• @Wermhatswormhat
    1779 months ago

    I feel this in my soul. Same way, notice a cute girl a work don’t want to be the creepy guy at the office, see a cute girl working at the movie theatre, no this is her job, she doesn’t need that at work. This is why I’m single 😅

      • @effward
        799 months ago

        The annoying thing is that the annoying guys are more likely to get a date, while they just go about their day. Not because they are better, or because their methods are good, but purely because they approach more people.

        I hate making people feel uncomfortable (no matter their gender), so I always struggled finding “spontaneous” dates, or even dancing with strangers at a club/party.

        The only thing that really worked for me was using dating apps, where both parties have implicitly indicated that they are looking for dates in general (because they’re on the app) and explicitly indicated that they are interested in each other (by liking their profile, or whatever).

        Although I’ve heard the apps have all gotten worse lately, I wouldn’t really know, as I found someone on Tinder years ago, and now we’re happily married.

        • @Gonzako
          339 months ago

          I’ll be honest, as long as you don’t make it weird you can approach a lot of people be they’re on the job or not. If they’re on the job just ask them about the journey so far. Like, they’re also human you can treat them as such.

          • @[email protected]
            329 months ago

            Nah. Everyone I’m attracted to either better know it by my silence or well never be together

            • @Gonzako
              149 months ago

              Wow, what a relief, I thought you were into me

          • @[email protected]
            39 months ago

            I’ll be honest, as long as you don’t make it weird you can approach a lot of people be they’re on the job or not

            Nah, people talk. If it’s known that you’ve approached many people, you’ll get an automatic rejection from the rest.

            • Flying Squid
              09 months ago

              If it’s known that you’ve approached many people,

              Unless you live in Buttfuck Montana, how would that be known?

                • Flying Squid
                  19 months ago

                  Yes, and if I have my headphones on at work, that means I’m focusing on something and you shouldn’t bother me unless it’s important. That’s what it means for most people. It certainly doesn’t mean “this is a good time to ask me out.”

    • @hansl
      369 months ago

      Ask once, be clean about it, look like a dork for a few minutes, if she says no, let it go and never mention it again.

      The annoying creep is likely to do ask her out twice a week.

      Theres no way to ask without looking weird, but the follow up is what distinguishes regular guys from creeps.

      • andrew_bidlaw
        389 months ago

        There’s no need to even ask them out right away. Just having a casual conversation and making them speak of their interests can warm them to you.

        Are they your coworker? Sigh at how needy clients are, tell how you want to have a break, ask what they want to do when they have them. Discuss details.

        A cinema worker is harder, but you can play a dummy and ask them if they see the movies screened there and can vouch for some of them or if they can suggest some snack from a bar, to break the ice.

        People like talking about themselves. All have hilarious stories to tell. One needs to make them open up and react in a supportive way. Looking up interviewers on youtube can get one a better idea of how it’s done than these greesy pick-up artists. Genuinely enjoying a conversation rather than being hungry for a pussy\dick and making it all about yourself is a great start.

        • @Custoslibera
          109 months ago

          Great advice 10/10.

          If you go in trying to bed them you’re likely going to crash and burn.

          Just try to make them a friend it’s a win win win because if you hit it off then you get a friend, if the attraction is reciprocated you may get relationship, if they aren’t interested in you but see you as a good person they may try to set you up with a friend of theirs that is single.

          Can’t lose with this method.

          • @WillFord27
            59 months ago

            I think they meant you learn more about their personality to know if you want to be with them in the first place. Why wouldn’t you want to learn more about someone you want to be with?

          • andrew_bidlaw
            29 months ago

            I wonder how you’ve read my message to get this take. I’m reading that standing on my head and still can’t see how it’s about picking up. Picking down, maybe, yet it’s questionable. Asking another person of their life isn’t picking someone down, it’s just showing interest in them and letting them tell something about themselves. It’s a basic courtesy. And it probably started relationships of parents of many people in this thread, yours and mine included. It’s just a normal dating starter. While pickdown (pickup?) is a snake oil strategy that promises one to get a pussy while ignoring another person completely and it doesn’t really work that way unless you pay for a sexworker’s service. And I don’t think OP wants that at all. If they want a normal relationship, making a future partner talk about something they like is a good starting point - that’s what I was talking about.

