• @[email protected]
    791 year ago

    Trump is even worse than Biden on Gaza. I get trying to push Biden to do better, but let’s all keep the truth in mind. The actual truth, not the click bait bullshit horse race covered by the media.

    • queermunist she/her
      1 year ago

      Electoral pressure is literally the only lever we have to push Biden to do better. There’s no other way. Biden’s team is making a bet that we aren’t serious and that they can just use Trump to hold us hostage in the party.

      So! No ceasefire, no votes. If this war is still going on by November, and Netanyahu has been saying it will, I will not vote for Biden.

      It’s so easy to earn our votes! Why is Biden sabotaging his own campaign?

      • @[email protected]
        -21 year ago

        The trouble you guys face is Trump is worse.

        Just on Israel-Palestine alone, Trump is the person that recognised Jerusalem as Israel’s capital city. If that isn’t informative about his attitude about the situation…

        • ???OP
          261 year ago

          Yeah, and that’s Biden’s fault, not the voters. He is letting an unqualified candidate beat him because he won’t stop funding the war on Gaza.

        • @Bogusmcfakester
          11 year ago

          Don’t know why you have downvotes, this is sound logic, trump will embolden Israel even more while fucking up a lot of other important stuff e.g. Ukraine

      • @[email protected]
        -51 year ago

        While I have serious issues with Biden on Israel, he really has no ability to force a ceasefire. (Short of sending US troops in to enforce it, and that would be a terrible idea.).

        Biden could pull all US support for Israel, but that would create a power vacuum that China or (more likely) Russia would gladly fill. It still wouldn’t end the genocide, but it would put a wedge between Iran and the Palestinians. (Iran is their only powerful ally.)

        Biden’s rhetoric needs to change, and we need Israel to feel some real heat for their actions, but the US doesn’t have Israel on a leash.

        • @OccamsTeapot
          111 year ago

          While I have serious issues with Biden on Israel, he really has no ability to force a ceasefire. (Short of sending US troops in to enforce it, and that would be a terrible idea.).

          Did you forget about the UN Security Council votes? The ones the US ruined?

          • @[email protected]
            -11 year ago

            No, that is one of the serious issues, but I also know that UN security council votes would make no difference whatsoever.

            • @OccamsTeapot
              41 year ago

              How do you know that? It’s probably the best chance we have, surely?

              • @[email protected]
                -11 year ago

                Resolutions against further settlement were completely ignored. Ultimately, UN resolutions rely on a willingness to use military force if necessary. There is no interest in that, and there shouldn’t be. That would certainly spread the conflict.

                There actually was a successful vote on humanitarian aid, and that aid is being largely blocked by Israel.

                • @OccamsTeapot
                  21 year ago

                  It seems like the problem is with UN security council resolutions not being enforced, so why make it look like America is the issue? Why not give it the best chance? Hell If you cared about the well being of your fellow human beings (controversial I know) wouldn’t you be approving resolutions and then fighting to get them implemented? If they ignore it you can fucking sanction them. Use it to justify stopping arms sales and aid.

                  America cannot escape their responsibility for this, IMO. If they’d voted for a cease fire and Israel had ignored it, it would be Israel’s fault. The way it stands America shares the blame, whether they like it or not.

          • @[email protected]
            -51 year ago

            Anyone who starts a sentence with “you people” has likely got some morality issues of their own.

            Foreign policy has to account for all the consequences of any decision, including counter moves. As a “friend of Israel” the US has some influence (less and less it would seem). From the outside we would have none whatsoever.

    • ???OP
      1 year ago

      Trump is worse than Biden on anything and everything. But if any president can get away with supporting a genocide campaign, is this not the way they get away with it? By simply claiming it will ruin their campaign efforts?

      • @bigFab
        -31 year ago

        It’s sad ppl only read your first sentence and then are fully satisfied with whatever shit you throw on, as long as you don’t specifically say ‘Biden is really bad’

        • ???OP
          171 year ago

          I think it’s Biden’s responsibility to not support genocide, he owes it to his voters, and if he wants to keep them, he needs to change.

