• @Alenalda
    108 months ago

    80$ for a new controller is enough for me to keep it contained.

    • @[email protected]
      38 months ago

      You know how back on the day children of royalty would have friends being scolded for their misconduct?

      You should have a spare controller that you can send into a wall.

  • Gormadt
    78 months ago

    I don’t understand why people get that upset at video games

    Like seriously a lot of people really need to learn to control their anger

    • @bitwaba
      68 months ago

      I don’t get physically violent, but I’m aggressively verbally abusive to anything electronic related when I’m failing in a video game.

      I’m not actually mad at the game - I’m pushing myself to do something that’s at the edge of my capability (or maybe even beyond, so I need to git gudder just for it to even be possible). When I rage, I’m raging at me and my inability to perform.

      It usually is the first hour I’m pushing myself. After about an hour of banging my head against the wall I become one with the frustration and start taking a deep breath after every death. But it takes time to get there.

    • @Buddahriffic
      28 months ago

      It’s funny when you see some gamers trying to justify their rage, as if anything positive comes out of it at all. It’s just a game, even if your teammate sucks. Raging at them won’t make them suddenly become good. Maybe they’ll be intimidated into being more timid or something. Or maybe they’ll rage back.

      Or you might run into someone like me who sees it as a new game: how much more pissed off can I make you while still trying to keep it entertaining for the others who aren’t raging? Not that I play many competitive multilayers these days, but it did bring some fun back into them while I did still play.

      • Gormadt
        58 months ago

        Straight up I’ll never forget getting into voice comms with my teams and hearing the distinct sounds of someone raging and breaking their keyboard

        Expensive smashing sounds

        “Thanks asshole now my keyboard’s broken! This is because you all suck so much!”

        Disconnects from the game and chat

        • @Buddahriffic
          48 months ago

          Choose chaos: “Poser. A real rage ends with your PC smashed.”

          They probably won’t do it right then, but the seed has been planted. And self-destruction that expensive might even lead to some self-reflection that could lead to them getting a better handle on that rage.

          That one bash.org quote stuck with me, about the guy who needed to print his paper for the next day and threw his printer out his window like 6 stories up when it wouldn’t, only to realize he had inserted the wrong USB key into it or something dumb and easily solvable like that. He could have ended up in prison for that if someone had been in the landing zone.

      • @Jarix
        -18 months ago

        Trolls who incite ragers are just adding fuel to the toxicity of this.

        Its basically a form of bullying.

        • @Buddahriffic
          8 months ago

          If they want to start shit when others are just trying to enjoy a game, they don’t deserve any better.

          If they chill out then that game ends (edit: meaning the maximum rage game), I wouldn’t torment them relentlessly until the game ended (edit: meaning the video game we were playing). But I’m not going to sit around while they try to make someone feel bad for not playing the way some asshole thinks they should play. I can handle that being directed at me because I don’t gaf what they think but remember how bad it can feel for those who haven’t gotten to that point yet, and how nice it would feel to have someone speak up when someone else was abusing you.

  • @[email protected]
    48 months ago

    My neighbor is out of control screaming daily but I never hear a response 95% of the time. I think he is playing COD or something.

  • tygerprints
    38 months ago

    I’ve been a gamer since the first Atari system came out (I was about 17 at the time). I’ve had almost every console since then - and you know what? I still want to throw my controller against the wall at some point in every game.

    I realize that in all my years of gaming, there have been MAYBE three or four games i actually had a good time playing. And I don’t even play very hard games, I try to avoid them - but from the beginning, most games seem designed to baffle and/or frustrate the player at some point. Don’t even get me started on how platform games ate a hole through my stomach lining.

    • @Starkstruck
      18 months ago

      It sounds like you just don’t enjoy games very much then tbh

      • tygerprints
        18 months ago

        Well, you’re on to something there. I do like a lot of games, I mean I collect board games and play solo games all year long. I think I just don’t like stress-inducing games or games where, if you miss a jump to a platform, you have to start over from scratch (which is how most early video games are since there weren’t many save options).

        I loved the first three God of War games, and still play them over and over. I like that they are on the rails, you only play as one character, there’s plenty of health chests along the way, and even when a fight or a puzzle is challenging, it isn’t impossible and you actually can overcome it and live to see the rest of the game.

        And I like open-ended simulation games like Sim City and Stardew Valley where you can play at a leisurely pace.

        • @Starkstruck
          28 months ago

          Might I suggest The Room series of games? They’re high quality puzzle box/escape room games with no time limits or penalties. You just take your time solving the puzzles at your own pace.

          • tygerprints
            28 months ago

            That sounds a lot more like my style. I like to go at my own pace and so I’m more into casual puzzle type games. Thanks for the suggestion!

  • @Starkstruck
    18 months ago

    When I do get frustrated at a game I’ll voice my frustration for like a second before I get over it. And if I get too frustrated, I just stop playing and come back to it later. I’ll never understand people who are actually seething with rage over a video game. Like guys, this is supposed to be fun.