• @CultHero
    885 months ago

    The Republicans have been playing by the nazi playbook for a long time now.

    Nazis didn’t start with the Jews. They knew they couldn’t get away with rounding up an entire ethnic group. They started with the LGBTQ community. They dehumanized lgbtq people in the eyes of the public and made it seem like they were doing it for the good of a pure and powerful Germany. When that worked they realized how easy it was to dehumanize an entire population in the eyes of the public and used the same tactics against Jews, Roma etc.

    When you think about it the lgbtq community is the first line of defence protecting democracy because they are the most vulnerable and easiest to demonize. Once it’s ok to eradicate one group of people it becomes so much easier to do the same to larger groups.

    It won’t stop at lgbtq people, they will keep eradicating every minority until they’re actually stopped by force. So far they’ve gone after trans people, gay marriage, women’s reproductive rights and have even talked about overturning Loving vs Virginia. Their goal is a straight, white, “Christian” male utopia.

      • @gAlienLifeform
        265 months ago

        Might be obvious, but just to underscore it - if a conservative ever starts spouting nonsense about how “there wasn’t no transgenders when we was kids” - yes there were, they just didn’t know, and things like this are why

        Also, just to put this research in some historical perspective - when this institute first opened its doors, we hadn’t figured out insulin yet and the best treatment doctors had for diabetics was restrictive diets that ended up starving patients to death as often as not. Like, if those research institutes has gotten firebombed repeatedly over the years, a lot more of society would probably find the notion of people who can’t eat sugar strange.

        • @sharkwellington
          255 months ago

          Might be obvious, but just to underscore it - if a conservative ever starts spouting nonsense about how “there wasn’t no transgenders when we was kids” - yes there were, they just didn’t know, and things like this are why

          • @gAlienLifeform
            5 months ago


            Many early 20th-century British and North American educators and physicians, albeit with a “scientific” rationale, insisted children should be made to write using their right hands. The methods used to obtain this result were often tortuous, including tying a resistant child’s left hand to immobilise it. Typical of the reasoning to justify such practices is a 1924 letter to the British Medical Journal endorsing “retraining” of left-handers to write with their right hands, because otherwise the left-handed child would risk “[old word we don’t use anymore] in mental development; in some cases…actual [old word]”. As late as 1946 the former chief psychiatrist of the New York City Board of Education, Abram Blau, warned that, unless retrained, left-handed children risked severe developmental and learning disabilities and insisted that “children should be encouraged in their early years to adopt dextrality…in order to become better equipped to live in our right-sided world”.

            • @sharkwellington
              125 months ago

              “children should be encouraged in their early years to adopt dextrality…in order to become better equipped to live in our right-sided world”.

              I hate the obvious parallels here.

    • @[email protected]
      195 months ago

      The saddest part is this trick has been working on humans for thousands of years. Is the issue the types who spin things this way, or the rest of us who fall for it? Seems like a human tragic flaw.

      • prole
        65 months ago

        I’m starting to believe that human nature just always tends toward fascist tendencies. It’s a constant battle against this shit, and it’s exhausting. Then every ~100 years or so, the people who fought against it last die out, and everyone forgets what fascism does to a nation and the cycle repeats.

        I’m tired.

        • @[email protected]
          15 months ago

          Studies of authoritarian personalities (specifically, authoritarian followers: the kind who show up to Trump’s rallies to cheer, not Trump himself) show that there is probably a genetic component to this and dealing with these people is probably always going to be a struggle for humanity.

          However: it’s probably more that the tendency is genetic. Exposure to novelty and life experience (or generally: lack of those things) are big factors in terms of someone actually adopting these ideas

          Unfortunately it’s not a field that gets a huge amount of study.

      • @SparrowRanjitScaur
        35 months ago

        Human lifespans are short and most humans need to learn lessons firsthand. I wouldn’t be surprised if this is a cyclical pattern for humanity. Hell, the Roman Republic was founded by a hard working group of people that wanted to escape the tyranny of the Etruscan kings that dominated the region. And Rome was hijacked by a tyranical emperor in the end, leading to a slow decline over the years.

      • @Passerby6497
        105 months ago

        LGBT and communists were attacked at around the same time based on my knowledge of events, but is it really a surprise that the LGBT would be excluded from recognition based on the dominate cultures of the time?

        • @[email protected]
          5 months ago

          It depends on how you count.

          Germany went through a Communist revolution immediately after (and a little bit during) WW1. The Communists won and took over Germany, getting rid of the monarchy. The far right in Germany went fucking wild with rage, a level of anger that really has no parallel in the modern US, and “cleansed” Germany. The Weimar Republic was formed roughly in the wake of that.

          But that wasn’t the Nazis, though many of the people involved in that did go on to become Nazis.

