Former President Trump encouraged his Iowa supporters to caucus for him at any cost, joking that due to extreme winter weather, “even if you vote and then pass away, it’s worth it.”

Meteorologists warned of “life-threatening” conditions in Iowa for the weekend as the state prepares to caucus. Trump canceled three of his four in-person Iowa events Sunday due to the freezing cold and snow.

Windchill is projected to be as low as -40 degrees in parts of the state Monday, with temperatures also in the negative. The Hawkeye State is also recovering from a blizzard that rocked the region Friday and Saturday, icing roads.

“You can’t sit home. If you’re sick as a dog, you say, ‘Darling, I gotta make it,’” Trump said at an Indianola rally on Sunday. “Even if you vote and then pass away, it’s worth it, remember.”

    • @Scotty_Trees
      6 months ago

      If anyone somehow missed this meme when growing up or are older, it’s a CGI comedy movie called Shrek, and the man speaking is Lord , Farquaad who is voiced by the very talented John Lithgow.

  • Flying Squid
    1056 months ago

    Remember a few years ago when the Lieutenant Governor of Texas told people to die of COVID for the economy?

    We’ve now gotten to the point where it’s just die to vote.

    • @cosmicrookie
      66 months ago

      I’d expect him to realise that he at least also needs them for the presidential election later this year. After that he could burn them off on some sort of insurrection or coup attempt

      • @gac11
        56 months ago

        Unfortunately, he doesn’t need the votes in November he just needs the electors to say he won. He can claim fraud again when he loses

  • lettruthout
    706 months ago

    So basically: “Some of you might die, but that’s a chance I’m willing to take.”

  • @eran_morad
    696 months ago

    The fucking idiots refuse to recognize the contempt he shows for them. What a waste of biomass.

    • @[email protected]
      86 months ago

      Fucking seriously… This piece of shit cancelled events because of the weather, but says “remember even if you die in the proces you really need to do me a favor. Oh, hold on, ha… Ha. Ha? There I laughed, now I can say it was just a joke, but seriously fuck you and go vote for me.”

      • Uglyhead
        6 months ago

        So many ‘Ghost Voters’! they have thousands of dead people voting!

      • @[email protected]
        96 months ago

        I think it’s more that Trump supporters always resolve cognitive dissonance in a way that benefits Trump.

        They short circuit their brains any time Trump says things that are insulting, demeaning, or patronizing to even them personally so that it’s blamed on the democrats (e.g., “He only said that because the democrats are so bad that even if we die, it’s worth it to beat them!”), treated as a joke (e.g, “What a saint, haha, it’s sarcasm, so self-deprecating, making light of how important Trump is to this country.”), or ignored (e.g., “Trump always keeps it entertaining, this is just him saying stuff.”), in that order.

        • @[email protected]
          46 months ago

          It’s also because conservatives value hierarchy. He’s saying “If you vote and die, that’s will ensure your status in the hierarchy”. For people who value that, it’s not a bad idea. I’m proud of going to vote during the pandemic (before there was a vaccine) just to kick this smelly fatass in the balls.

        • @cheese_greater
          36 months ago

          Its a serious issue. Nothing can ever be falsified, I honestly wonder what they would think if he demanded they defy gravity

  • @Rapidcreek
    456 months ago

    At this point, Trump could shoot one of his own supporters in the middle of 5th Avenue, and he’d only loose one vote.

    • @PwnTra1n
      126 months ago

      Someone would vote for him anyway

    • @[email protected]
      76 months ago

      Thinking about it now, the person he gunned down would probably become a martyr and used to increase his vote count somehow. Every bad thing he does seem to just increase his support.

  • @Sterile_Technique
    406 months ago

    Yeah, and do it in shorts and a t-shirt if you really want to own the libs!

    I bet you’re not MAN enough to walk there! I heard Trump recently did it without even wearing shoes!

  • @Potatos_are_not_friends
    296 months ago

    I’m okay with Iowa Trump supporters throwing their lives away for Trump. If you’re a fan of Trump in 2024 after all he’s done, your removal will only improve society.

    • @candybrie
      186 months ago

      Right? As far as I can tell, the nomination is his as long as he’s eligible. He doesn’t need people dying to get it.

  • @[email protected]
    236 months ago

    Trump said “Even if you vote and then pass away, it’s worth it” jokingly? I suspect that it was no joke as the man has no empathy.

  • @[email protected]
    206 months ago

    Ain’t this the same guy who was trying to get votes of people who died from COVID thrown out?

  • sylver_dragon
    186 months ago

    If Trump stood out in the cold and froze to death, that would totally be worth it.

  • @TaterTurnipTulip
    176 months ago

    I am very ok with Trump encouraging behavior that could kill his followers. I hope they take his advice and go even if they’re very sick with COVID.