  • TWeaK
    1331 year ago

    One is unconstitutional to ban, while the other is treason.

    • @KnightontheSun
      271 year ago

      I was honestly taken aback that the confederate flag is allowed to be displayed in public schools.

      • Omega
        101 year ago

        Those 4 years that they were treasonous to get rid of state rights to ban slavery is very important to their state history.

  • @AllonzeeLV
    1 year ago

    That’s what we get for giving the Confederates Military burials instead of an unmarked mass graves for their murderous treachery in the name of slavery.

    Mercy was a mistake.

    • @rockSlayer
      641 year ago

      Unironically, the leaders of the Confederacy should have been executed for treason.

    • @[email protected]
      481 year ago

      Fuck Andrew Johnson.

      “Johnson embarked on a policy designed to restore the former Confederate states to civil government with maximum speed and a minimum disturbance of Southern institutions beyond the abolition of slavery itself,” writes historian Michael Les Benedict. “His policy placed former rebels in political control of nearly every Southern state and left Southern blacks to the mercies of the men who had fought so desperately to keep them in bondage.”

  • themeatbridge
    901 year ago

    Tennessee: We’re not all bigots, but you shouldn’t feel safe.

    • Porto881
      381 year ago

      Tennesseean here, this is absolutely the case. I wish there was more I could do to welcome marginalized people, but the best advice I have is to get out of here as soon as possible because things are going to get worse before they get better.

      • flicker
        101 year ago

        I came to say the same thing.

        But I’ll say this- the nazis in Nashville the other week were only able to escape unscathed because we didn’t know they were there.

  • m-p{3}
    801 year ago

    Let’s proudly expose our slavery heritage while banning a symbol of individual freedom and diversity.

  • @LEDZeppelin
    561 year ago

    1st amendment lawsuit, here we come!

      • knightly the Sneptaur
        381 year ago

        I’d bet actual money that the ACLU is already looking for a case to sponsor.

        • @GlitterInfection
          261 year ago

          I don’t know how many Supreme Court Justices the ACLU can afford.

          • SolidGrue
            111 year ago

            If we all kick in $25 we might be able to buy Justice Boofer some coke and a beer…

          • @rockSlayer
            71 year ago

            I’ll book a cruise for my very close friend Clarence

          • @Veedem
            21 year ago

            Oh he went there

        • @BigWheelPowerBrakeSlider
          41 year ago

          Please use that betting money to sponsor the ACLU so they can sponsor a case.

  • @gedaliyahM
    561 year ago

    Nashville has had a pride festival for the past thirty five years. They were a member of the confederacy for almost exactly five years.

    BuT iTs our hiSTorY!!!

    • @Capricorn_Geriatric
      251 year ago

      It’s history they want to repeat, not the present they want to accept

  • @foggy
    451 year ago

    The only Confederate flag that represents the Confederacy is 🏳️

    Anything else trying to represent the confederacy is akin to a fucking high school class ring. Like “Gratz, bud. Got anything to show for it?”

      • @foggy
        1 year ago

        If by cooler you mean “belongs in the kitchen”

        (I only say this to emasculate those that would feel emasculated by that).

    • @GlendatheGayWitch
      41 year ago

      The union jack that you see flown (just a union jack) isn’t even the flag of the confederacy, it’s specifically the flag for the army and navy of the confederacy. You are identifying yourself as enemy combatants with that flag.

      The real flag of the confederacy changed a couple times. The first iteration looks like a knock-off of the US flag with 3 stripes and 7 stars in a blue field in the upper left. The second iteration had the union jack in the upper left hand side (where the US blue field and stare are) and the rest was white. Eventually they realized that it looked like a flag of surrender, so 36 days before the end of the war, the confederacy added a vertical red stripe on the far right side of the flag.

      If their “heritage” was so important, you’d think they’d at least get it right!

    • flicker
      41 year ago

      But… they’re showing you the class ring. That’s what they got to show for it.