          • @[email protected]
            09 months ago

            No, you flex your social skills by trying to get to know the person you’re, at this point, only physically attracted to. These are all things a normal person who doesn’t need dating advice knows. But here we are, spelling it out for those I the back of the class.

            • @[email protected]
              29 months ago

              These are all things a normal person who doesn’t need dating advice knows.

              So any person with some difficulties should just go fuck themselves. Got it.

              Did you enjoy your popularity in high school? Did you punch many weird people for fun?

      • Drusas
        9 months ago

        What you describe is absolutely the way to do it without looking weird. Don’t be aggressive about it, accept a no or an awkward silence or similar as being a no, respond in a pleasant tone and not an aggressive one, and you should be pretty good to go without being seen as a creep, as long as you don’t repeat it later. Of course, don’t make a point of going around hitting on women in gyms or who are at work, but it can be done tactfully.

    • adONis
      359 months ago

      Seing some cute girl at the bar “nope, she’s probably here just to enjoy her drink”

      • @ChickenLadyLovesLife
        209 months ago

        See some cute girl naked in your bed “nope, she’s just tired”

        • @Acters
          59 months ago

          Is she into you? Don’t know, best not to assume

    • @Chobbes
      339 months ago

      To be fair, it’s ideal to not date your coworkers anyway.

        • @Chobbes
          289 months ago

          Eh. It can kind of cause a lot of problems in the workplace, and not just for the people dating… Especially if somebody is the type to get jealous if you have to work with their partner on something, which is sadly not uncommon. If you’re mature and can deal with it… fine. But, frankly, there’s plenty of fish in the sea and it’s probably better to date outside of work (or at least your team) for everybody.

          • Echo Dot
            99 months ago

            People say stuff like that but the thing is, work is where you spend most of your time. It’s where you meet the most people, if you are going to find someone who you want to date it’s quite likely it will be the place you spend most of your time.

        • @Agent641
          159 months ago

          Youre right, im gonna date your mum

        • @Custoslibera
          79 months ago

          People who have learnt from experience.

          There’s only so much YOLO you can handle before it’s just not worth it.

        • @[email protected]
          19 months ago

          Many people, over many life times. If you can’t handle the mess of things not working out, you’re much better off not hunting where you work. But hey, maybe you can be one of the lucky few!

      • @[email protected]
        109 months ago

        I’ve seen work relationships go very badly but I’ve also seen them go very well. I met my wife at work so it worked out great for me.

        Best advice I can give is, if you want to date people you work with, make sure you’re ok with quitting your job. If things go south it might come to that. Use good judgement. Don’t date your boss or one of your subbordinates. That’s a great way to get fired out of a canon.

        • Flying Squid
          29 months ago

          My brother-in-law dated a co-worker for a few weeks a couple of years ago but he went over-the-top like with most things in his life, so things went south fast and now it’s been difficult between them at work ever since. He is definitely not okay with quitting his job, and apparently neither is she, so now they’re stuck with each other, so I would say it’s a very tricky needle to thread.

    • @[email protected]
      289 months ago

      Nope. Ask flat out, don’t be weird about it. You get one shot before there’s any potential harassment, take it… Then accept the result

      That’s all there is to it

      • Herbal Gamer
        149 months ago

        Okay so what if you’re from one of the many countries where asking people out on dates isn’t really a thing?

        • Echo Dot
          109 months ago

          I assume the population in those countries is going down then because I don’t understand how else you’re supposed to do it?

          You just hit them over the head with a rock

          • Herbal Gamer
            119 months ago

            I won’t pretend to be an expert on the matter since I’m very much alone, but in my experience it’s something that happens more organically, through common interests and such. It’s more of a process, less of a transaction.

          • @veni_vedi_veni
            09 months ago

            It’s got to be the blunt side of the rock too, otherwise it’s necrophilia

          • Flying Squid
            -19 months ago

            Arranged marriages would be my guess, although I can’t think of a country where that’s the overwhelming norm.

        • @[email protected]
          19 months ago

          Okay so what if you’re from one of the many countries where asking people out on dates isn’t really a thing?