      • @Eldritch
        -61 year ago

        A president has already gotten away with it. Trying to selectively punish Biden now is actually a bit of hypocrisy. We should have done it in the first place. But we largely got in that position because of people who couldn’t bring themselves to vote for Clinton, etc.

        Biden’s moves are optically bad. But make a lot of sense as far as strategy goes. Traditionally. You have a much more powerful position to bargain as an ally than as an enemy. But that does not stop people like yourself from making hyperbolic claims.

        Don’t get me wrong. Eileen, libertarian and communist. I have no real investment in Biden. I’m simply intelligent enough to know that he or Trump are going to win. And that he is by far the better choice. Which you yourself said. You just want to make some example of him despite your own face etc.

              • @Eldritch
                11 year ago

                Biden is pouring weapons into it.

                And there’s no evidence that Israel is using them on Gaza. They have used us-produced munitions in the past. It’s true. But there’s no evidence that they needed or are using the ones Biden provided.

                Those poor Nazi soldiers!

                Fuck Nazis I was talking about the Soviets killing their own lol.

                Really? How many people have died?

                They’re not being transparent about it, so that’s a good question. One that you don’t care the answer to. Because you’re a hypocrite. Your crocodile tears are performative and mean nothing.

                You probably should have just tried to use it as one then.

                Why would I do that? That would make me like you. What intelligent rational well-meaning person would want to be like you?

    • sylver_dragon
      311 year ago

      Unfortunately, the Democrats keep going back to the well of “what are you going to do, vote for the other guy?” Their success on this has been hit or miss the last few cycles. In fairness, it’s been a viable strategy in the past, if Democrats can get those few persuadable voters in the middle of the political spectrum to vote Democratic and not Republican, that’s a net win for the Democratic candidate. But, that begs the question of “are there enough persuadable voters left to offset losses when parts of your base stay home?” With Biden’s continued support for Israel’s actions, it seems that their political calculus says, “yes”.

      However, we’ve seen this go both ways in the last few cycles. Clinton deployed the tactic in 2016 and commenters were out in force to brow-beat any of the deplorables who offered anything less than a full-thoated support of her turn. It got her the popular vote, but that has never mattered, she lost the election. The “vote blue no matter who” force was on full display again in 2020 and managed to eek out a win. And here you are again, ramping up for 2024. It’s going to be interesting to see how it works out this time.

      Biden in 2020 had the advantage of being somewhat unknown. Everyone knew him as Obama’s Vice President and that provided him some of Obama’s popularity. This time around, he’s much more of a known quantity and he’s going to be running on his own record. Brow-beating people with “anyone but Trump” seems less likely to work when voters may be looking at specific policies and actions which they find at odds with their beliefs. When Biden was more of an unknown, it was easy for voters to map their own views onto him. We see this with polls which include “generic Democrat/Republican” as an option. People map their own views onto the “generic” view and so are more supportive. When a candidate becomes a known quantity, support can drop off, as the voters know which areas they agree and disagree with a particular politician. In the same way, Biden’s policies are now more understood by the voters and people may be less inclined to support him based on those policies.

      Personally, I’m doubtful this sort of brow-beating is going to work this cycle. Biden’s popularity isn’t fantastic and he’s too well known for people to map their views onto him. Moreover, responding to people being upset with his actions with a brow-beating seems like a poor response to peoples’ legitimate issues. It seems more likely to convince them to disengage or push back even harder. Sure, what are they going to do, vote for the other guy? No, probably not, but they may also not show up on election day. And with the closely divided state of the US electorate, that might just be enough to swing things the other way.

    • @Viking_Hippie
      181 year ago

      I get trying to push Biden to do better

      Do you, as a group, though?

      Every time someone posts an article about how it’s a bad thing that Biden is actively contributing to a genocide, the top comment is Trump whataboutism.

      Yes, Trump is much worse, both on Israel and in general, but that’s not the fucking point!

