email protected]
      59 months ago

      It’s the biggest problem in today’s politics. People are willing to vote against their interests because of single issues.

      You have one candidate that meets 90/100 criteria but because they aren’t absolutely perfect they instead don’t vote for them again or they vote for the next guy who instead only meets 80 of the 100 criteria just out of spite for the first guy not being perfect.

      Then they get mad at that guy and vote for the next guy who only meets 75 of the 100. So on and so forth until the unicorn of a candidate which meets 90 of 100 finally pops up again like 40 years later.

      • @abbotsbury
        359 months ago

        Hive mind is when people disagree with me

        • @Godric
          39 months ago

          Me: Watching the negative votes steadily tick down for someone daring to criticize the existence of a Lemming hivemind ^^^

          • @[email protected]
            19 months ago

            People get downvotes for “criticizing the hivemind” because its a dumbass thing to claim and cry about. It was just as dumb a thing to blame on reddit, and it makes you sound like some loser who was kicked off 4chan.

      • @hark
        109 months ago

        Every site with an upvote/downvote system will be a hivemind to an extent. You only think it’s more of a hivemind here because reddit aligns more with your beliefs.

        • @hydrospanner
          09 months ago

          Nah, Lemmy seems to have both a much more specific and narrow range of acceptable beliefs as well as much less tolerance for the sharing of any view even a little outside that range.

          At least in my experience. Wouldn’t want to presume to speak for anyone else.

          • @hark
            49 months ago

            I was never a reddit user but I have browsed some subreddits from time to time. On economic matters, people seem to overwhelmingly be drinking the neoliberal kool-aid, at least on the economic-focused subreddits. On politics, it seems mainly democrat central and anyone either to the left or right of that gets attacked. Reddit has the advantage of having way more users, but the biases are still there.

  • stopthatgirl7
    9 months ago

    It’s not the speaking about mental health that will be the end of his career. It’s the bullheaded support of an ongoing genocide that will do it.

    Him speaking so openly about his mental health was the one thing he had going for him in my mind, tbh. I’ve side eyed him ever since finding out he liked a shotgun on a Black man out for a jog, just because Fetterman thought he heard gunshots, and assumed the Black man out for a jog must be a criminal running away.

  • @WidowsFavoriteSon
    329 months ago

    At this point in time, the only conclusion I can draw is that most of the people on Lemmy have the political maturity of a 13 year old.

    • @Ensign_Crab
      39 months ago

      Anyone who still shows signs of having a conscience must be younger than me and therefore wrong.

      • @Godric
        69 months ago

        Anyone who disagrees with me has no conscience and is therefore wrong

        See? I also threw a strawman reply, so now you look like a jagoff! What a great contribution we have both made to the thread, let’s keep at it /s

        • @Ensign_Crab
          59 months ago

          If we’re talking about funding genocide, I’m against it. I’m comfortable with the assertion that those who disagree with me on the subject have no conscience. If you want to dispute that, do so directly, and I’ll gladly have that conversation.

          • @Godric
            -49 months ago

            I also believe my viewpoint is objectively right, and anyone who disagrees with me must support genocide. I’m also very comfy thinking people who disagree with me must be by definition incapable of empathy. If you disagree with this assessment, please list your points directly and I’ll explain how I am righteous and you are a very bad no good sinner ;)

            • @[email protected]
              59 months ago

              This isnt a “hypothetical genocide,” this guy literally is supporting israeli slaughter of palestinians.

              As in, openly states his political stance of being pro israel. Not a hypothetical.

            • @Ensign_Crab
              59 months ago

              Genocide is wrong. You’re mocking me for saying so. Ok. Says more about you than it does me.

              • @vxx
                9 months ago

                Lemmy’s favourite source seems to be Qatar state media, so what do you expect?

    • @[email protected]
      -19 months ago

      It’s very obvious after spending like 10 min on Lemmy. No one in the real world listens to these bullshit takes.

    • @fathog
      89 months ago

      Or he knows that he’ll likely get primaried if he changes his stance? Money runs politics in more ways than one

  • Flying Squid
    9 months ago

    Instead he continued on into a career that allowed him say all kinds of atrocious things in support of Israel.

