• @xkforce
    669 months ago

    Yep and so are cat owners and anyone that has a stereotypically feminine hobby like knitting or crochetting. Sexism is bad for everyone.

    • cabbage
      309 months ago

      On the bright side, as a tall bearded guy I get a lot of fun reactions when kitting in public. The silent confused onlookers are fun, but the enthusiastic middle aged women are the best.

      • @xkforce
        189 months ago

        As a fairly good sized very furry man myself, it is amusing to watch some “alpha male” stick man’s brain short circuit as I drink the fruitiest, girliest drink at the bar while looking like I could crush their skull in one hand and drink a beer out of the other. They really don’t know what to do with people that aren’t insecure about their masculinity.

        • IndiBrony
          89 months ago

          My mum works at a bar and one of her regular punters used to be this highly stereotypical blokey-bloke who was massively homophobic, racist, etc. He was always at the bar, often talking about the gays n shit… So one day I decide to play absolute havoc with him. I turn up at the bar wearing all my loudest brony merch (the prize piece being a backpack in the shape of a ponified Doctor Who, complete with sonic screwdriver), step up to the bar right beside him and get my mum to mix up the pinkest cocktail and drink it through a straw from a nice tall, slim glass.

          He looked at me, and all I had to do was give a little smile in his direction to make him practically flee to the other side of the bar. You could see the cogs in his brain whirring, trying to comprehend what effeminate weirdo he was looking at, knowing he couldn’t say shit because it’s the bartender’s son. Fucking hilarious to watch him squirm.

          He’s dead now. No great loss, believe me.

  • @Mighty
    559 months ago

    yeah. fuck toxic masculinity. Hold strong brothers. be weak, be vulnerable, be soft, be the man you want to be.

    • PopShark
      109 months ago

      What’s more masculine than being who you want to be no matter what others think

      • @bitwaba
        39 months ago

        Yeah. Fuck those soft men.

        Literally. Literally fuck them.

    • @Wogi
      19 months ago


  • Jay
    299 months ago

    If someone is judging me for what I want to eat, I’m not the one with the masculinity issues.

  • @Rhoeri
    269 months ago

    The irony here is that real men wouldn’t care, and the irony in that- is that you cannot define a “real man” as all men are real.

    • Spzi
      29 months ago

      you cannot define a “real man” as all men are real.

      If we acknowledge gender, then we must acknowledge this idea by the same logic. Both are social constructs about the sexual identity of a person, disconnected from their biology.

    • qyron
      9 months ago

      Let it be. If dietary option correlates with inteligence, it will help thin out the herd by excess of cholestherol.

      • @Geobloke
        09 months ago

        I don’t think you understand you evolution works

        • qyron
          39 months ago

          I do. What I lack is a proper sense of humour.

    • @Wogi
      69 months ago

      Real men kill wildlife with their bare hands, eat it raw, and fuck the corpse.

  • @De_Narm
    239 months ago

    Caring about perceived masculinity does not sound very masculine to me, so whatever. I’m confident enough to stand by my choices and others should too.

  • @qooqie
    199 months ago

    If someone verbally calls me not masculine for whatever choices I make I usually just respond with “isn’t the real pussy bitch thing to do is to judge others for their food?”. It’s not the best comeback, sure, but it does short out their brains a bit

    • @[email protected]
      9 months ago

      “Maybe you should try a salad too some time you fat fuck”


      “I dunno, it’s not very manly to care so much what morons think of me either.”

    • Rosco
      9 months ago

      Caring about being manly and shitting on other guys for not being man enough is a sign that you’re very insecure about yourself and/or your sexuality in my eyes.

      • @bitwaba
        29 months ago

        I thought shitting on other guys was called a Cleveland Steamer.

    • @[email protected]
      39 months ago

      “I suppose that would matter, if I gave a shit what you think” was my retort when someone trwid judging me for my spiced rum and cranberry. They didn’t like it, they also don’t say shit when I order a hot chocolate.

  • @Sho
    199 months ago

    The whole idea of assigning gender to foods or diets is bizarre to me… a salad is feminine while steak is masculine? What about vegetables on a burger? Or a salad with steak in it?