      • @[email protected]
        81 year ago

        Biden ain’t doing shit. He’s gonna go to Michigan and lie, then he’s going to maintain the same policies the US has for decades. It’s silly to think otherwise. And so it goes.

      • @Potatofish
        01 year ago

        You are very wrong. It is the point. The purpose of those posts is to confuse voters and discourage voting. The bigger picture is that Trump and MAGA can never be allowed to win for the good of the entire world.

        • @Viking_Hippie
          21 year ago

          The purpose of those posts is to confuse voters and discourage voting

          Yeah, because people can’t POSSIBLE honestly have a problem with the guy who’s supposed to represent any American to the left of fascism supporting genocide! Has to be a voter suppression plot! 🙄

          Trump and MAGA can never be allowed to win for the good of the entire world.

          True, but that doesn’t mean that we have to set the bar at the abyssal point “better than Trump” rather than actually hold Biden accountable for his words and actions.

          • @Potatofish
            -41 year ago

            You missed the point again. Those posts aren’t for you. They are for the easily swayed masses.

            • @Viking_Hippie
              21 year ago

              You missed the point again

              YOU deflected from the ACTUAL point again.

              • @Potatofish
                -41 year ago

                Just stop. If you can’t grasp what’s important, don’t bother responding.

                • ???OP
                  1 year ago

                  “Omg, I just can’t keep up with this discussion. Just stop! Okay?? Just sToP!!

            • ???OP
              1 year ago

              Ah yes, Potato Fish… you are the smartest of us all 😍 😍 😍 /s

                • ???OP
                  11 year ago

                  Exactly to an /s post? 😂

      • @[email protected]
        -71 year ago

        Trump is much worse, both on Israel and in general, but that’s not the fucking point!

        Except that the only two actual choices for the next 4 year cycle are Trump and Biden. Do that really us the point.

        Putting your progressive politics focus on the president is a losing game, anyway. Praxis is local.

        • ???OP
          201 year ago

          Wouldn’t this energy be better invested in getting Biden to stop supporting the Israeli genocide so that his Arab and Muslim voters don’t abandon him?

          • @[email protected]
            -101 year ago

            When it comes to American politics and actually affecting change, I think the energy is best invested in supporting progressive candidates from the bottom (local) up (national). Go to the primaries and vote for any candidate you can that is closer to your views if there are any. But when the time comes to vote for Biden, Trump, or abstain, anything other than voting for Biden is a vote for Trump, who is far worse in every conceivable way.

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          I didn’t realize the primary was over.

          It’s funny how that and the fact that the Democratic party has already, against it’s own rules, removed all candidates other than Biden from the ballots in 10% of the States never gets brought up.

          Instead we get a bunch of people posting in an attempt to shame people into voting for someone who supports genocide because ‘what else are you going to do’

          I wish the Democratic party acted like Trump was the existential threat we all recognize him to be.

        • @Viking_Hippie
          171 year ago

          So as long as he’s marginally better than a deranged fascist rapist, criticism of him isn’t allowed at all?

          Fuck off with that authoritarianism bullshit!

          • @HipHoboHarold
            131 year ago

            I definitely feel like so many actual democrats are starting to show similar signs as MAGAts did. It’s been there to an extent, but holy shit is it getting bad. Now it’s either love him or you’re a borderline terrible person.

    • @[email protected]
      131 year ago

      On foreign policy the US remains a genocidal bully with questionable morals and alliances. But domestically the Democrats present a veneer of somewhat moral, inclusive values. So with the presented choice I would recommend to go with the seemingly moral guy and try to hold him accountable, rather than vote for the fascist maniac that acts the same domestically and foreign.

      Just hope you get locally active to organize a stronger left for the future.

        • @[email protected]
          71 year ago

          He’s not my president. Can’t do much but protest here and hold my own representatives accountable.

          I can’t fault anyone for not voting for a war criminal.

      • NoneOfUrBusiness
        31 year ago

        The thing is: Without threatening their ability to get reelected you have no ability to hold them accountable.