    Still better than Dr. Oz would have been though.

    For all the people downvoting me:

    Asked if he was surprised that so many on the left disagree with him on Israel, Fetterman responded, “I mean, of course, I expected that there will always be a diversity of opinions and that as long as things go that the Democratic caucus might splinter more.

    "I would be the last man standing to be absolutely there on the Israeli side on this with no conditions.” He continues, “I grieve, and it’s awful the incredible civilian deaths and the suffering. It is awful. War is hell, as they say. But only one side has used civilians as human shields. Only one side has broken the ceasefires. Only one side will systematically rape, torture, and mutilate Israeli women and girls in the most unspeakable, awful ways. … Without destroying Hamas, there will be no enduring peace and a stable, two-state solution.”

    “If not for the horrific attacks by Hamas terrorists, thousands of innocent Israelis and Palestinians would still be alive today,” Fetterman wrote on Wednesday.

    “Now is not the time to talk about a ceasefire. We must support Israel in efforts to eliminate the Hamas terrorists who slaughtered innocent men, women, and children,” he went on.

    “Hamas does not want peace, they want to destroy Israel. We can talk about a ceasefire after Hamas is neutralized,” the senator added.

    • @[email protected]
      9 months ago

      I mean, the things he’s saying aren’t atrocious, you just don’t like or agree with them.

      • Flying Squid
        369 months ago

        "I would be the last man standing to be absolutely there on the Israeli side on this with no conditions.”

        That sounds pretty atrocious to me. No conditions means “even if they plan to slaughter every last Palestinian child.”

        But only one side has used civilians as human shields. Only one side has broken the ceasefires. Only one side will systematically rape, torture, and mutilate Israeli women and girls in the most unspeakable, awful ways.

        This, meanwhile, is an atrocious lie. Because Israel and the IDF have been found guilty of all of those things. It is an atrocious lie, not just a lie, because it ignores all of the horrific things Israel has done since he wants to be the “last man standing on the Israeli side”

        If not for the horrific attacks by Hamas terrorists, thousands of innocent Israelis and Palestinians would still be alive today

        This is atrocious because it puts the responsibility of taking the lives of thousands of Palestinians out of the IDF’s hands and entirely in Hamas’ hands, suggesting that Israel is innocent of killing Palestinians.

        We can talk about a ceasefire after Hamas is neutralized,

        And if you can’t see why this is atrocious, unless you’re just unaware that thousands of children have been killed in the very short timespan of this war, I don’t even know how to help you.

        • Adub
          -199 months ago

          That sounds pretty atrocious to me. No conditions means “even if they plan to slaughter every last Palestinian child.”

          The Senator knows that isn’t happening currently nor is it going to be occurring and is speaking in that context. Quite frankly I’ve heard way worse actually professed by Pro-Palestinians supporters up to the point they consider even Israeli babies legitimate targets. Even when Pro-Palestinians are challenged to at least denounce Hamas they ridicule the effort which seems worse than the Senator’s statement. You might just have to accept that the Senator is being aspirational about the statement given the current realities not the ones you want to exaggerate.

          This, meanwhile, is an atrocious lie. Because Israel and the IDF have been found guilty of all of those things. It is an atrocious lie, not just a lie, because it ignores all of the horrific things Israel has done since he wants to be the “last man standing on the Israeli side”

          Ceasefires relate to the conflict in which they are negotiated. So far the Senator is correct that Israel has yet to violate one in this iteration of the Israel/Gaza-Hamas War.

          This is atrocious because it puts the responsibility of taking the lives of thousands of Palestinians out of the IDF’s hands and entirely in Hamas’ hands, suggesting that Israel is innocent of killing Palestinians.

          There needs to be at least some(not all or large amounts of) allowances for refugees to neighboring regions. Sad fact is every country is fencing in civilians here because of irrational fears of land theft & political axe grinding. Israel returned all the land of Gaza already through disengagement. These are vulnerable people and I do agree it is an atrocity. There is an entire UN refugee program & numerous NGOs dedicated to Palestinians and the world has allowed a lot of extremism to flourish over the decades. Disappointing that no one wants to discuss the negligence from these organizations.

