• @Zombiepirate
    1167 months ago

    Ah, the old merge and commit genocide.

    Seen this before, we don’t need a sequel.

    • Lad
      57 months ago

      Genocide in Eastern Europe? Never! Never I tell you!

    • @[email protected]OP
      7 months ago

      That was after Tito died. He never would have let something like that happen if he was still alive.

        • @[email protected]OP
          7 months ago

          Hey, I never said he was a saint. Plus this was pre WWII, partisans were already being recruited and yes, they hated Germans… because Gremans hated Slavs. You know what the Nazi plan was? One, eliminate Jews, two, eliminate gypsies, three, elimites slavs. We were on the elimination list, no doubt there. Just because we weren’t immidiately exterminated doesn’t mean our turn wouldn’t have came after the Nazis were done with the previous two on the list. You know how many slavs died in labour camps, doing Nazi bidding? My guess is, Tito did this to try and scare the Nazis away from the Balkans… can’t say for certain, but I do know that he was the leader of a federation with over 6 different nations in it, he never once showed pereference or hate for one or another. Sure, things needed to be balanced, so sometimes one came first, others second, third, etc., but in general, he really did try and treat everyone as equal.

            • @[email protected]
              47 months ago

              Anyone that busts Stalin’s balls that hard can be forgiven those rookie cleansing numbers. (/S)

              Shit, Israel beat it by a factor of ten in just three months. (No /s)

              • @[email protected]OP
                7 months ago

                Some people were very cross with him for turning his back on Stalin and centering with the US. But, regardless, he needed them to run the country… so, he decided not to change the name of the party to “socialist” to get on the good side of the Stallinists in Yugoslavia. This was planned, but it was never done. The name stayed KPJ (Communist Party of Yugoslavia).

                My point is, sacraficies have to be made for the greater good. Sometimes that means doing horrible things to others. Is that justified? Depends how you look at things… if killing a few thousand people will save you from having an actual war with hundreds of thousands of casualties… the choice is tough, but it has to be done. Tito knew this and he wasn’t proud of what he did, but he knew it had to be done. Same goes for Goli Otok and other nationalists that were killed on his watch. Yes, it’s not pretty, but it has to he done… to keep the piece.

                You have to understand, the Balkans haven’t seen piece in centuries, there was always turmoil here. And then shows up a guy that promises piece, equality and ruling of the people… and he actually did just that! Not just on paper, there was piece! Yes, I do agree that that comes at a price. Would I make the same choices if, let’s say, I was in charge and that could avoid the war in Bosnia? Yes, I most defintely would. I won’t be proud of it and will probably try to forget it ever happend (so I could keep on living… otherwise, I’d probably commit suicide), but yes, I’d do it.

            • @[email protected]OP
              7 months ago

              Sorry, I meant after the end… got mixed up (it was late).

              Dude, this wasn’t before WWII, this was after the end of the war. Around 175,000 people whose families had lived there for a couple hundred years and spoke German for historical reasons were ethnically cleansed from Yugoslavia.

              Hm, wonder why someone who spoke German on a teritory occupied by the Germans during WWII would be cleansed from that place 🤔…

              A few hundred thousand people had to flee the country and walk to Germany or otherwise make their way to places like North America.

              People hated Germans after WWII. My guess is, he was just trying to keep a clean slate, not let history repeat itself. There was enough bloodshed on the Balkans, it’s time for piece… and people speaking German RIGHT AFTER WWII in a place you’re trying to make into a federation and let everyone live in piece… yeah, I kinda get his reasoning.

              Sure Tito wasn’t Hitler, but he definitely walked in his footsteps.

              You didn’t live here, you have no idea how things were. It was nice, people had piece… not just bought piece, it was the true meaning of the word, something that hasn’t happened in centuries here. Agreed, that has to come at a cost, but the US does it every day and they rarely get backlash for it.

              Sacrifices have to be made for the greater good. It’s that simple. This is true in any society. People that don’t agree with that society’s leaders and strategies can make problems for them. Why make their lives harder.

  • TimeSquirrel
    7 months ago

    As an older Millennial, I keep thinking Yugoslavia still exists. And the US 9/11 attacks happened last year.

    • @[email protected]
      297 months ago

      I recently watched ‘robot dreams’ good animation movie from 2023, setting is 90’s new york. It was so strage seeing the twin towers in the background during the entire movie. But then i realized the new generation has no first hand 9/11 experience and would probably dont even notice.

      • @[email protected]
        37 months ago

        That just hit me in the olds. Kids today are grown ups that can drink in America and it was after 9/11

    • @Potatos_are_not_friends
      67 months ago

      In my eyes, Jurassic Park from the 90s is still so realistic looking. A lot of these films today look like shit.

      • topher
        57 months ago

        It’s because of the crappy colour grading they do to merge shot footage with cgi effects. Jurassic Park holds up because it’s from an era of cinema where they didn’t do that grungy Blue-grey shit.

        • @[email protected]
          17 months ago

          Blue grey shit is early-mid 2000 for me. Some stuff from that era is hard to watch. The lower the budget the worse.