          I’m interested to know what countries would those be and how does people meet usually.

        • @[email protected]
          09 months ago

          I guess you can watch your natality rate plummet, telling yourself you’re being a good citizen?

      • @Wermhatswormhat
        99 months ago

        You’re not wrong. There’s nothing wrong with asking once. Take the answer for what it is, yes, great, no, then it’s no and you’re done. It’s all easier said than done though for me.

      • @[email protected]
        -29 months ago

        Now put yourself in the girl’s place and multiply that interaction for all the guys that tried to pick her up. Does that change your tune?

        • @[email protected]
          89 months ago

          No, I’m often hit on by gay guys for some reason. When they take no for an answer (and they almost always have) it’s just flattering. Sometimes they’ll insist on buying me a drink anyways, and we’ll talk like two straight guys would, sometimes they even wingman for me.

          A few times it seemed like they thought they might be able to turn a no into a yes - that’s not comfortable, and that’s exactly what you should never do in that kind of situation

          But being asked out respectfully by people who genuinely accept the answer at face value? No, I don’t think that part gets old, everyone likes feeling desired.

          You do have to genuinely and immediately drop it though - the fear you won’t is probably concerning to women, but women generally want relationships too.

          Women dream of romcoms, not the over the top obsession part (that’d cross so many lines in reality) but the idea of a great partner dropping into their life… Most people don’t love cars

          Ideally, you’d pick up on the receptiveness before you ask and give them a way to say no without actually saying no (like if they say they’re busy and don’t give an alternative day, you just say too bad and pretend like it never happened), but that’s not something everyone understands or can be communicated clearly

        • @[email protected]
          69 months ago

          I think it kind of depends on the kind of social interaction. I imagine there’s a difference between catcalling someone, and expressing genuine interest in getting to know one another. But I probably shouldn’t be one to talk about things social.

      • @Wermhatswormhat
        29 months ago

        I had never seen that, it was amazing thank you. Sums up my feelings pretty well!

    • @[email protected]
      29 months ago

      While people on reddit or Lemmy might talk about hitting on someone at work as the worst thing ever this isn’t the case for a lot of people.

      Lemmy has a very distinct demographic that’s not really representative of the outside world.

      • @mriormro
        89 months ago

        I’ve dated a coworker. For various reasons, I wouldn’t recommend it.

        • @[email protected]
          -19 months ago

          Not talking about coworkers, but more about people you encounter while they are working.

          I’ve had a couple of pleasant experiences. Same for girls in the gym tbh.

          • @[email protected]
            49 months ago

            Nah, at their work they can’t reject you properly if they’re giving a service and their work is listening to you. That’s abusing your position as client.

              • @[email protected]
                49 months ago

                When you’re leaving she’s still working and you’re still using your former position.

                After she’s ended her shift it’s still debatable. For me it’s still creepy.

  • AFK BRB Chocolate
    1039 months ago

    I sometimes think being an attractive girl must be both the best and the worst thing ever.

    • @tamal3
      69 months ago

      Now that I’m older I don’t get hit on nearly as much. It’s been amazing. I didn’t realize that I just had to wait it out a few decades.

      • AFK BRB Chocolate
        69 months ago

        I’ve known women who intentionally made themselves look less attractive so as not to get hit on. Sad really.

    • @[email protected]
      579 months ago

      As much as I understand your opinion, I’m really struggling to understand how couples meet outside of apps now. I’ve been in a long-term monogamous relationship for more than 20 years, I’m completely out of the loop.

      • @Got_Bent
        169 months ago

        I’ve been single for five years now.

        I got rid of social media and then COVID hit.

        I honestly don’t even know how to socialize anymore let alone date.

        Fortunately or unfortunately as the case may be, my relationship history has me so jaded, that I really don’t have any desire to date.

        If I did desire such a thing, I have no idea how I would go about it. There aren’t any more physical community places unless you wanna go get shitfaced in a bar, and I’m long since past those days.

      • @AdolfSchmitler
        89 months ago

        Bars/Pubs. The booze helps lubricate those social wheels. Or friends of friends being introduced to each other.

        But honestly anywhere could be a place to meet someone if you’re not a creep about it and don’t try to force it.