          Quite frankly the UN has been embarrassing with the increase of Global conflicts. Food Aid is decreasing while hostile powers are strangling grain supplies yet it can barely respond. Recently Sudan & Congo is in conflict with lots of children suffering yet no one cares.

          • @HasturInYellow
            169 months ago

            You very conveniently ignore the part of the comment you were replying to where they said that Israelis also rape and torture Palestinians. Which is a fact, which Fetterman appears fine with given his unconditional support.

      • @[email protected]
        9 months ago

        Standing by genocide is atrocious. Decent people will of course not like and support that.

        [Edit] Oh? Do you disagree? Is supporting genocide A-OK in your books?

        • @[email protected]
          -169 months ago

          You’re framing the opposition as supporting genocide - either in bad faith or ignorance. No-one’s going to waste their time discussing this with you.

          • @[email protected]
            9 months ago

            Genocide is what they’re up to. People could at least be honest with themselves about what they’re supporting.

            Article 2 of the Convention defines genocide as
            ... any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such
            (a) Killing members of the group;
            (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
            (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
            (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
            (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
            — Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Article 2[7]

            It’s as plain as day.

            • @[email protected]
              -159 months ago

              It requires an intent to destroy all Palestinians as a group. That’s the debatable part. It is not enough to just not just have a different weighting of military value vs civilian casualties - it requires systemic intent to destroy the whole or a significant part of the group.

              If that isn’t required, every battle ever conducted is genocide, every war was genocide. It really dilutes the meaning of genocide.

                • @[email protected]
                  -109 months ago

                  That it what he is about. If op-eds were government policy we’d all be super fucked.

                  It’s troubling and no doubt he’s trying to push the Overton window in Israel much like our hard right fuckwits do.

                  But that is not all of Israel - any more than Lauren Boebert speaks for me.

              • @[email protected]
                39 months ago

                There’s a hefty supply of various proof that genocide and land seizure is the end goal, not our fault you refuse to accept that.

          • @[email protected]
            49 months ago

            Because a genocide is happening, and he is standing in defense of it.

            If youre pretending its not a genocide, you are doing so in bad faith or ignorance. Ample evidence has been shown.

      • @[email protected]
        9 months ago

        Refusing to call for a ceasefire at the least is supportive of continuing atrocities. It is atrocious to support the Israeli state at this point and has been for years.

    • Orbituary
      -149 months ago

      Came here here to say this. Thanks for enduring the ostriches.

  • @[email protected]
    159 months ago

    What a brave man.

    I didn’t realize a stroke could cause symptoms like clinical depression and thirst for the blood of innocent Palestinian children.

    Thankfully we have John Fetterman here to normalize these things for us!

  • @[email protected]
    9 months ago

    It’s alright to admit we were wrong guys. Fetterman is a complete dunce. His blind and oblivious support of the State of Israel will be the end of his career.

  • AutoTL;DRB
    49 months ago

    This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Sen. John Fetterman (D-Pa.) said in an interview that aired Sunday that he believed opening up to the public about his mental health struggles earlier this year would negatively impact his career.

    In an interview with NBC’s Kristen Welker on “Meet the Press,” Fetterman opened up about his battle with clinical depression earlier this year and urged those facing mental health issues to seek help.

    He said that for the first couple of weeks while being treated for depression at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, he felt scared about sharing his experiences publicly.

    Fetterman checked himself into Walter Reed in February to be treated for clinical depression — a condition that he says got worse after winning his election in 2022.

    He told Welker that he ultimately decided to check himself in for treatment because he began to have “dark conversations” with himself about self-harm.

    He mentioned that a colleague of his took her own life the day before the interview, adding that he hopes he can help others by speaking up about his own struggles.

    The original article contains 393 words, the summary contains 177 words. Saved 55%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • @the_q
    8 months ago

    deleted by creator

    • Ghostalmedia
      319 months ago

      Meh, I can disagree with him about things like Israel-Palestine foreign policy and still agree with him about other important stuff. No human is going to have the exact same views that I have.

      I agree with his pushes for universal healthcare and destigmatizing incredibly common mental health diagnoses.

