story of millennials
I was born in 96 and had a flip phone, I remember getting the Simpsons meltdown on it from the back of a magazine. I’m not a millennial, I’m just about gen z.
You’re a zennial.
Seems like it. I’ve had people tell me I’m a millennial and I’ve had people tell me I’m gen z. According to Wikipedia I’m gen z but anytime there’s something about gen z on the news it’s like an alien language to me and the people in the articles are usually like late teens/early twenties.
Hell, I am 24 and this is alien to me. What the hell am I gonna do?
I downloaded a custom logo from my phone operator to display on the main screen of my Nokia 3310.
Did the same for the secondary screen on my Motorola Razr, which it’s only purpose was to display the Motorola logo and IIRC display the camera for taking selfies (since phones didn’t have dedicated selfie cams yet). That was all it did.
I bought a ringtone for my Samsung flip phone that always freaked people out. I used it for text messages.
The sound was a cat purring.
The reactions were entertaining.
I ripped a piece of audio, edited it down to the piece I wanted to use, and put it on my phone from my computer. When I got a call, it was Kyle yelling “You’re such a fat fuck, Cartman, that when you walk down the street people go GOD DAMMIT that kid’s a BIG FAT FUCK.”
I remember buying like 50 bucks in ringtones and then being too embarrassed to use them
That is hilarious
Please enjoy the music while your party is reached.
deleted by creator
52% of US millennials own their home.
Millennials are in their 40’s now and you’re claiming half owning homes is good. Only half owning homes for a generation that will soon stop having children is actually really bad.
Even Zoomers have it easier than millennials when it comes to home ownership.
Even then it’s a massive problem still.
How many of these people actually own their homes? If you “buy a house” I would consider it owned by the bank until it is paid of. Loans are usually 20-30 years. If ~30 percent of the populace has been paying off houses by 25 I am way more fucked than I thought I was, haha.
There’s obviously a grey area between mortgaging a property and owning outright.
If you want to actually get an idea I’d look up stats on net wealth which includes assets like property.
Everyone’s wealth should grow until retirement then begin to drop.
An example of the wealth difference in the UK.
16-24 average below the 15th percentile £22,300
25-35 around the 30th percentile £76,800
35-44 below the 40th percentile £198,000
45-54 at the 55th percentile £366,600
55-67 at the 65th percentile. £553,400
The earnings to bridge the gap seem pretty big even though we’re talking about households here so couples can count together very often.
An average 20 year old needs £5500 per year in savings or asset growth to get to the place a 30 year old is in today.
An average 30 year old needs ~£12,500 per year in additional savings and asset growth to reach the average those who are 40 have reached.
A 40 year old needs ~£16,000 a year
A 50 year old needs ~£20,000 a year
This isn’t possible without assets with compounding interest and tracking ahead of inflation. It’s essentially dependent for most on getting on the property ladder as that’s where the majority of the wealth is.
The average house price in the UK is £288,000. Essentially the average would be to own your house by 50, except some wealth is in pensions not property. So really it’s at least 55.
25 years average mortgage means those 55 year olds likely got on the property ladder at 30.
The later people get on the property ladder the more of that compounding investment happens later. Interest works against people who still have mortgage debt and below 50% equity. A 40 year old getting on the property ladder is likely to pay off the mortgage on their last house at 65. With 50% equity happening at 55.
Getting on the property ladder at 40 is essentially just in time to have a retirement. Later than that and they’re in trouble.
So you’re in agreement the meme is stupid and young people are buying homes. Got it
Please let me know where I’m wrong. Copium indeed.
capitalist scum can’t read, it seems
Yeah, was gonna say if they paid for ringtones and didn’t get a house, they fucked up somewhat.
Maybe they live in the city because that shit has just been fucked up for ages.
Shit is fucked everywhere, Idk what country you are in but young people have been struggling all over for a while. Sure, plenty of people have fucked up but most of us have been following the guidance given to us and doing everything we can with what we have.