          The Nazis did sorta go after queer, and specifically transgender, people first. (And “degenerate art”!)

          The Weimar Republic, for its many, many, many faults (seriously here it’s hard to overstate) did grow out of a Communist revolution even if it betrayed that revolution. They were actually issuing permits for people to live their lives as a different gender, similar to our modern conception of getting your paperwork changed in the US. One of the first things the Nazis did when they took over was to strike those permits down. (Or simply prosecute the people who held them. Or simply straight up murder them.)

        • @[email protected]
          25 months ago

          is it really a surprise that the LGBT would be excluded from recognition based on the dominate cultures of the time?

          I don’t know what this is supposed to mean

          • @[email protected]
            05 months ago

            The poem in question was by Martin Niemöller, who was a Lutheran pastor. It’s not surprising that he’d write LGBTQ+ people out.

      • Flying Squid
        55 months ago

        Do you think Pastor Neimoller would have a problem with them coming for the trans people?

    • @CosmicTurtle
      65 months ago

      Their goal is power.

      Being Christian, white, straight, and/or male is just a means to an end.

      If they have to collectively suck the cocks of a bunch of gay guys if it will give them power, they’ll do it and then execute them saying they were tricked.

      • @StinkyOnions
        55 months ago

        I’m sure they would suck dick voluntarily.

    • @Daft_ish
      5 months ago

      Pretty sick isn’t it? Especially when you consider in their straight white Christian male utopia they will still be the underclass to the 1% of people who control more than half of the world’s wealth. So you kill a bunch of innocent people and your still a poor racist scumbag piece of shit. Nice.

    • Objectionist
      35 months ago

      they might even go for left handed people!

      i’m left handed! fuck!

    • @[email protected]
      25 months ago

      And here we are watching a spike in Antisemitism and a push for laws that strip trans people of their ability to lead their lives.

      History repeats itself, we’ve just become too stupid to read the history books and get our information from tik tok now.

  • katy ✨
    405 months ago

    and yet people will still say both sides are the same

    • Shirasho
      -305 months ago

      For most things, yes. This is absolutely not one of them.

      • @[email protected]
        225 months ago

        Yeah the Republicans want to drag me out into the street, murder me, and then drag my corpse through the town behind their Dodge Ram 1500 or Ford F150.

        Democrats don’t like that and would prefer Republicans not do it, but most of them won’t do anything to stop it as long as they’re not forced to watch it happen and can pretend it’s not happening.

        A real, but grotesque, difference.

        • @[email protected]
          55 months ago

          Democrats don’t like that and would prefer Republicans not do it, but most of them won’t do anything to stop it as long as they’re not forced to watch it happen and can pretend it’s not happening.

          That doesn’t sound like the Democrats I know! They would post a comment on social media about how sad they are about it and then say “vote blue, no matter who!” before defending some softer form of transphobia as a middle ground.

        • @RubberElectrons
          5 months ago

          Whoa hell no, I’d stop the fuck outta that, at step 1. Who the fuck are you??

          E: downvotes because you’re afraid to help? Aight then.

          • Shirasho
            65 months ago

            There are a lot of people who like saying pretty things when their name is visible but when it comes to the anonymous vote they will not vote the same way. This goes down both sides of the aisle, but people don’t stand back and take an objective view of their parties and what their mouthpieces actually stand for.

            • @RubberElectrons
              5 months ago

              There’s not much that can really be done about liars hiding behind anonymity. But there are a bunch of us who truly want to help others succeed, more than there are malicious liars.

              The dark ages could have continued forever… But they didn’t, because humans like building societies, whether simple or complex.

    • @[email protected]
      105 months ago

      Apply for visas now. Pack your bug out bag and be ready to drive to Mexico on a moments notice. Better 10 years too early than a day too late

      • @[email protected]
        75 months ago

        I can’t believe we’re at this point, but yes. I’m close ish to the Canadian border and I’m a homeowner making good money but the minute I can’t get hormones I’m gone. Never thought I’d have to live with this kind of anxiety in the US.

        • @[email protected]
          5 months ago

          Keep in mind Mexico has far laxer border security especially if crossing by land (they didn’t even check my passport). So don’t get discouraged if Canada turns you away, though there is a slight language barrier with Mexico (nothing translator apps can’t handle, and a lot of the words are the same due to the etymology)

          Personality I’m already out bc I figure the US is just going to gradually get worse and I’d much rather apply for a visa than asylum

      • @x4740N
        25 months ago

        people should look into expats as well as that is a good place to start

  • @captainlezbian
    265 months ago

    Yep. And we are just as much of people as everyone else. Our elimination won’t be bloodless. And once they get a taste for blood they won’t stop and they’ll be harder to stop since their political violence is now established

    • @RGB3x3
      235 months ago

      It’s LGBT now, hispanics later, black people much later, then probably just Democrats in general.

