• @saltesc
    659 months ago

    That’s more commonly a US thing and it’s like, “Americans saved from America.” whether health, education, or some basic social service that’s being used for profiteering.

    • Zoidsberg
      239 months ago

      Amazing! This group of people crowd-funded a medical procedure!”

  • @Etterra
    459 months ago

    Hey that orphan-crushing machine is a constitutionally enshrined right. I have the right to mount that thing on wheels and drive it around to crush up orphans wherever I want! And if somebody tries to stop me and gets caught up in and jams the mechanism, I have the right to sue his estate for damages!

    • @Geriatrickid
      29 months ago

      Are you on patreon? I’ve got 20k I’d like to invest in your ideas

      • Sjmarf
        9 months ago

        r/OrphanCrushingMachine was a popular subreddit inspired by this tweet

    • @worldsayshi
      9 months ago

      The problem with these rage inducing subreddits is that they seldom seem to propose or encourage any solution or alternative. So it ends up becoming a kind of circle jerk of learned helplessness.

      It seems like a common internet thing. Rage bait and learned helplessness. We learn to accept that there’s nothing to do because people and politicians are idiots because “look at all this stuff”.

      And often this aligns with advertising tech because it makes us engaged and seeking comfort of continued scrolling when we get a steady stream of anxiety injections. It’s low key like an abusive relationship.

      • @[email protected]
        9 months ago

        God forbid a community focused on showcasing a certain trope actually focus on showcasing that trope…

        The old subreddit was associated with leftist political subreddits anyway, so the connection to actual discourse is there regardess

        Furthermore, the comments sections always abound with discussions of potential solutions

      • @ocassionallyaduck
        99 months ago

        Respectfully, I don’t think one can just suggest a solution to what is fundamentally problem of decades of economic propaganda and miseducation. The number of morons that believe in Adam Smith and market self-corrections like they are forces as natural as the tide is truly staggering insane, ansld is a direct result of generations of neoliberalism seeping into education.

        There’s no easy solution. There’s hardly a hard solution at this point. The solution is to make memes, and to yell, and to make the issue so readily apparent it can be unavoidable and understood by these very same people let down by their education. So subreddits memeing is good, overall.

  • @hdnsmbt
    429 months ago

    Yeah, because everybody knows the obvious answer. It’s untethered capitalism. And no it hasn’t always been that way. Politicians weren’t always whores for the rich. That’s a rather recent development that can absolutely be stopped by the will of the people.

    • @Crowfiend
      9 months ago

      As much as I respect your argument; the Romans. Or any civilisation really. It literally has always been that way.

      • @hdnsmbt
        169 months ago

        I don’t know enough about Roman politics to contradict but “any civilisation really” is definitely too broad of a stroke.

        • pancakes
          109 months ago

          Greed and corruption has been around for as long as land and money have.

          • @hdnsmbt
            09 months ago

            Sure. But it only really becomes a problem in very large communities. A chieftain overseeing 50-100 villagers isn’t as easily corrupted.

            • @[email protected]
              19 months ago

              At that point, the scale is just different. That’s when the brother of the chief gets to build his new hut on the nice hill.

              • @hdnsmbt
                39 months ago

                Lol, that’s the mildest form of corruption I can imagine.

                But do you really think a village has zoning laws in the first place?

                At that scale, it’s also much easier to just remove the chief’s son from his hut on the “nice hill”. And the chief along with him. Scale being the key factor is the essence of my argument.

      • @ocassionallyaduck
        119 months ago

        Are you implying that the US, and the Roman’s, never had a period of growth and expansion that wasn’t late stage capitalist rot?

        The comment isn’t saying this never happens really, it’s saying it doesn’t have to. This is capitalism with no guardrails.

      • @[email protected]
        79 months ago

        Before Caesar, Rome actually had checks and balances to keep one person from amassing too much influence. For example, they had two consuls, which was the highest political position at the time and acted like as the heads of state.

        Until Caesar fucked up those systems by literally declaring himself “dictator for life”. So really, it’s not always been this way, it’s usually just a few individuals that keep fucking it up for everyone else. Until they end up with a knife in their back.

        • @[email protected]
          109 months ago

          There were substantial conflicts between rich and poor Romans well before the end of the Republic. It was not uncommon for a lower class Roman to go off and fight with the army only to come home and find some rich fuck effectively squatting on his land.

          This was turning into something of a large scale crisis 60+ years before Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon. At the same time, politics was dominated by the wealthy and/or those who were successful military leaders.

          The Republic didn’t really have “checks and balsnces” in some cases so much as “social conventions”. More a common understanding that something is just not done. They were actually rather Ill equipped to deal with individuals who had a thirst for power. Tiberius Gracchus, who served as Tribune, gave away lots of state owned land to some of the poorer Romans. He did so without consulting the Senate which raised a lot of eyebrows. When he attempted to stand for a second term as Tribune in 133 B.C. – which was just “not done” – the Senate responded by murdering him.

          Tiberius’ brother, was elected as Tribune. He went further than Tiberius and sponsored a whole bunch of legislation which would have benefited poorer Romans. The Senate responded by murdering him as well. Over the next few decades, there were a handful of successful military leaders who clamored for more and more power. At the same time, the public was growing increasingly dissatisfied with the Republican government.