      • @[email protected]
        01 year ago

        Um, what? How are you entirely unaware of the Trump administration’s support of Saudi Arabia commiting genocide in Yemen while Saudi officials dumped loads of cash at Trump resorts?

    • @[email protected]
      91 year ago

      The Canadian Conservative party is the one that usually runs on “imagine/look at how bad the other guy would be” as a party platform. It’s a bad look and a sign that you have nothing better. It’s politicking for the sake of politicking.

      • BringMeTheDiscoKing
        1 year ago

        It is a bad look and a sign of a lack of good options, but that’s the situation.

        Also, all Canadian parties run like that except for the Greens and the Bloc, and it’s probably because they know they won’t form a government

  • BringMeTheDiscoKing
    331 year ago

    Guys. Vote in your interests. Sure Biden might be a complicit war criminal but the other guy is a domestic criminal who would be an enthusiastic war criminal given half a chance.

    Secure your country from the Putin’s pet orangutan for another four years, then rake Biden across the coals.

    If we’re lucky, we won’t have to deal with either of them in 2028.

      • @[email protected]
        141 year ago

        I agree with you and I’d like to point out we’ve done studies and found that “Russiagate” in 2016 was a big nothingburger. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/01/09/russian-trolls-twitter-had-little-influence-2016-voters/

        Democrats don’t want to hear it, though, because it’s a very convenient excuse for their own failings. Just like them blaming Bernie Bros, despite Bernie supporters voting for Clinton in larger numbers than Clinton supporters voted for Obama 8 years prior.

        They simply don’t want to take responsibility for their own actions (and inaction).

      • Anti-Face Weapon
        -11 year ago

        There are a lot of reasons to be suspicious about trump when it comes to colluding with foreign powers, and there is even some evidence. I agree that people often take it too far, into the conspiracy theory territory. But I don’t think it’s quite comparable with QAnon, either in feasibility, or in scope, or in the problematic effects that it may have.

        Also, the American system is, at best, only semi-democratic. The politicians are the ones who determine who is in power, much more than the people who actually vote. Are the citizens really responsible for what politicians we have? Am I responsible, as a man who votes conscientiously, who has campaigned during important elections, and yet does not have any real influence in who gets elected? Is the average person, who is just barely getting by, really expected to change the system by themselves?

        We need systemic change, but we have no class consciousness, and we are not likely to get there. These facts are manipulated by the people in power.

      • @Donebrach
        -71 year ago

        I don’t know what country you live in but that sure is a lot of words that don’t really mean anything.

        Can you please elaborate on what the “foreign agent bullshit” you’re talking about is?

        And can you please also explain how said bullshit is akin to how republicans are blaming Qanaon? (And also please explain what republicans are “blaming” Qanon for, as it’s my understanding that most republicans are followers of Qanon, not critics.)

        If you are a bot account I am sorry for putting you through the wringer as it’s my first day.

      • BringMeTheDiscoKing
        -71 year ago

        Hey yeah, I should stop picking on that Putin guy! 😁

        I said Trump was Putin’s pet. He’s a foreign agent only by happenstance and perhaps through manipulation.

    • @[email protected]
      191 year ago

      So… When your choices are between two war criminals, your first thought isn’t that the system needs change but that we should vote for the war criminal with a track record of war crimes?

      • rigatti
        61 year ago

        The system needs to change, but with one of those criminals it’s slow progress in the right direction and with the other it’s a sprint towards fascism. Take your pick.

          • rigatti
            -71 year ago

            Great contribution to the conversation. Laugh if you want, but voting for Democrats in general elections and voting progressive in primaries is the only way this country will make any progress. Push for ranked choice and other non-FPTP voting systems to get people better representation.

            • @[email protected]
              1 year ago

              But there has been no progress during my lifetime (well not here and not in the US, there might have been some progress in other parts of the world). In fact, whenever we had “left”-liberals in power here in Germany, the march towards the right only accelerated, as they adopted right-wing neoliberal policies and took at least part their base with them over to the right, and the rest gets marginalized. We’ve had some fatal damage done to the welfare state, worker’s rights and the anti-war movement, all by the social democrats and greens.