        • @[email protected]
          159 months ago

          Kinda sucks when you don’t drink though. Best advice I’ve heard was to take up a social hobby, but I haven’t a clue what that would be either.

          Like you said, find an excuse to leave your house I guess.

          • Flying Squid
            29 months ago

            I think there need to be social locations like bars for people who don’t drink (or don’t drink a lot) but do use cannabis. Weed “bars” where you can have a similar social situation with a different type of social lubricant that gets people talking.

            That still wouldn’t cover everyone, obviously, but it would add to the mix.

          • @[email protected]
            9 months ago

            Best advice I’ve heard was to take up a social hobby, but I haven’t a clue what that would be either.

            The problem with that is that I have zero tolerance for stupidity and superstition, so I’d have a lousy time in most conversations or initial dates.

            “What sign are you?”


            “What church do you go to?”


      • @EnderMB
        59 months ago

        Oh man, I know that feeling all too well! MySpace was a thing when I was last dating, so it’s like an entire world has passed by. A while back, I was at a bar with a friend, and he let me swipe through Tinder on his account while he got a round in, and having that kind of easy access to dating when I was younger would’ve been absolutely petrifying.

        • @[email protected]
          59 months ago

          having that kind of easy access to dating when I was younger would’ve been absolutely petrifying

          To fair many don’t see that as “easy access to dating” but as a fast track to public humiliation. For me it would be like those apps don’t exist, I’d never use them.

      • @harry_balzac
        39 months ago

        I’ve used MeetUp to find local events geared towards single folks. Some groups are really good…others not so much. It’s helped me get used to socializing and meeting new people again though.

      • nickwitha_k (he/him)
        29 months ago

        Have been in a monogamous relationship for a while as well. I think that the rreliance on apps is a false need, cultivated to make more money on said apps as their goal isn’t to lose customers by finding good matches but to keep extracting profits. There’s a significant conflict of interest that makes me think that they are little more than a scam that ocassionally helps people hook-up despite the companies’ best efforts.

        Glad that I don’t have to deal with dating and dread the idea that I may have to in the future because I hate it but my suggestions would be:

        If looking to cultivate something with long-term potential, put relationship goals on the backburner and participate in an interest that has a possible social component. If one is genuinely interested, they will find people who find them interesting.

        If looking to get laid, probably bars in the US (unfortunately, not usually a great place to meet people just looking to socialize, unlike Ireland or the UK).

        Alternatively, if one is into kinks or curious and able to be not creepy (can be extra challenging for single men), getting involved with a kink/fetish community that does non-play meet-ups might be a good option. As noted, it can be a bit of a challenge for single men to get accepted, but is not impossible. This is because such groups tend to be very zealous about protecting their community and single men have historically been higher-risk for abuse, assault, and not honoring kink contracts. (As a man, I don’t like the discrimination but do understand and agree with it as I’d rather some guy get hurt feelings than someone end up in the ICU or a dumpster).

    • @Phegan
      259 months ago

      This is, in fact, a popular opinion, especially by women.

      • @[email protected]
        9 months ago

        Tell that to the women that go to my gym with their asses hanging out. I mean I’m honestly offended because I’m here to spend time with myself in self-reflection and conditioning but now it’s ruined because I’m asking myself all kinds of questions like “how much little validation does she get from life that she needs to do that? And she’s looking around, scanning for eyes. She knows wtf she’s doing. Women will complain about being sexualized as an object and then do shit like this! If she needs male attention that badly, why here, of all places? Does she not have parents? I’d hate to be this girls father. Then again, there probably isn’t a father in her life if she’s going out like this. I mean it’s not even an aesthetic body! If you have sculpted leg muscles, etc then fine. You’ve earned the right to show that off. But this chick doesn’t even have a noteworthy ass. The only thing noteworthy is that it’s outside of her shorts. Why the fuck would you do this to me? I’d still hit it though.”

        • @Phegan
          179 months ago

          I would recommend bringing this up with your therapist.

        • Flying Squid
          49 months ago

          Maybe they want to be comfortable at the gym and don’t care what you think of their ass.