    • BruceTwarzen
      99 months ago

      I see it a lot on tinder when women say in their profile they beed a real man that eats meat. How absolutely bizzare. There is bothing manly about buying meat. No one goes hunting

      • @emogu
        69 months ago

        I love bringing up the hunting aspect when people use the “but my ancestors ate meat” line. Like yeah they ate it after tracking it for a week with the strongest members of their community and killing it in a life or death struggle that tested the limits of their endurance. And even then they ate it sparingly so as to not have to go on another life threatening hunt for as long as possible. Not exactly the same as skulling bacon wrapped baconator burgers every night while binging Netflix from your couch.

        • Sybil
          -29 months ago

          skulling bacon wrapped baconator burgers every night while binging Netflix from your couch.

          don’t threaten me with a good time

      • PopShark
        9 months ago

        I misread your typo as “breed” lol

    • The Pantser
      69 months ago

      There are whole languages that assign gender to every object.

      • @[email protected]
        89 months ago

        True, but me living in una casa (house, feminine) doesn’t make someone make someone feminine by proxy

          • @bitwaba
            39 months ago

            There’s nothing more masculine than taking a big, burly, hairy beast of a man… then bending him over and fucking the shit out of him.

            • @Wogi
              19 months ago

              It’s true. Fucking a dude that’s bigger than you is the straightest thing you can do. You have: asserted dominance, fucked, and demonstrated your virility to the women.

      • @Draghetta
        39 months ago

        I don’t know if you’re being serious but what does that have to do with anything? In Italian the word for “beard” is feminine, I can assure you nobody links it with femininity in any way. Just because the neutral gender doesn’t exist that doesn’t mean everything is actually gendered.

        • @Wogi
          19 months ago

          Ok but like Italian assigns gender to words randomly and on a whim.

          • @Draghetta
            19 months ago

            Exactly, my point was that word genders are meaningless

      • @Sho
        29 months ago

        Talk about a mood, I haven’t heard space ghost in forever!

      • @vivavideri
        29 months ago

        Put the steak on top of the salad. win win.

        -nonbinary thinking, btw lol

  • SharkEatingBreakfast
    179 months ago

    I had a friend who truly believed in the whole “soyboy” thing and touted that people with “low testosterone” or who do “girly things” aren’t “real men”.

    This motherfucker was the most unlikable, insecure, lonely man I’ve ever met. I was his only true friend until I finally got sick of the radical horseshit he began to openly support.

    Don’t take the opinions of stupid people with any value.

    • R0cket_M00se
      29 months ago

      They’re always skinny-fat, too. Like if you were a meat titan or something I might consider the “Low T” argument at least logical. But when you’re smaller than me and think your political affiliation makes you more masculine… Well.

      • SharkEatingBreakfast
        9 months ago

        Nah. This dude was almost 300 lbs. One time whined to me about how liberals are going to try to “force the normalization of eating bugs in the US!” Like… okay…? What?

        I hit a breaking point eventually when he tried to be clever by not directly answering my questions about his ideology. I finally just said “This isn’t a court of law, jackass. Just answer the damn question with a yes or no.” Fucking coward couldn’t even do that.

        In the end, there’s nothing more shameful to them than being compared to a woman. Which says a whole damn lot about their core beliefs.


    • @[email protected]
      29 months ago

      I grew up watching ‘The Rockford Files.’ Great show if you’ve never seen it. The star was James Garner, who later became the spokesman for the beef ranchers’ association. He gave up that job after he had to get a quadruple bypass.

  • @[email protected]
    79 months ago

    I was raised vegetarian, and as such it was normal to me and my brother. My mom did it for environmental reason because she is fucking awesome and I have decided to stay vegetarian as an adult.

    It was around 10 when I started encountering this oddness. I would be at a friend’s house, they would offer to give me food, I would say I’m vegetarian, and they would act like I was an alien or make comments about my parents being abusive to me. And then as I got older I got all these comments about me not being a man because I don’t eat meat.

    For fucks sake, being a man doesn’t mean conformity. As far as I can understand, it means being brave enough to not give in to stupid gender norms and to find out who you are for yourself.

    Of course the people who made the most asshole type comments were always right-wingers, too. What a surprise!

  • @AgentGrimstone
    69 months ago

    Trying to live longer vs your stupid opinion. Gee, I wonder what’s more important.

  • @LemmyKnowsBest
    9 months ago

    One of the best lovers I’ve ever had was vegan, I haven’t seen him in over a year but whoo-EEE I still think about him every single day. That man fucked passionately.