          Im a bit blind about the colors they exaggerate today but I am sure they are doing something like that.

    • @[email protected]
      57 months ago

      I’m reminded I had a classmate who was Yugoslavian.

      At the time I had no idea what was going on in the world at the time.

  • @EvilEyedPanda
    7 months ago

    Romaina, Slovenia, ohh I wanna take ya

    To Serbia, Montenegro, baby why do we go

    To Bosnia, Croatia, why do we just make it

    Down to Kosovo, they’ll shoot you fast and you’ll bleed out slow, thats how I wanna go

    Get shot in Kosovo!

  • @Mostly_Gristle
    937 months ago

    Bosnia: “Ooh, can we go to the beach?”

    Croatia: “Haha, fuck no!”

  • Rozaŭtuno
    537 months ago

    Yugoslavia 2 isn’t on my 2024 bingo card, but if they make the flag look cool…

  • @Buddahriffic
    517 months ago

    Meanwhile I’m here thinking it would be nice if the whole world was made up of countries of that size with a global alliance that will fuck up any country that starts getting all imperialistic.

    • Match!!
      297 months ago

      “the circled region needs more countries. please break up the big ones”

        • @WhiskyTangoFoxtrot
          97 months ago

          We’re the second largest country
          On this planet Earth
          And if Russia keeps on shrinking
          Then soon we’ll be first
          (As long as we keep Quebec)

        • @Buddahriffic
          67 months ago

          To improve the geopolitical situation or to brag about Kazakhstan being the largest country in the region? You could change your name to BigBorat1!

    • @xenoclast
      67 months ago

      Pretty sure Americans are gonna do that soon. Then we can convince MAGAland to pay to build a wall around itself

    • @[email protected]
      27 months ago

      Seems like that would be hard to regulate things like pollution, since there isn’t really effective treaty enforcement. Unless we give someone like the UN binding authority on global things like that and enforcement ability.

  • @[email protected]
    427 months ago

    Dear Mr. President,

    There are too many Balkan countries. Please eliminate three. I am not a crackpot.

      • @captainlezbian
        137 months ago

        Do we even need one? I propose we give them back first

    • @[email protected]OP
      7 months ago

      - OK, let’s see today’s mail… oh, this guy says he’s not a crackpot, huh… OK, maybe I should do what he says.

      - Mr. President, you do remember what happened last time you listened to someone who sais he was not a crackpot 😒.

  • @[email protected]
    407 months ago

    I’m sure they had no idea what they were doing when they randomly circled the Balkans and presupposed that there was no problem with their proposal.

    • @Frozengyro
      247 months ago

      Yea, prime c/thatsthejoke material.

    • @[email protected]OP
      7 months ago

      To be honest, things went wrong because the person who knew how to keep the piece died, so… nationalists rose to power (they didn’t rebrand communism though, so most got onboard the loony train thinking this is about communism and who is against it), and that was about all that was needed in a powder keg like the Balkans… a lot of war time profiteering as well, some people got very rich during those days… blood money, sure, but it didn’t seem to bother them. Some of them are still in power, or their children.

      Bottom line, none of them are communists, period. They’re thieves and killers.

      • @jaybone
        117 months ago

        Why is it, every time some regime claims to be communist, they are never really communist?

        • @[email protected]
          7 months ago

          Because it sounds conceptually nice to good people, but selfish people know that without proper transparency and checks, it’s very easy to consolidate power with it.

          So the bad people get the support of good people and then exploit that flaw to do what they want instead of what is good.

          • @[email protected]OP
            27 months ago

            The reason why it worked perfectly here, in the Balkans, was that Tito never actually lied to the people (OK, that’s an understatement, lol 😂, but in general, he did have the people’s best interests in mind)… so, everyone just thought that their leaders are actually being honest with them and that the other guy is at fault 🤷… it was easy to be honest… it was only after they were tried it became apparent that the only thing their leaders had in mind was money and power, nothing more… but, by then, it was too late… lives were lost, people’s lives were shattered… it was really sad to be honest… when everyone realized that they fought a war for nothing…

        • @[email protected]OP
          7 months ago

          It WAS as close to communism (actually socialism… though yes, the party was called a communist party and all that, but in reality, the name didn’t really reflect the ideals of the party at the time, the name stuck for the sake of the Stallinists that were in quite large numbers and Tito and others were just trying to balance things out, since they needed some of those people to run the country and not turn their backs on them… some people were very cross with Tito when he turned his back on Stalin in the 50s, he didn’t need to iritate them further by changing the name of the party) as you can possibly get at the time. No textbook representation of a social or economical system is 100% accurate to what the books say… just like democracy (which is basically anything but democracy at this point) is flawed everywhere.

          The perfect system doesn’t exist, but you can strive to make it better and serve the people, which is exactly what we DON’T have nowadays. Back then… to be honest, yes, it mostly served the people.

  • Sagrotan
    227 months ago

    Anybody tell him, he should go slavia.

      • runeko
        77 months ago

        If Superhappyfunland begins to smoke, move away and seek shelter immediately.