          • @[email protected]
            9 months ago

            Yeah I refuse to believe that any synthetic fibre clinging that tightly to you can be comfortable. Heck i’ve spoken to a lot of women who would rather wear something more modest & comfortable but can’t find it because the stores don’t stock it.

            • Flying Squid
              59 months ago

              Okay, if the stores don’t stock it, it’s still not that they want you to look at their ass, it’s that they have no choice in the matter.

    • @[email protected]
      219 months ago

      On the contrary, I have two real life friend couples who met at the gym and are now married with children.

      If consenting adults are meeting one another in a public space, they should be free to approach each other.

      • @[email protected]
        129 months ago

        I think the biggest problem is that people go straight to trying to flirt or hit on someone… We’ve spent too much time on Tinder where it is sending as many one-liner pick-up style openers that people start to think that is a normal way for an interaction out in the world to go. Generally, the majority has forgotten how to talk to people face to face in real life in a normal and appropriate manner.

        Also, if they are now married with children, I have to assume they met a few years ago and at least possibly, maybe even likely, it happened before the shit hit the fan like it has now. The dating world has been rapidly changing over the last few years.

      • @[email protected]
        59 months ago

        If consenting adults are meeting one another in a public space

        “Consent” is a problem when men try to hit on women using headphones, or when people don’t get the hint that you really don’t want to have a conversation with strangers.

        • Flying Squid
          49 months ago

          But that’s more an issue of modern society’s overall problem with lack of courtesy, not a specific problem when it comes to trying to find a girlfriend of boyfriend.

        • lad
          49 months ago

          Sounds like what you propose is some common sense for the ones trying to hit on someone who’s not interested. And I would say that would make sense everywhere, not only in the gym

          • Flying Squid
            49 months ago

            Yeah, just don’t bother people wearing headphones period. If they wanted to be bothered, they wouldn’t be wearing headphones.

            • @[email protected]
              09 months ago

              What if you want to listen to your own playlist or podcast, but also wouldn’t mind conversing should the opportunity arise?

              I don’t agree that headphones should automatically include antisocial implications.

              • Flying Squid
                29 months ago

                You can’t have it both ways. Wearing headphones is a pretty universal signal that you don’t want to be bothered.

              • lad
                19 months ago

                I used to shift one headphone off ear to indicate that I’m ok to talk

        • @[email protected]
          39 months ago

          It sounds like the way those people act would be a big problem anywhere, and they probably wouldn’t abide by any new etiquette rules unless the gym was ready to lose money by throwing them out. And even in that case, they could just follow their target to the parking lot which would probably be even more uncomfortable and scary.

          People SHOULD be safe from harassment no matter where they are. But I think any place that brings people together is going to eventually create some relationships.

        • @[email protected]
          9 months ago

          That’s the thing, you never could know. Back in the old days you would ask things like “hey you wanna maybe go out sometime” but now since that itself is an affront for which you can be publicly shamed without needing to be pushy or make unwanted physical contact, the only places acceptable to meet people are the bars and apps. I think the only way to fix it is to either create new public spaces centered around dating that don’t center around alcohol, or to culturally shift back a little from “it isn’t ok to ask a woman out anywhere but the bar” to “asking people out is ok as long as you take no for an answer the first time and don’t push, and don’t touch 'em.”

          Also you bring up an interesting point: consent to being talked to. If one needs to give consent to be talked to, and one cannot give consent under the influence of alcohol, then one cannot be spoken to while drinking, therefore I deduce the bar is the most inappropriate place to meet women and the gym is leagues more appropriate since everyone is mostly sober there. Watson! Get my gym shorts! (Yes this part was a joke, I hope the Sherlock Holmes reference was a clue to that.)

    • @KISSmyOS
      9 months ago

      deleted by creator

      • @psud
        49 months ago

        I have several choices on how to sort comments. He could have gone to the bottom for me (but not by stating the common opinion)

      • lad
        39 months ago

        I think, the rule of not being bothered if you don’t want to communicate should be applied everywhere. Also, I find it healthier if people talk to each other at least a bit, but I mostly attended a gym with a stable population (and quite a long time ago, unfortunately) so that may have affected my opinion

    • @[email protected]
      9 months ago

      I don’t think it’s an unpopular opinion so much as unrealistic one.