              Your affirmation that there is “slow progress” is clearly not true. There was some progress before I was born, but as far as I can tell, that had nothing at all to do with voting for the lesser evil.

              • rigatti
                -11 year ago

                Are we talking about the US or Germany? And how long have you been alive? Things like legalized gay marriage, legalized marijuana (not federally but in many states), healthcare that can’t deny people because of pre-existing conditions are all examples of progress that have come in the last 15 years. There’s still a long way to go even on those things I mentioned, but ignoring that progress is needlessly pessimistic.

                • @[email protected]
                  61 year ago

                  Sure but it’s always like one small step forward and two large steps back. Abortion was made illegal in many states. US domestic surveillance of its own citizens has increased dramatically and gone unchallenged. Housing and healthcare costs have continued to outpace wage growth. Inequality has increased unabated. Green energy remains woefully underfunded. I could go on.

        • @[email protected]
          31 year ago

          Agreed. Trump’s recent rhetoric has been about dictatorship not presidency. It increasingly appears like a trump win would be the last election for a while.

    • ???OP
      171 year ago

      When will sweet death take them?

  • @[email protected]
    311 year ago

    Why does CNN put genocide in quotes in the article after the international court has already ruled that the actions in Gaza meet the definition?

    • ???OP
      1 year ago

      “Journalistic integrity”

      PS: but also what the other person said.

    • @[email protected]
      191 year ago

      Technically, they only ruled that genocide is plausible enough to hear the case (and that South Africa has a right to bring the case).

  • @Leviathan
    181 year ago

    Imagine thinking you’ll even be able to legally protest if Trump is president.

    • @[email protected]
      181 year ago

      Is this what we can expect for every criticism of the Biden administration for the next year? All you are really telling swing voters is that their opinion is irrelevant. What do you think that will do for turnout? Why do you think the administration itself isn’t making use of this brilliant electoral strategy? When Trump wins, you can thank the guy in the mirror.

      • @Leviathan
        -11 year ago

        Did I say their opinion is irrelevant? I said, like last time, Trump will attack them and try to outlaw protests while working for the highest bidder. It’s not an attempt at swaying, it’s stating fact. You don’t get change by replacing the status quo guy with a straight up fascist.

        • @[email protected]
          131 year ago

          If ever criticism is met with “But Trump…”, then you are making their opinion irrelevant. There will always be a worse Republican.

          • @Leviathan
            -41 year ago

            Pelosi is currently calling for protests to be suppressed. I care more about what politicians are actually doing than what you imagine they are going to do in your CNN addled brain

            I don’t watch CNN, but I did watch Trump call for the National guard to deal with protesters and tear gas them for a photo op.

            It literally is not, you’re just speculating.

            It’s fact, based on his track record.

            Fascism is the status quo.

            Maybe, but I’ll take “maybe fascism” over full on Christofascism.

            At least Biden’s not tear gassing protesters to take a picture holding a Bible for masturbating Christofascists.

            Btw, I’m in no way a Biden supporter, but I’ll be fucked if I support Trump.

      • @Leviathan
        1 year ago

        And when he was president he regularly tried to outlaw protests, tear gasses them, etc. Not to mention a Trump presidency costed Roe v Wade and stacked the supreme Court with bought and sold Christofascists. I didn’t say he never was president, I said he’ll straight up outlaw protests the next time he is, which he was well on his way to doing the last time.

          • @Leviathan
            61 year ago

            Pure vibes. The Trump administration was no worse for protests than any other administration in my life time.

            Are you a small child? He literally tear gassed protesters to take a photo op.

            Yeah, great job there, Biden.

            Nope. Trump’s admin.

            The Democrats literally let the Republicans have two of those seats.

            They didn’t have the house, plus they’re not great, but they’re better than Trump.

            Want to make a bet on it?

            It’s not a game and I’m not a child. He will.

            Lol no.

            Lol yeah, he literally wanted to call in the National guard, you can look it up.