      Anyone who isn’t white, Christian, and Republican isn’t welcome. And if you’re not a man, you’re not in control.

    • osarusan
      185 months ago

      “I don’t like Trump, but Biden just doesn’t excite me…”

      • Flying Squid
        145 months ago

        Them: “If people considered a third party candidate, this wouldn’t be happening!”

        Me: “Name the candidate that has a reasonable chance of beating both Trump and Biden.”

        Them: “…”

        Except once. I had one person argue with me, seriously argue with me, that Cornel West could win the presidency because all kinds of strange things happen in the universe and you can’t prove he won’t!

        • osarusan
          65 months ago

          It’s almost like… there’s a reason these 3rd party candidates aren’t making it onto the big party tickets.

          • @Dkarma
            15 months ago

            It’s called the electoral college.

            • osarusan
              5 months ago

              Well, no. The Electoral College has its own list of problems, but keeping 3rd parties out of power is not one of them.

              There’s two main reasons we don’t have any serious third party candidates:

              1. We have a first-past-the-post system, which mathematically results in a two-party system, and

              2. no serious politician runs as a third party candidate, because any serious politician understands how our election system works.

    • @gAlienLifeform
      105 months ago

      “We need to compromise with those people who want to kill you. They’re not so bad you know, one of them invited me over for dinner last weekend and his wife said the funniest thing, you’d like her.” - average moderate

    • prole
      65 months ago

      gEnOcIDe JoE

      Except Trump will be 1000x worse with respect to Israel. And not voting for Biden might as well be a vote for Trump.

    • @[email protected]
      55 months ago

      To all the upvoters: Average disillusioned leftie here.

      Saying “I won’t support Biden in the primary.” is not the same as "i sTILl not goNna vOtE”.

      I do not want ANY GOP to win any power, ever, anywhere.

      We were saved by the young vote in the midterms and Biden has almost entirely lost those voters. Like it or not Biden is deeply unpopular. And I believe Biden would likely lose to Trump.

      So how is pleading for a candidate from the DNC who stands a better chance at winning against the GOP an irrational position?

      Please reexamine your politics - I am not your enemy.

      • @[email protected]
        15 months ago

        If there was any realistic option, sure. But no incumbent president has ever been defeated in a primary, and what other candidates are even running? It’s absolutely a foregone conclusion that Biden will be the nominee.

    • katy ✨
      -45 months ago

      most of those people aren’t even lefties; they’re just bots or cis white men on twitter

  • @jeffw
    205 months ago

    Yup. I agreed with the last 20 publications who tried to raise the alarm too.

    • Flying Squid
      75 months ago

      Damn it, and I thought I’d survive because I’m cis…

      • @[email protected]OP
        25 months ago

        It’s a serious point though: no one can be safe under fascism. You may think you tick enough of the boxes to stay out of immediate danger while they attack someone else, but their hatred is capricious and could turn your way at any moment.

    • @jordanlundM
      -15 months ago

      Reported as a call to violence for “lets get rid of Republicans” and “need to be wiped out.”

      To be clear, I do believe that we would be better if the party were disbanded and quite a lot of them rounded up RICO style, but “wiping them out” is perilously close to THEIR langage.

  • @JeeBaiChow
    125 months ago

    Article misspelled ‘anyone that’s not like them’.

  • @unreasonabro
    115 months ago

    The GOP wants to be the demons of their fanciful hell who administer your “eternal punishment”

  • @evidences
    5 months ago

    I’m not sure Mike Dewine is the best face for the top photo in this article. Sure he’s a Republican governor in a state dominated by a Republican legislature that just passed a large bill targeted specifically transgender youth but he also vetoed that bill stating “I continue to believe it is in the best interests of children for these medical decisions to be made by the child’s parents and not by the government”. He might have it in for the older trans community but right now he seems like he not towing the party line here.

    Nevermind, fuck this dude.

      • @evidences
        95 months ago

        Yeah on second look seeing the new proposals for restrictions fuck him.

      • @captainlezbian
        65 months ago

        You can always count on DeWine to do the right thing until his party hears about it and provides mild pushback at which point he goes full mustache twirling evil.

        I hate my fucking government so much. Columbus is too cool of a city to be located in this shithole of a state.

  • @cmoney
    85 months ago

    Anti-Trans bills in the US. I found a website that tracks Anti-trans bills, giving a breakdown of how many are active, passed, and failed this year so far.

  • @gaifux
    -135 months ago

    Removed by mod

    • @jordanlundM
      25 months ago

      Removed, trolling. 24 hour ban.