The Montreal Cognitive Assessment, a test aimed at detecting dementia or cognitive decline, never included the combination of animals Trump identified this week

  • @Boddhisatva
    529 months ago

    Portsmouth, N.H., of the test, which he said involved a few animal identification queries. “They always show you the first one, like a giraffe, a tiger, or this, or that — a whale. ‘Which one is the whale?’ Okay. And that goes on for three or four [questions] and then it gets harder and harder and harder.”

    They always show you the first one? Always? How many times has your doctor given you this cognitive test, Donny?

    • @[email protected]
      199 months ago

      They “always show him the first one,” because he immediately fails every time he takes it.

  • @Rapidcreek
    399 months ago

    If Trump started talking gibberish at one of his rallies, how would anyone know?

    • @StinkyOnions
      299 months ago

      He did a couple nights ago

      Trump: We’re going to place strong protections to stop banks and regulators from trying to debank you from your— your political beliefs what they do. They want to debank you. We’re going to debank— think of this. They want to take away your country. Electric cars.

      • @Kbobabob
        109 months ago

        I work with a guy like this that is in the C suite. Constantly just produces word salad and never finishes a thought, then everyone just looks around like yeah that made sense.

      • ThrowawayOnLemmy
        29 months ago

        Nah, that just sounds like his normal incoherent self.

    • @Potatos_are_not_friends
      249 months ago

      I mean, he literally has for the past few years.

      News sites have been calling it out and nobody cares.

      • @[email protected]
        9 months ago

        I’ve actually found that your typical write-up in the NYT will take whatever word salad the actual speech was, and clean it up until Trump actually sounds like he had a point. A 5 minute ramble on North Korea will be turned into something like ‘Mr Trump vowed to stand up to North Korean aggression’ or whatever, basically just reading tea leaves. If you actually never saw video of him and went off what people wrote, you’d think he’s just your average Republican.

    • @[email protected]
      69 months ago

      People have been speculating that he does for years. His jerky movements while he’s giving speeches, the fact he wears a back brace sometimes, the way he’s had all of his most deranged/nonsensical tweets late in the evening, the way he leans on podiums as he speaks, even the way he went down a ramp very slowly one time a few years ago all point towards the type of degeneration indicative of dementia.

  • HorreC
    119 months ago

    I mean it sounded off the cuff so I didnt think from his statement that he was actually give me the animals from memory. As much as I dont like old white guys in politics, this feels like a drummed up story to get haha points

    • @[email protected]
      119 months ago

      Agreed. From his statement, it sounds like he was giving a general example, not attempting to recall the specific animals he was shown. I say this as someone who thinks trump sounds like he is mentally unwell. Heck, this is downright coherent compared to a lot of the gibberish that comes out of his mouth.

      “I think it was 35, 30 questions,” the former president said in Portsmouth, N.H., of the test, which he said involved a few animal identification queries. “They always show you the first one, like a giraffe, a tiger, or this, or that — a whale. ‘Which one is the whale?’ Okay. And that goes on for three or four [questions] and then it gets harder and harder and harder.”

      • @LifeInMultipleChoice
        89 months ago

        I see your point, I also see the point of questioning how many times you take a dementia test before saying “they always show you” or before you wonder why you have to keep taking them. I suppose it is a good sign that he remembers he has taken multiple?

    • Doc Avid Mornington
      19 months ago

      It is, and this kind of thing is a big part of why Trump’s cultists love him so much. Every time they see us all making fun of something like this, they feel like they’re being attacked, like “liberal elitists” are looking down on their guy, and by extension on them, for no good reason. Instead of talking about how he’s a dangerous authoritarian nationalist, a pompous rich man who despises his own voters, and a threat to the future of democracy, we look like a bunch of bullies forming a circle to point and laugh at the kid who doesn’t test well.

  • @[email protected]
    79 months ago

    What does he mean “It gets harder”? And no I’m not making a joke about sex.

    How hard can it be for an adult (without dementia) to identify an fricken animal?

    • @[email protected]
      9 months ago

      It’s not hard, here it is for anyone curious

      There are some slightly different versions, though I’m not aware of any with a whale on it.

      And it’s a screening test for dementia, not some kind of iq test. Raging narcissist took this and decided he’s the smartest person ever though.

      Hardest question on there is the date imo.

      • @perviouslyiner
        8 months ago

        English doctors used to ask who is the current Prime Minister, which obviously didn’t work so well when the last-but-one Conservative PM lasted just a few weeks before getting replaced again

        • Flying Squid
          68 months ago

          “Who is the prime minister?”

          “A head of lettuce?”

          “I pronounce him sane!”

        • @[email protected]
          28 months ago

          You’d be surprised, it’s really not that bad. And even if you’ve only remembered one but got everything else it’s still a pass

      • Flying Squid
        38 months ago

        He also talked about how long it was.

  • @cultsuperstar
    8 months ago

    Big picture this doesn’t matter because he’s got his supporters and they’re not gonna leave him. His supporters will follow him no matter what. Remember when he said he could walk out in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot someone and nothing would happen to him? He literally could shoot anyone and his supporters would cheer (extra cheering if that person is non-white or a liberal). They want Trump to be their president, king, emperor, and god. And he’s already at least a couple of those things. If he wins this year, and he has an excellent chance, he will try to make himself king. Don’t forget when President Xi of China made himself president for life, Trump said at a rally “maybe we should try that sometime” and attendees cheered.

  • @WoahWoah
    8 months ago

    It’s hilarious to me that there is literally a possibility of two 80+ year olds challenging each other to a “who has less age-related cognitive decline” test. That’s the hilarious part.

    The sobering part is that the test would be related to deciding who gets to be President of the United States.

    Buttigieg 2024.

    • @[email protected]OP
      128 months ago

      If you see Biden give a live speech or answer unscripted questions, it’s clear that he’s still sharp.

      From what I can telll, the age fears about Biden are mostly a socially-acceptable way for people to express their fear that a black woman would become President if he died in office.

      • @WoahWoah
        18 months ago

        I watch him talk quite often. I watch all of his major addresses, listen to his interviews, etc. I’m not saying he’s not “still sharp,” my point is that even as you’re trying to defend him, you have to use the phrase “still sharp.”

        I’m not concerned about who the VP is if POTUS dies in office. I’m concerned about, regardless of who the president and VP is, what will happen in this country if we have a VP assume the executive. If Trump is president and dies in office, it will be chaos. Same with Biden.

        We are not a stable country right now. A US president dying in office is a MAJOR destabilizing event, even in the best of times.

        We’re really gambling by putting forward two candidates that actuarial tables indicate are more likely to die in office from all causes than basically any presidential candidates in American history.

        • @[email protected]OP
          28 months ago

          We’ve had eight Presidents die in office. The fact that there’s a planned successor has meant that we have not had chaos as a result.

          • @WoahWoah
            -18 months ago

            The last president to die in office was assassinated, and it was 60 years ago. And, yes, it caused quite a bit of chaos.

            Consider the idea that things might have changed in the last half century.

    • Flying Squid
      28 months ago

      Buttigieg 2024.

      Are you fucking joking? That ex-McKinsey piece of shit?

      • @WoahWoah
        8 months ago

        deleted by creator

      • @WoahWoah
        -18 months ago

        Ya haha. Just a joke no worries.

  • @ohlaph
    38 months ago

    White house officially implements mandatory ciesta.

  • @nutsack
    -29 months ago

    I bet I would fucking ace this test