          • @Donebrach
            -11 year ago

            What does this comment mean in this thread?

          • @[email protected]
            -111 year ago

            I’m not saying that anywhere LoL. Although now that you bring him up, that’s a clear recent example of how easily influenced Americans are by foreign influence.

              • @[email protected]
                01 year ago

                Interesting how when the shoe is on the other foot, y’all start to sound a whole lot like Trump did back when he was… rightfully accused.

                We know people are being paid to show up, we can see the professionalism in the media they’re using but you aren’t at all curious about where that money’s coming from? Canada is literally investigating foreign influence on their elections right now, America has found interference in theirs but because your cause du jour is being keyed on, it’s fascism to want to know more?

                Fascinating watching this all unfold.

  • Anti-Face Weapon
    151 year ago

    Trump would probably bomb the shit out of Palestine.

    • ???OP
      151 year ago

      Then the result is the same. Thanks, Biden.

      • Anti-Face Weapon
        -71 year ago

        Biden isn’t sending drones to bomb Palestine, to my knowledge. I’m saying that Trump would do that. If Trump were in power, it would probably be worse.

        Not to excuse Biden, and his complete apathy for this ongoing genocide. It is unexcusable, and no one who tolerates genocide should be allowed anywhere near politics.

        • ???OP
          1 year ago

          Biden isn’t sending drones to bomb Palestine, to my knowledge.

          He bypassed Congress to send weapons to Israel. I think similar shit happened on several occasions, and it’s not nearing an end. What’s the difference? American tax money all the same.

          I don’t think you will find anyone on this thread who supports Trump or thinks Trump will not be “worse”.

          EDIT: wait, one second, seems like Biden actually may literally have done what you suggested: https://theintercept.com/2024/01/11/israel-air-force-targeting-intelligence/. And apparently the “hold my beer as I bypass the congress” happened twice

          • Anti-Face Weapon
            141 year ago

            I guess he litterally sending both drones and bombs, but I meant that Trump would order a direct strike. But you’re right, that’s not much different in the end, is it? The main difference is that Biden maintains some plausible deniability. “WE didn’t kill anyone! We didn’t know they would use these tools for genocide!”. Maybe in some sense that IS worse.

            • ???OP
              171 year ago

              Deep in my heart, I just hope both Trump and Biden get heart attacks before the elections kick off. Voters would get a fresh choice then.

              • Anti-Face Weapon
                91 year ago

                I’m afraid that in our current political system, voters would get a fresh choice of candidates who would probably still send weapons to Israel. Somehow we need deeper political change.

                • @Zevlen
                  131 year ago

                  deleted by creator

            • @[email protected]
              101 year ago

              When Trump was president suddenly all the atrocities of the Obama presidency weren’t acceptable. Now that Biden is president it’s all fine again. I don’t know about you, but I’d rather a public that is paying attention and thus limiting the president from being able to facilitate genocide.

              • Anti-Face Weapon
                11 year ago

                Things are changing, if slowly. People are paying attention, and they are pissed at Biden.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      It’s already been decimated. By Joe Biden.

      If you think that’s a good enough argument, you are severely mistaken.

      • @Soulg
        01 year ago

        Yeah so vote for the guy that will bomb them even more AND ALSO fuck our own country and our own people.

  • @[email protected]
    71 year ago

    As if voting for Trump will end up better somehow. Trump would bomb Americans if they said something that hurt his feelings.

    • ???OP
      101 year ago

      Literally no one said that.

        • ???OP
          91 year ago

          Oh, you’re right actually. Sorry. I meant no one in the discussion thread is saying that.

          • @Soulg
            21 year ago

            Thank you for owning up to your mistake, sincerely. Not enough people are willing to do that.

  • NoneOfUrBusiness
    41 year ago

    Biden and his staff keep going on about conversations and listening; do they not realize conversations are meaningless if you don’t intend to put what you hear into action? He’s like that guy who just keeps nodding while not paying attention and is wondering why nobody appreciates his “listening”.

  • @kaibae
    1 year ago

    Removed by mod