      Cultivating your body at the gym means you will look attractive at the gym. This is just how the human body is, and the gym is a place for everyone. If you don’t like that it’s a place for everyone, go outside. There are plenty of things you can do with just your body weight to stay healthy. You can get your own weights, as well. You do not need to destroy your body systematically in order to maximize gains and aesthetic in order to stay healthy. If you decide to do so, you take what comes with it. “It” being gym bros hitting on you during your workout. Simply turn them down and move on.

      • @[email protected]
        19 months ago

        I agree that it’s unrealistic, but for a different reason. So long as the gym is one of comparitively few acceptable public spaces for people to “socialise with intent of romance” people will flock to it for that reason. Any gym that enforced some kind of ‘no flirting’ rule is incurring a real financial risk.

        • @grandkaiser
          89 months ago

          Hitting on people is equivalent to racial segregation and centuries of hatred…? Besides that whole can of worms, how did your parents meet? My dad hit on my mom at a summer camp. I met my wife by hitting on her at a store. Hitting on people is the most traditional way people hook up. Weird to me that people are trying to demonize public flirting.

          • @[email protected]
            -89 months ago

            Weird to me that people are trying to demonize public flirting.

            People like you want to demonize the desire to be left alone by strangers, and sadly you’re in the majority, so stop whining.

            • @Leg
              49 months ago

              Humans are social creatures by nature. Some of us prefer to be left alone, but others welcome the company and advances of strangers. I don’t think it makes sense to demonize people for wanting to be left alone, but respect goes both ways. People are going to flirt. People are going to like it, other people aren’t. Everyone is valid. Reject and move on. Be rejected and move on.

              • @RobertOwnageJunior
                -19 months ago

                Clearly just an anti-social person trying to force their narrow views on everybody.

            • @RobertOwnageJunior
              19 months ago

              You’re one of those super special ‘introvert’ people, that aren’t really introvert, but just anti-social, right? What have the bad, bad extroverts done to you? Did you have to leave your house and go to work? Or did you even have to talk to a cashier yesterday. Poor soul.

              • @[email protected]
                09 months ago

                And you are one of those “forced social” who accost people with headphones when you’re bored or horny, and then call the uninterested women “bitches” and the uninterested men “assholes” when you don’t engage directly in fights with them, right?

                You’re not entitled to people’s attention or interest.

                • @RobertOwnageJunior
                  19 months ago

                  You’re a dumbass. I never engaged anyone with headphones, because that’s a clear sign of not wanting to communicate. Your dumb mug isn’t one. Maybe you should stay in your 4 walls or wear a sign with ‘I’m an anti-social twat, so don’t talk to me.’, if you don’t want anybody talking to you ever. Smartass.

        • @RobertOwnageJunior
          49 months ago

          I nearly puked myself reading that comparison. You getting hit on in the Gym is nothing like being a black person in the 50s.

        • @[email protected]
          9 months ago

          I couldn’t* care less what it reads like to you, in your world nobody talks to anyone and everything is black and white. I’m good, I won’t ever want to live in your world.

          Edit: the video

    • @mihnt
      359 months ago

      “I have a boyfriend.”

    • @Custoslibera
      69 months ago

      And you know what? At least he has the answer and can die knowing that.

      Nothing worse than a ‘what if’ haunting you forever.

      • @[email protected]
        39 months ago

        Nothing worse than a ‘what if’ haunting you forever.

        Sorry, there is something much worst: a continuous avalanche of incredulous and horrified rejections.

      • @BlackPenguins
        9 months ago

        I am the watcher. Follow me as we ponder the question “what. if.”

        In the original timeline the girl drove me to the hospital. But in this different timeline Steve Rogers walked in the door of the gym asked the girl on a date and carried me to the hospital…

      • @skydivekingair
        19 months ago

        I don’t think this fits the worst she can say is ‘no’ since he broke his foot to try and force a yes. Seems much harsher if she didn’t even show basic human compassion because she would have to spend time with him.

  • Flying Squid
    9 months ago

    Any time I even for a second think about what it would be like to not be married, I remember that even finding a date, let alone dating, in 2024 sounds exhausting, so I remind myself to be thankful for what I have. I’m sorry for those of you who struggle finding a long-term partner.

