The U.S. Internal Revenue Service is seeking to use an infusion of funding to keep up with the ever-evolving tax maneuvers of the ultra-rich — while staving off frequent political attacks.

A pair of U.S. Internal Revenue Service agents are attempting to interview a billionaire they suspect of cheating on his taxes. But across the table from the agents is a formidable entourage of esteemed tax professionals hired to defend the billionaire. They include white-shoe attorneys — each of whom knows more about their own arcane corner of tax law than just about anyone on earth — along with highly specialized accountants and economists.

Neither of the two IRS agents has a law degree. Complex arguments from the billionaire’s entourage fly over their heads. The IRS agents are outmatched by a team whose combined years of experience in tax law and accounting exceed their own by over a century.

This stark example, laid out by former IRS officials in interviews with the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, isn’t a hypothetical so much as a glimpse into the agency’s regular challenges in auditing the United States’ highest earners. These battles often come down to experience and expertise. The IRS has been losing, former officials said.

A historic push is now underway to change this dynamic. In mid-2022, the Inflation Reduction Act delivered the IRS a historic $80 billion — in part, to bulk up the agency’s divisions that audit millionaires, billionaires and large corporations. After years of pitiful enforcement rates against wealthy taxpayers, the agency is embarking on an unprecedented push to step up its capabilities and hone its ability to take on the ultra-rich.

  • Flying Squid
    717 months ago

    And, of course, Republicans want to take away their funding. Can’t imagine why.

  • @Magister
    7 months ago

    oh when I saw the title I thought it was a meme showing people sleeping or something, this unit exist? Poor guys, they are 2 without knowledge :-(

      • @reddfugee
        27 months ago

        A Rundown reference? In the wild??

    • @ripcord
      17 months ago

      2 guys? Didn’t read the article or even finish the summary, I guess?

  • @[email protected]
    117 months ago

    You know, I have an idea.

    Volunteer tax auditors

    Can’t defund me if I do it for free. Anybody with me to drain and potentially jail a few billionaires?

    • @[email protected]
      47 months ago

      But across the table from the agents is a formidable entourage of esteemed tax professionals hired to defend the billionaire. They include white-shoe attorneys — each of whom knows more about their own arcane corner of tax law than just about anyone on earth — along with highly specialized accountants and economists.

      I don’t know if there’s much volunteers could do. But, with enough people and some good organization who knows.

    • @[email protected]
      17 months ago

      Would be a brilliant movement and a way to actively fight those greedy bastards. Would need people well-versed or quick at learning.

  • @Bocky
    57 months ago

    If this is the case, why has this IRS team not brought in bigger guns? Hire some tax experts and some attorneys to face these billionaires.

    • @[email protected]
      7 months ago

      why has this IRS team not brought in bigger guns

      Because their political masters keep kneecapping their ability to do so.

    • @kurwa
      57 months ago

      I’m assuming funding

      • @RedditWanderer
        77 months ago

        Funding controlled by the elite who have all the reasons to be more lax with millionaires and billionaires…they think the middle class should pay for everything, we’re the one’s who are “too stupid to be rich”…

        • @ripcord
          17 months ago

          …Which they just gave $80 billion to, to go after the millionaires and billionaires.

          People here are complaining that they’re not doing a thing they want, in the article specifically about them finally doing the thing they want.

          Nothing can ever, ever be good or positive - we get it - but find something else to shit on maybe? Or read the article first…?

  • @[email protected]
    57 months ago

    Lol. This team is drawfed by the team the IRS has that specifically targets all the poor folks only because that can’t afford the litigation. Fuck the IRS.

    • TurtleJoe
      117 months ago

      All of the increase in funding is to go after people who make $400,000/yr or more.

    • @ripcord
      7 months ago

      God damn what sad sacks some of you are

  • Zuberi 👀
    17 months ago

    IRS can’t/won’t do shit about the real tax offenders.

    They are there for the illusion of a fair/balanced market.

  • Billegh
    17 months ago

    “Why is this an entirely empty building?”

  • @TechNerdWizard42
    -67 months ago

    Lol, bullshit. The IRS has lawyers, they have smart people. Rich people can hire others too. If you make the laws so asinine and complex that it takes a consortium of lawyers to figure it out, then you have failed the basic concept.

    Do not be mad that people are playing your game. And beating you at it. Be mad that the game exists. It is also well known that the IRS specifically targets many people too poor to afford and representation because they are easy money that will pay a fine, even if unjust or wrong, versus fighting it.

    Like a small bully of a child. Loves to enforce their rules against those weaker than them, but cries for mommy when someone finally stands up to them.

    • @RememberTheApollo_
      77 months ago

      You’ve got it completely wrong.

      The consortium of lawyers isn’t there to figure out how to pay taxes correctly. The consortium of lawyers is there to exploit rules and manipulate assets in such a manner as to make it difficult to tax a wealthy individual’s worth, or allow them to avoid taxation as much as possible. Furthermore, the lawyers are there to drag out and defend against any IRS investigations in order for that wealth to continue accumulating and that any fines or judgments are less than the cost of engaging in such efforts.

      • @TechNerdWizard42
        -27 months ago

        That’s exactly what I said. The rules exist and the game is played. Don’t be mad that the game is played. If it was illegal to stall an investigation, they wouldn’t be. If it wasn’t legal to claim a million different deductions, they wouldn’t. But it legal and it is used.

        • @RememberTheApollo_
          27 months ago

          You can hate how the game is played when the players exploiting it paid to have the rules written for them.

          • @TechNerdWizard42
            -17 months ago

            Not at all. Because that is the major part of the game. The US is not some democracy. It’s an oligarchy run republic. Affirmation of things like citizen’s united and freely allowing unlimited money lobbiests confirms it.

            If you don’t like how the system works, then revolution is needed to change it. Trying to say the rules aren’t being used fairly means nothing. Laws don’t have morals or ethics. If it is the rule, it’s the rule. Use it and abuse it. Or change the rule.

    • @just_ducky_in_NH
      287 months ago

      As the article states, there are laws limiting the pay of federal employees. The IRS can’t match the $500k salaries the corporate tax lawyers get.

    • @die444die
      187 months ago

      Wonder why they never thought of that?! You must be a genius to have come up with such a novel idea as this!!

    • @Nudding
      57 months ago

      We’re talking about the country that legalized bribery decades ago lol

  • @psycho_driver
    -217 months ago

    The unit couldn’t be reached for comment as they’re all off on Caribbean cruises

    • @[email protected]
      277 months ago

      I don’t think that’s fair, I’m sure there are plenty of people in the bureaucracy of any government that simply want to do a good job in service of their country.

      But as the article suggests they are generally outmatched by the best lawyers and accountants money can buy, all working solely with the objective of saving their master as many taxes as possible. And then backstabbed by corrupt politicians who cut their funding and dismantle legislation at the will of big money lobbyists, who are also working to save their masters as much money as possible.

    • Neato
      207 months ago

      Yes. Government workers are overcompensated. Right.

      • @AbidanYre
        147 months ago

        Folks see Thomas and Alito and forget about the thousands of GS employees who actually have to follow the rules.