This community sends “All lives matter” vibes. I understand that there are issues with how men are treated and there is nothing wrong with talking about it, but it does seem a little bit like a distraction from feminism issues. Women are objectively under a lot bigger threat and talking about women rights more makes a lot more sense. Of course, mentioning how men are treated is also useful, but dedicating a whole community to exactly this part of the problem seems a bit problematic. It would be more useful for it to be about general issues of gender roles or something like that, this way it seems like it is targeting feminism.

Furthermore, I heard that unionbusting companies now are starting to focus on feminism, racial inclusion and etc. Because it makes everyone uncomfortable and devides people by some arbitary characteristics. That makes people less likely to unite in their common interests, because it is percieved that their interests are very different, which is not the case.

  • @[email protected]
    541 year ago

    Can you point at posts that give those vibes?

    From the “about”:

    Non-masculine perspectives are incredibly important in making sure that that the lived experiences of others are present in discussions on masculinity, but please remember that this is a space to discuss issues pertaining to men and masc individuals; be kind, open-minded, and take care that you aren’t talking over men expressing their own lived experiences.

    The post before this one is about protecting our sons from right-wing radicalization.

    From what I’ve seen, the mod(s) have taken pains to make this not an aLl LiVe MaTtEr sub.

  • @[email protected]
    341 year ago

    OP’s post history is full of concern trolling. Previously, it was trying to stir divisiveness regarding voting. Now it’s trying to stir divisiveness regarding this community.

    OP says

    I simply reply to the sentiment I see on this platform

    But I really don’t believe them.

  • @jeffw
    321 year ago

    I’m an ardent feminist, but I’m not generally going to discuss issues impacting men in feminist spaces. There’s a HUGE difference between men’s lib and MRAs, who are very problematic.

    • @[email protected]OP
      -331 year ago

      Why not? You can simply say that sexism is harmful to everyone and that regardless of gender, our interests are the same on this. I don’t think most will have and issue with that and if they do, it can start a useful discussion. That being said, I have a bit of problem with an overly focus on women rights over general human rights, but I do understand the connection and can talk about both in both spaces.

      • @jeffw
        311 year ago

        Because, if we really must compare apples and oranges, women are harmed more. You complain about this community sounding like “all lives matter,” but then you say we shouldn’t talk about women’s oppression, just human oppression. That sounds like you’re “all lives matter”-ing this topic.

      • @toasteecup
        201 year ago

        Because everyone deserves a space to talk about a thing and only that thing.

        Feel free to try out that idea by discussing issues facing nontrans people in a trans community focuses on issues they face.

      • @[email protected]
        181 year ago

        I think it would be perceived as taking over a space to go to a feminist space to discuss primarily male issues.

        • @[email protected]
          31 year ago

          This post was definitely bait, but I wanted to let you know that I appreciate reading this comment of yours in particular, because it gave me something to think about.

  • @[email protected]
    141 year ago

    I disagree with you, and I think you need to be specific if you find things problematic.

    I do appreciate how you’ve shared your concern though, it’s not accusatory or needlessly confrontational, or calling this group names.

    I think we do need to have communities like this, one because we can try to help more than just the most disadvantaged groups, and two because men suffering in silence are fodder for problematic ideologies to take root.

    I don’t think this is like “all lives matter”. This group is not a reaction group to feminism, or a contrasting take, or an “us too” group. The guidelines are that discussion should be intersectional, and the discussions I’ve seen are more humanist than masculinist (is that a term?).

  • Porto881
    121 year ago

    Username does NOT check out

  • @[email protected]
    111 year ago

    Oh wait up, somebody telling us [men] not to focus on their issues, on a site made to talk abouy how man are told/groomed to not talk about their issues and should hide their emotions. Tone deaf much. Had you read any discussions in here you would see it is not anti women, but a safe space for guys.

  • @[email protected]
    71 year ago

    Three options:

    1. Don’t talk about issues unique to men
    2. Do so in feminist spaces, since this is ultimately a patriarchy / gender role issue
    3. Talk about them in a dedicated space

    1 results in suicide and men going over to alt-right nonsense. 2 results in the womens’ spaces being invaded. 3, run effectively, gives men a space to talk without either squashing feminist discourse or jumping into the 4chan/incel cesspool.

  • @TootSweet
    41 year ago

    Yeah, I get it. It’s a really difficult line to ride saying “men aren’t doing well” while also avoiding a) comparing the magnitude of men’s issues to the magnitude of womens’ issues b) minimizing women’s issues, c) blaming women, and d) generally coming off as a men’s rights douchebag.

    I think it’s fair to say that as toxic and objectively horrible as the men’s rights movement is, there’s a need (in, almost exclusively, men) that it’s filling. And it’s a need that the left isn’t filling.

    I think to the extent that this community puts men and everyone else on opposite sides, it needs improvement. But to the extent that its focus is men and everyone else against patriarchy (which oppresses everyone at the behest of the 0.1%), it fills a much-needed niche.

    I can’t say I haven’t heard a thing or two here and there that made me cringe a bit and think there was a hint of “part of the problem” in the “part of the solution.” But “men’s liberation” is definitely a direct response to and in opposition to the men’s rights movement and in my mind an overall positive.

    Plus, I think part of how the patriarchy is oppressing men in particular is by making/keeping it socially unacceptable for men to discuss their issues. And communities like this one are part of the solution to that issue in particular.

    All that said, I haven’t been keeping up with this community quite as much lately as I have in the past. So if it’s taken a bad turn, I guess it may well be problematic.

  • Alien Nathan Edward
    21 year ago

    Lemmy has this neat new feature you might not be familiar with: to register your disapproval of a post, comment or community, flick your right thumb sharply upward.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    You know humans are capable of thinking about multiple issues at once, right? Not to mention, this is a companion movement to the feminism movement, because it’s about stripping away the harmful, outwardly violent and angry parts of male culture. Culture tells men to bottle it, ignore it, don’t feel it, be a man, be dominant, etc. a healthy dose of, “hey, feel what you feel, be healthy, be kind. That’s manly too.” is nothing but helpful to the progress of women’s rights.

    How much of feminism is hurt by more sensitive men? None. Opposite. Feminism is helped by men who are told it’s okay to be in touch with your feelings, to be empathetic, to be caring and kind. Because feminism is held back more by angry men and misunderstanding men—and frankly, women who misunderstand feminism—than any movement helping men be okay with themselves. Men who aren’t threatened by stronger women but are actually supportive of that…is not a bad thing for feminism. Like…at all.