• @Tolstoshev
    998 months ago

    The popular story is that, on Groucho’s 1950s TV quiz show “You Bet Your Life,” a female contestant said that the reason she had 22 kids was “because I love children, and I think that’s our purpose here on earth, and I love my husband.” To which Groucho supposedly replied: “I love my cigar, too, but I take it out of my mouth once in a while.”

    From: http://www.cigaraficionado.com/article/the-cigar-quote-primer-9036

    • AWildMimicAppears
      178 months ago

      that poor woman - imagine being pregnant more than 15 years (assuming some twins) of your life, with 22 kids there probably were a bunch of miscarriages too. the toll it took on her body must have been horrifying.

  • SuperDuper
    478 months ago

    Ghengis Khan: Those are rookie numbers.

  • IninewCrow
    268 months ago

    Everyone is assuming this is one guy that got his wife pregnant a bunch of times.

    Who’s to say that this isn’t some Brady Bunch scenario where two three or even four families of children got mashed together.

    • GladiusB
      148 months ago

      Ye. It looks like a grandparent’s car. But still looks like 8 adults, with 3 other small people groups. So, that’s 8-3 for the couples. 5 is still a lot. But makes more sense.

  • @AA5B
    178 months ago

    I was always a little curious about the practicality of many children - assuming you get past the part about always being pregnant.

    How is there even a house? I grew up sharing a room. My Mom grew up more barracks style to share a former among six of them. This is an entirely different level.

    How do you get them places? My brother knows someone with six and they’re talking about needing a commercial van/bus

    I grew up with hand me downs so I can see clothes a bit easier. And home made meals with frequent pasta / you can scale up basic cooking, but it will always be pretty basic. Even McDonalds would be a fortune. How can you take your kids for ice cream? Heck, how do you make pancakes?

    • @[email protected]
      88 months ago

      How do you get them places?

      By letting them. If they are old enough to want to get somewhere, they are sure old enough to use public transport.

    • @Maalus
      48 months ago

      My mom grew up with 3 families in one house. She had 3 brothers and a sister too. It’s entirely doable for people who don’t really have a choice. Also, after a family forms, people build right next to their parents. It doesn’t mean “30 people living in a house”, it could just mean “grandma and grandpa had a bunch of children and are now grandparents”.

      • @RunawayFixer
        38 months ago

        I think it’s grandparents indeed. I also like how they’ve included 2 dogs (I think, the picture is a bit grainy).

  • Mr Fish
    178 months ago

    Ghengis’ car

  • @db2
    138 months ago

    Plot twist: this is Utah and there are no daughters only wives and sons and one guy.

    • @[email protected]
      138 months ago

      If they didn’t have good grades they didn’t get a sticker. This is the cream of the crop.

  • @Emerald
    68 months ago

    You guys are overthinking. They probably just found a pack of family stickers and started pasting them on there.

    • @[email protected]
      78 months ago

      They’re actually advertising for an orphanage so every time a child gets adopted they cross one out.

      • @meliaesc
        78 months ago

        I would absolutely hate to see family stickers with increasing numbers of children crossed out???

  • @joel_feila
    58 months ago

    Well that beat any of my school mates.