Aha! Forgot to put one “I” in quotation marks, they’ve got you now!
Straight to jail!
Technically, they forgot to close their quotes on the third “landlord” so now everything’s inverted.
Didn’t close quotes on landlord halfway through. Now the whole “thing” is invalid & they don’t have to go to jail.
Syntax error, all debt erased.
Process ‘debt-collector’ exited with exit-code 1.
Man, just fully understanding his use of quotes seems like it would take more energy than I have.
And that’s how the energy draining spell works. He got ya.
I’ve often wondered if one of the reasons this bullshit keeps going is that some percentage of cops and judges just think, “I’m too tired for this crap” and let it go, so the SovCit thinks their legal argument is valid.
Basically filibustering a traffic stop.
It happens, for sure. I had an acquaintance who was a cop say that she didn’t feel like dragging the dude out of his car that day, so she wrote a ticket, wrote ‘refused to sign’ on it, and threw it in the truck bed.
My personal opinion on whether she acted like that every time an arrest would have had to get physical aside, I bet the next officer who dealt with the dude when he had a warrant for failing to appear at court had to get physical. Just delaying the inevitable.
Ive commented about that before, If I were a cop and saw the “sovcit” plates on a car I would definitely have to take a moment to consider if I have the patience to deal with their bullshit today.
The only remedy for this is for real citizens to go full vigilante on their arse. Sovereign Citizen plates on are car are a request to have your tyres slashed.
Honestly, I have more respect for a criminal who doesn’t have plates, or has stolen plates because at least they admit that they are breaking the rules.
SovCit idiots are just fucking idiots who think that the laws do not legally apply to them.
I like to think that every now and then a judge sits one of them down and explains to them that they have been given some very terrible legal advice that doesnt work and wont be accepted. Gives them an extension and tells them to get a lawyer or they will be going to jail.
And I want to think they listen.
Sadly, I’ve seen videos of judges saying stuff like that, and the SovCit saying the judge is just trying to scare them into not sticking to their rights or whatever.
Possibly some of them, or they eventually realize nobody else is playing by their rules.
Oh, definitely. Police, I can definitely see them giving someone a warning, not so much a judge.
I think the reason it keeps going is that communities get more extreme over time.
I remember seeing an explanation for this a while ago, and don’t remember the full details. The explanation went something like: say a group starts getting more extreme. A less extreme member might see that and drift away from the group. There are probably plenty of groups they can join that are less extreme. OTOH, imagine a group starts drifting towards the center. People with more extreme views might not have a more extreme group they can join, so they stay and fight the change. Because the people with extreme views are the ones who don’t drift away, the group tends to get more extreme over time.
I would bet that with Sovereign Citizens, the people who have doubts are pushed out. If someone says “this didn’t work”, other people will say they didn’t do it right, or that they’re lying, or that they’re an agent of the deep state who is trying to discredit them. The extremist people who are sure it works are the ones who stick around.
So, even if 99% of the time it doesn’t work, the SovCit keeps going because the extremist people stick with the group, and new members join over time, while the less extreme members drift away, including those who discover it’s all BS.
Are sovereign citizens all energy vampires?
This one feels especially dumb, because he’s just renting and doesn’t even own the property. According to his “logic,” shouldn’t his landlord be fully entitled to do anything at all he wants with his property? The landlord probably doesn’t even have to follow the “law,” and can just evict him whenever he wants without notice, right?
But practicing law is like practicing witchcraft, and the winner is whoever says the right magic words
I mean the owner is going to expeliarmus out of the house
Just keep adding quotes, once you get enough anything goes away.
“goes away”
this “crazy motherfucker” sure “does” “like” to abuse “”“quotation”“” “marks”
Changing my pronouns to “she”/“her” officially so “they” can never catch me.
Don’t leave us hanging, what happened!?! Did he pay with a coupon!?!?
Sadly he only ever posted again asking for help getting something notarized. Sorry. I like a good ending too.
Video of the “Sovereign Citizen” on tv:
I mean, this whole, you need to pay exorbent amounts of money for a roof over your head, or you get to be homeless is kinda bullshit actually. This isn’t nearly as insane as you make it out to be.
What’s actually insane is that we have structured society in a way that you participate in it the way we want, or you get to be a homeless ostracized person that we terrorize.
Capitalism is stupid, and so are landlords. #ThanksForComingToMyTedTalk
This is very likely a mental health issue and it is not sane. Just because capitalism is dumb does not make this behavior sane or rational in any way.
Capitalism is stupid, but so is just deciding to forego it while still living in a capitalist society. This is how stupid prizes are won, and giving this sort of shit even a shred of legitamacy just because it happens to intersect with our politics is, well, stupid.
You have your opinion, and I have mine. Do I pay my rent, obviously…bcz I enjoy not dying. But, it’s not stupid to have this opinion.
For fucks sake, we are killing the planet over little green paper, that what’s moronic.
Is it presumptuous for me to assume you pay your rent not because you agree with capitalism, but because you know what would happen if you stopped paying rent?
If you have different reasons for paying into a system you disagree with, let me know.
Either way, I think you can game out the rest of my logic as it pertains to the person in the OP, and the level of sanity that you seem to be lending them.
You’re assuming that the landlord is charging exorbitant rents. He or she could be chanrging quite reasonable rent.
Well, two things can be true at once.
The very idea of land ownership and thus rent is, when you step all the way back, itself insane - and perhaps the deepest-set hook that the capitalist model has on modern society. That last part might be bullshit, but I’m a layman. Either way, we know how we got here, and we understand why things are the way they are, but most visions of Utopia view a living space as a basic human right. So yeah, it’s kinda insane that it isn’t a human right in a society as otherwise advanced as ours. That’s true.
Also true: if you live in a capitalist society, and rent your living space, it’s insane to attempt to just…opt out of the way society works and hope someone on Facebook knows the right secret form to fill out that somehow make that all okay.
I agree. But I hope you enjoy the unnecessary quotation marks.
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Probably should pay.
The way they use quotes pisses me off when I read it.