    • @Somethingcheezie
      109 months ago

      I’m in my fifties and divorced. I never liked approaching girls to ask for a number so the apps were a blessing. It took that whole insecure awkward walk out of the equation.

      Now being a disposable thing that people are constantly trying to get a better upgrade on, that I hate.

      • Flying Squid
        39 months ago

        I could see that, and I had that trouble myself when I was young and probably still would now, but the whole ‘swipe left’ ‘swipe right’ thing and having to go through a bunch of random online chats with random people until you find one willing to go get a beer with you and then hope that you contact them back after their unstated but required minimum number of days and that they will agree to get a beer with you again… it just sounds so exhausting. Even just making a profile which would have to be tailored to get people to want to date me sounds exhausting. And I barely even have any pictures of myself, let alone ones I think would work on a dating profile. I don’t have the energy anymore. I think I’d just end up being single for the rest of my life unless something happened by chance. I have a few terminally single friends my age. They appear to have stopped looking.

    • Lumelore (She/her)
      9 months ago

      Yeah that’s me right now and it is rough. Now that my dating profile is a few months old literally the only likes I get now is a bot or two about once a week. I honestly think the best way is to join some type of club or group, socialize with people there, and maybe it eventually leads to a relationship.

  • @wellee
    229 months ago

    Just don’t tbh

    • @corus_kt
      129 months ago

      You gotta drop a weight heavy enough to land in hospital rather than attract disgusted looks from the loud sound it makes… The teary pained face while asking for favors can’t be that great a first impression.

      • Flying Squid
        59 months ago

        And then all the helpful weightlifting gym dudes help you out while the girl you like looks on and then goes back to her workout because they’ve got this.

  • @javasux
    -49 months ago

    deleted by creator

  • @Mango
    -489 months ago

    If you’re ugly, there’s no appropriate time or place to approach a girl. If you’re not, whatever corny creeper shit you do is fine.

    • Drusas
      669 months ago

      That’s incel talk. Most women don’t want to be approached at the gym.

        • Drusas
          69 months ago

          Sure, but the comment above isn’t about privilege.

          • @psud
            39 months ago

            “pretty privilege” the good looking guy gets away with anything, just as the good looking girls do

      • @Mango
        -179 months ago

        I’m actually an antinatalist. 🤣

        No incel here. No girl problems.

        • @chetradley
          189 months ago

          Being antinatalist has nothing to do with being an incel. Are you conflating antinatalism with asexuality?

          • @Mango
            -69 months ago

            No. It’s just impossible for me to be one of those guys who are mad about not having sex when I’m a guy who refuses to have sex. Simple logic yo.

              • @Mango
                -69 months ago

                No, it’s a reason for being celibate.

                That’s like hearing someone talk about how they’re Muslim and telling them “that’s called fasting” as of that’s the only thing about it.

                • Drusas
                  59 months ago

                  No, I’m not commenting on your reasoning. How you are living is called celibacy. Like monks and priests are (supposed to be) celibate. We don’t have to talk about their reasons for that to be the case.

          • @Mango
            -29 months ago

            No interested in your problems yo.

        • Flying Squid
          59 months ago

          No incel here.

          And yet you think women’s primary motivation in finding a life-partner is always beauty.

          • @Mango
            -19 months ago

            I should have used the word “attractive” really. Regardless, what I think about them isn’t at all related to my own stunted desires or whatever. I’m actually really sick of having to explain to girls how my rejection isn’t an insult and the conversation usually leading to me talking about how shit I think life is.

          • @Mango
            9 months ago

            Hey, you can copy yourself and make your copies live in this miserable world all you want. Maybe they’ll even like it if they’re like you. My copies would be miserable and thank me for not making them have to exist.

            I don’t owe anyone my genes.

            • @[email protected]
              39 months ago

              You can be an antinatalist (I am) and still have sex and enjoy it, if you have the chance.

              You know, vasectomy and salpingectomy exist.

              • @Mango
                09 months ago

                I don’t gamble with my ethics. That would mean I don’t really have them. I’ve had sex before. Very pretty girl. It was meh.