      Statistically speaking, a lot more people in elected office suffer from depression, anxiety, or something else, but no one else talks about it.

      • @RealFknNito
        9 months ago

        This isn’t like, disagreeing on gun control. He wore the fucking Israel flag like a cape while reports are coming out that they’re dropping JDAMs on children. I don’t care what his struggles are, he’s advocating for something so transparently heinous that his ‘temperate’ views are worthless.

        I don’t care how good Graduation was by Kanye, he’s racist. I don’t care how good Hitler’s paintings are, he started a holocaust. There’s “polite disagreement” and “advocating for war crimes”.

        • @[email protected]
          -189 months ago

          But he isn’t advocating for war crimes. He’s not out there cheering them on. I’m sure like many people he wishes they were far more surgical in their strikes.

          • @RealFknNito
            169 months ago

            Israel is committing blatant and obvious war crimes and he’s stalwartly defending them.

            Israel has admitted they have removed or are not using the targeting kits for their bombs. They are purposefully taking out entire city blocks and being indiscriminate with their bombs. When you don’t care about civilian casualties because they’re of a specific group, that’s a genocide. This is very straightforward.

          • @[email protected]
            49 months ago

            Defending the people who dropped white phos is what normal rational adults have called advocating war crimes since the invention of the term.

      • @WindyRebel
        9 months ago

        I can disagree with him about things like Israel-Palestine foreign policy and still agree with him about other important stuff. No human is going to have the exact same views that I have.

        Thank you! Good gravy, when will people finally get this through their thick skulls? Politics and beliefs are not, and never will be, an all or nothing thing.

        • @RealFknNito
          9 months ago

          Alright then you wouldn’t mind a little piss in your cereal, yeah? The whole bowl isn’t piss, it’s just a little bit. Cereal will never be an all or nothing thing so take a fucking bite.

          Or can a little bit of something be so revolting you get rid of it all? Fucking hell.

          • @WindyRebel
            09 months ago

            Dude. You need to live in reality. You think all voters believe in and advocate for the same things?

            No one wants piss in their cereal, but guess what? You’ll get it anyway. Just vote for how much.

            • @RealFknNito
              9 months ago

              I’ve always been voting for the least pissed in cereal but the difference is you’re telling me it’s fine and I’m telling you it’s not fine.

              Submitting to the idea that there will always be piss in your cereal is a dark reality I refuse to accept.

              • @[email protected]
                -19 months ago

                The problem with your analogy is for you it’s piss, but a reasonable person who’s actually fairly close to you ideologically can come to a different conclusion. But you both like cereal, and maybe that’s more important.

                • @RealFknNito
                  9 months ago

                  It’s a genocide and he’s supporting it. Yes, the analogy isn’t perfect but trying to pick it apart now is just semantics. He is defending the indefensible and by doing so joins the fascists and zionists who want nothing more than Palestine to be glassed to make way for Jewish settlers. This isn’t a game of Civilization, I don’t give a shit if Hamas gave them a Casus Belli, this is genocide and it’s sickening.

            • @RealFknNito
              109 months ago

              Why would I want a genocide supporter to represent me? I’ll vote for the least stinky sack of shit but stop trying to convince me it’s not shit in that sack. Bernie was the closest thing to someone I’d be willing to claim represents me since I got into politics.

              • @[email protected]
                9 months ago

                When the child killer’s opposition have this as their main strategy, I’m a bit more sympathetic to the child killers. And the context of this conversation is dropping support for representation if they don’t have all the views that align with you. It’s not about the Israel/Palestine conflict. So please don’t try the Think of the Children crap on me - it’s not relevant to this discussion.

                • @[email protected]
                  9 months ago

                  Human beings are fucking dying you psychopath. They are not attacking military locations, they are slaughtering journalists in civilian zones they designate as safe and pushed the civilians into, and they are using war crime grade toxins like white phos.

                  What the fuck is wrong with you linking a fucking comic book page like this is some fucking joke?

                  E: insane that this loser is defending a genocide and open war crimes with “but war is bad, we gotta!”

  • GodlessCommie
    -119 months ago

    It’s looking more like Munchausen’s than depression