      (This was entirely meant as a joke.)

      • @foggy
        21 year ago

        Woah dude what year was that?

  • @KoalaUnknown
    1 year ago

    This ban is stupid and fuck those politicians, but this article is a little misleading and not a good source of information

    They never explicitly voted to keep confederate flags. That being said, one of the many types of flags that are allowed are those deemed “protected historical items” as defined by TN Code § 4-1-412 which does include items relating to “any war, battle, or military conflict in which citizens of the United States or any state or territory of the United States have participated in”.

    Funny enough, this law would allow you to carry an Iranian, Soviet, or other flag that would piss people off.

    I would recommend this article if you want to learn more.

    • @BradleyUffner
      1 year ago

      Florida has declared war on “woke”. That should allow all kinds of flags.

    • @captainlezbian
      121 year ago

      Wait that allows for a lot of communist flags. American citizens join basically every army

    • @asteriskeverything
      81 year ago

      Okay thank you for your information! I still wanna share a snarky quote from the article though even if it isn’t technically true in the case

      If there’s one time the Tennessee legislature feels strongly about protecting free speech rights, it’s when those rights involve a symbol promoting racism and treason against the United States.

    • @TheHotze
      61 year ago

      Is there any way to get a pride flag to qualify? Large scale protests seem like they could be historic (although IDK what the actual criteria is) and it would be funny if a protest against a law made the flag protected by the law.

      • @KoalaUnknown
        21 year ago

        Not really, no. The AP article has a list of every exemptions and it wouldn’t really qualify under any of them.

    • @[email protected]
      51 year ago

      I bet you could hurt some feelings by flying the flag of the Seychelles.
      (It’s allowed cause the USA flew drone operations out of the Seychelles under the Obama administration.)

      • @[email protected]
        41 year ago

        Wow! That flag is just BLASTING that color band at you lol. Awesome!

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      TN Code § 4-1-412 which does include items relating to “any war, battle, or military conflict in which citizens of the United States or any state or territory of the United States have participated in”.

      Funny enough, this law would allow you to carry an Iranian, Soviet, or other flag that would piss people off.

      I dunno about Soviet.

      Despite spending much of the last century aiming a gun at each other’s head, we really never did much by way of actual direct fighting.

      A small number of American soldiers were sent into Russia during the Russian revolution to safeguard arms that had been shipped in and try to help get the Czechoslovak Legion out, and there was a very limited amount of conflict with Bolshevik forces, but it wasn’t the Soviet Union then.

      We had fighting with Soviet aircraft in Korea, but then the pilots were at least officially pretending to be Korean or Chinese.

      Frustrated by the quality and shortage of Chinese pilots, in November 1950, Stalin took the decision to involve Soviet air force pilots in the war, flying under the markings of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) or North Korean People’s Army Air Force (KPAAF). Soviet air units dispatched to northeastern Manchuria to train Chinese pilots on the MiG-15 were first to see aerial combat against American aircraft on 1 November 1950.[16]

      Soviet pilots were active in Korea from November 1950. In order to hide this direct Soviet intervention, precautions were taken to disguise their involvement, open knowledge of which would have been a major diplomatic embarrassment for the USSR.

      Soviet pilots wore Chinese uniforms when flying, whilst rules were prescribed to stop Soviet pilots flying near the coast or front lines (where they might be captured if shot down) and from speaking Russian on the aircraft radio. All aircraft flown carried Chinese or North Korean markings.[17] When not flying, for reasons of ethnicity, on the ground Soviet pilots ‘played’ the roles of Soviet commercial travellers rather than Chinese or North Korean soldiers.