          Julius Caesar was smart enough to recognize that the Republic was becoming frail and ballsy enough to give it a good shove down the stairs. In 82 B.C. he marched his legion into Rome – a clear act of treason – and effectively declared himself dictator. He was met with little resistance. He was viewed as a champion of the poor in some ways and, based on the way the Republic treated poor Romans, they were probably looking for a champion.

          There were others who wanted to wrest Caesar’s newly acquired power from him. Pompey, another successful Roman general, went to war with Caesar. Pompey had the support of the wealthy Aristocrats. Pompey lost.

          The Senate murdered Caesar in 44 B.C. Caesar’s supporters responded by killing his assassins. Then they turned on each other. That marked the beginning of another civil war from which Octavian, Julius’ nephew and adopted son, ultimately emerged victorious. By then, the Republic was effectively dead.

          To make a long story short, Julius Caesar didn’t break the system. It was already broken. He managed to exploit it further than than anyone else had up until then but there were glaring cracks in the foundation of the Republic that directly contributed to it’s demise. The imbalance of power between the elite and the poor was definitely a big “crack”.

          • @[email protected]
            19 months ago

            Thank you, that was a fascinating read! Sounds in some ways eerily similar with the direction we are going down today…

      • Rozaŭtuno
        39 months ago

        As much as I respect your argument; the Romans. Or any civilisation really. It literally has always been that way.

        [Citation needed]

  • @[email protected]
    269 months ago

    If you ever wonder why there’s an ORPHAN CRUSHING MACHINE and why they need $20k to prevent the use of it. It was because there’s this one llama with a hat that is trying to build a Meat Dragon to impress his mate named paul

  • MxM111
    229 months ago

    Give man a fish and they call you a communist. Create a baby crashing machine and they call you shrewd businessman. Or something like this.

  • @TheJims
    169 months ago

    The radical leftists marxists communists won’t let us crush orphans anymore

    Make Orphan Crushing Great Again

    Trump 2024

  • NutWrench
    159 months ago

    Of course it’s a mystery. An honest discussion about why orphan-crushing machines need to exist would lead to an honest discussion about where your society’s pain really comes from.

    And the owner class doesn’t want that discussion to happen. Because it would come out that they don’t pay their fair share of the tax burden, which would keep orphan-crushing machines from existing in the first place.

  • @hakunawazo
    59 months ago

    The real problem is that the orphans need a crushing machine themselves so that they could prevent to be crushed. We must protect the second crushing amendment.

    • @ChemicalPilgrim
      19 months ago

      The only thing that can prevent a good orphan from being crushed is a bad orphan with a… wait what?

    • Snot Flickerman
      9 months ago

      I heard Onstad came back and was doing new Achewood content behind a paywall but I have been too poor to pay and see if he has still got the chops.

      I miss Ray and Beef and Teodor and Philipe and Cornelius and Lyle and Nice Pete and the rest of the gang, all the way up to Trouble Man and No-No.

      Dear god if only he could get the complete Achewood released.

  • @Harpsist
    49 months ago

    Great. Now I need to go rewatch cube.

    • @[email protected]
      9 months ago

      When you say rewatch cube I think of the movie Cube, but I’m not sure that’s what you meant?

      • @Harpsist
        29 months ago

        That’s the one! Great Canadian cinema. Number 1 n 3. Not number 2.

  • TWeaK
    39 months ago

    We all could do with less salt in our lives.

  • @BenLeMan
    19 months ago

    It’s called Effective Altruism!

    • @[email protected]
      9 months ago

      In short, effective altruism is commonly viewed as being about the moral obligation to donate as much money as possible to evidence-backed global poverty charities, or other measurable ways of making a short-term impact.

      Just be the philanthropist that your broke ass wants to be.

      Work 120 hours a week so you can receive 15% of the value you generate as a paycheck. Then take the 75% you receive from that after the tax man and donate it to a charity. It’s so simple.

      You want to be a better human? Just work more, and then donate more.

      • @thesporkeffect
        39 months ago

        Except it’s worse than that. The argument goes, if I could donate $1m right now to a charity, or invest that money in subprime mortgages for a year and donate $5m next year, plus keep a little bit of that profit to live on, obviously the optimal course of action is to be a capitalist and not donate right now.

        Project this rationalization forward indefinitely and you get all the benefits of the 1% lifestyle while retaining the ability to feel morally superior to everyone else not in your little trust fund cult

        • @Katana314
          59 months ago

          Not to say that argument is flawless. You can give a starving child 5 meals today, or 500 meals in a year - except in a year, he’s starved and can’t eat a single one.

          It basically ties in with “Justice delayed is justice denied”.

      • @[email protected]
        19 months ago

        Or just actually work for a charitable organization if you’re not super rich. Like a doctor is important to humanitarian aid, but so is getting them to and from the area, so is student loan forgiveness as med school is incredibly costly, they also have to offer their workers a (paltry) salary and per diem, etc, which is where the money is quite important.

        Could it be done differently in a better society that we should absolutely be working towards? Yes. Can and should we also congratulate the people in our society for working with what they have? Yes.

    • @BenLeMan
      19 months ago

      IDK why people are downvoting my post. That’s literally what that is.

      I visited a talk with Peter Singer in Washington, D.C. a few years ago where people applauded a guy who had considered joining an NGO and decided to become an investment broker and donate to Effective Altruism instead. 🤔