• @[email protected]
    1105 months ago

    My now wife didn’t really like cats when I met her and was allergic to the point of the hair giving her little welts.

    Fast forward a couple few years and she loves my cat and just ends up taking allergy pills every day and dealing with the itching.

    Fast forward a few more years when that cat dies and she says she doesn’t think we can ever replace him.

    Fast forward one month and she comes home with a flyer for a rescue cat she wants to adopt.

    And we did and she couldn’t be happier.

  • @aeronmelon
    945 months ago

    Cat: “Oh, you still think he’s YOUR boyfriend?”

  • @[email protected]
    515 months ago

    I’d like everyone to look at this because this is proof cats also abide by the “they fell asleep, guess I’m stuck here” rules.

  • @Dasnap
    355 months ago

    …Is he still allergic?

    • GladiusB
      155 months ago

      Allergies are not as linear as allergy = death/miserable. Some dander is not the same as others and some people only react to certain types. He could have just been bullshitting too.

      • @Wrench
        5 months ago

        Allergy meds can also help a ton. I’m mildly allergic. Congestion, itchy eyes and face. I had one cat, married into 5 more. I’m fine as long as I stay on top of my allergy meds.

      • @Dasnap
        45 months ago

        Sadly I could never live with a cat or dog as their dander makes my airways slowly close up :(

        • Echo Dot
          65 months ago

          My sister was very allergic to cats when she was a kid. Then one day she just sort of turned up with this cat. My sister’s friends cat had kittens and this was one of the kittens.

          Anyway she was afraid my parents would say no so she hid the cat in her room for 2 or 3 days before my parents noticed. By which point it was somewhat of a done deal.

          Anyway 16 years later when the cat died my sister was no longer allergic, so if you spend enough time around them you do eventually become desensitized. Or at least some people seem to.

    • @_number8_
      85 months ago

      my allergies got better as i lived with cats longer. either way it’s more put-up-with-able than not having a cat

    • @xpinchx
      75 months ago

      I’m allergic to cats but grew up with one (she lived to 21!) and my fiance has a cat and we moved in together. It’s fine I just have to keep the cat away from my face and I wash my hands after petting her.

      Even if I don’t I just get really itchy, it’s not the worst. Worth it for the pets and cuddles.

  • @DagonPie
    325 months ago

    Imagine dating someone who says any of those things.

    • @[email protected]
      175 months ago

      I know right! When someone says they have allergies, I’m like no thanks weirdo, I don’t want your disgusting allergies. Go cry into the tissues you have in your pocket already probably because you have allergies loser!

      • @DagonPie
        35 months ago

        I know this was a joke but im sorry you are getting down arrows for it.

      • @DagonPie
        45 months ago

        Looks real allergic with his face buried in the cat.

        • @bytheclouds
          85 months ago

          I am allergic to cats and have allowed a cat to rub it’s head against my face multiple times, because that cat was a bro (and I had loratadine).

          Also don’t really like cats in general because most of them are jerks, just that specific one was, as I mentioned, a bro.

          • @DagonPie
            35 months ago

            Oh yeah no hate on that. But if i tell someone i have a cat and they tell me im allergic im like. Okay we can go one of two ways here and i will try my best not to show up with cat hair on my clothes.

        • Echo Dot
          45 months ago

          Maybe the cat’s in the process of slowly assassinating him, we don’t know.

          • @DagonPie
            45 months ago

            They are all doing that to us. They are professionals.

  • @ThatWeirdGuy1001
    285 months ago

    It’s funny to me because it looks more like he fell asleep and the cat put itself there

    • @RagingRobot
      165 months ago

      I think if the cat was responsible it’s ass would be in the guys face lol

    • @kofe
      25 months ago

      He fell asleep awfully close to the edge

  • @Aggravationstation
    265 months ago

    I remember my friend once saying “I hate cats” whilst cradling mine in his arm like a baby and stroking his head.

    • @[email protected]
      75 months ago

      Cats are bad for the planet and horrible for the local ecosystem but if they are already around I will pet them.

      • @[email protected]
        265 months ago

        Humans are bad for the planet and horrible for the local ecosystem, but if they are already around I will have sex with them.

        • @[email protected]
          35 months ago

          Indoor cats don’t destroy the local ecosystem, but they still eat a large amount of meet. I totally forgot about them as cats around here are usually outdoor cats.

  • @seth
    255 months ago


  • @jimbo
    5 months ago

    deleted by creator

  • @theangryseal
    145 months ago

    I like dogs, I just don’t like living with them. I like cats, I just don’t like living with them.

    The woman I love, well, she likes living with them.

    This is me this morning.

    No, this don’t mean I like living with them, but I handle it for her because I love her. Hell, I even love them, but I don’t like living with them.

    Like, I really love them. I just don’t like cleaning poo when they screw up or the sneezing because the cat only likes me for some reason. I mean, I’m nice to her because she’s a person too, but I don’t really like living with her.

  • udon
    135 months ago

    So he’s dating a human now?

  • ekZepp
    135 months ago

    Let’s just face the truth, they are the “true” ruler of this planet.

  • @[email protected]
    5 months ago

    That’s my wife. When we meet she hated cats, then afer years of cats videos she was like ok i tolerate them, but were not going to have a cat. After meeting some neighbor cats, she was like ok, you can adopt a cat but I’m not going to love him, after a week she was cuddling with him and thanking me for bringing a kitty to our life.