      • @[email protected]
        51 year ago

        It also allows flags from “other countries and their local governments,” which, as long as they don’t need to presently exist, should cover it. If they do, just fly the flag of Cusco, Peru

      • @KoalaUnknown
        1 year ago

        Th Soviet Union was one of our allies during WWII

    • @[email protected]
      61 year ago

      Underage cousins*

      *FTFY. Don’t forget Republicans in a bunch of states have been fighting minimum marriage age laws on top of everything else.

    • @Illuminostro
      11 year ago

      “Ain’t nobody fuckin’ mah sister but me! I done put the work in!”

  • Flying Squid
    311 year ago

    Your “heritage” lasted three years less than the Obama Administration.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    Why does there need to be any flags in the classrooms to begin with? Even putting up the flag of the country seems a little odd to me. Use a flagpole.

    • Steven Saus
      161 year ago

      The effect would be felt by both LGBTQIA+ clubs and GSA’s in the schools, at a bare minimum. They would be unable to utilize the pride flag, for example, in any kind of advertisement, logo, banner, etc.

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        I don’t think school is the place for ads either… I’m not saying it should be banned from posters about events or such but having a confederate or pride flag in the classroom just for the sake of it feels really weird to me.

        • @[email protected]
          181 year ago

          In the past, rainbow flags were used as a sign to students that you as a teacher were available for anyone to come talk if they needed support, and that your classroom was a safe space. This was especially important for some of the most stigmatized and marginalized groups in the US.

          So there is a bit of history behind it.

          This may only be anecdotal, and I can’t quote statistics on how effective or important pride flags are to that type of support now, but a close friend of mine who came out in high school first came out to a trusted teacher. They ONLY did this because the pride flag to them meant someone who might understand. It was a year or so later when this person came out to our friend group, and only because of the guidance of that individual who help them through some serious shit, and got them the support infrastructure they needed.

          • @[email protected]
            41 year ago

            That is actually a valid point. I didn’t really think about it from that perspective.

        • @[email protected]
          121 year ago

          There is literally nothing wrong with the pride flag (or progress flag). There IS a problem with the confederate flag.

          I would much rather my son or daughter learn to be accepting of their neighbors regardless of their sexuality, than to learn whatever kind of bullshit a pro-slavery person has to tell them about their “history”.

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          So, if there is a school club they can’t let people in the school know about it with posters, even though that’s the only people they are trying to attract?

          • @[email protected]
            -51 year ago

            C’moon now… Surely you can read the whole message before replying.

              • @[email protected]
                11 year ago

                I guess they count as ads aswell. I just don’t get why deem necessary to ask me about event postest when it’s the exact exception I already addressed in the message you’re replying to.

          • @[email protected]
            11 year ago

            So the exact thing I used in my message as an example of what I didn’t mean?

            • Steven Saus
              11 year ago

              Right, but that’s what the language of the bill is intended to silence.

    • @Illuminostro
      91 year ago

      To remind those people of their place.

  • @[email protected]
    241 year ago

    So they are wilfully signalling that they’re traitorous scum.

    • @d0ct0r0nline
      131 year ago

      The whole right wing has a perpetual sedition boner.

  • @Mostly_Harmless
    231 year ago

    I went to grade school in Mississippi, (Air Force brat, 1970’s) and here are some fun facts:

    • The day started with the class reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and then singing “Dixie.”
    • Every classroom had a paddle hanging near the blackboard. The principle and many of the teachers also had a paddle handing off of their belt.
    • The "That’s a Paddlin’ " bit on the Simpsons was a 100% accurate representation of my first day in school
    • The Mississippi schools were about 6 months ahead of the Utah schools I came from and they made me do a lot of the homework assigned before I got there.
    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      My god, how far behind must the Utah schools have been for Mississippi schools to be ahead!

      • @Mostly_Harmless
        11 year ago

        Right? It shocks me to this day. They were at least 6 mos behind the MS schools.

  • NotAFuckingBot
    221 year ago

    Losers love losing. Deniers love denying. Traitors love treason. The GOP loves Trump’s shit-crusted cock, but denies being his bottom.