• IninewCrow
    4 months ago

    Spending millions of dollars of relief aid for the millions of dollars of genocidal actions they funded that caused for a need for relief aid in the first place.

    This is like the Mafia sending you flowers in the hospital after they broke your knees.

    • ᗪᗩᗰᑎ
      184 months ago

      its like god sending jesus christ to save us from… himself?

      • @[email protected]
        34 months ago

        Well, what’s the worse that could happen if he did that?

        I mean, we saw what’d he do over a fruit!

    • @Evilcoleslaw
      44 months ago

      Spending millions of dollars of relief aid for the millions billions of dollars of genocidal actions they funded that caused for a need for relief aid in the first place.

        • Patapon Enjoyer
          4 months ago

          No relief aid would be necessary if one event didn’t happen. Can anyone guess what that was?

          Regis, I’m going with the Balfour declaration of 1917 and the settlement of the israeli colonizers on Palestinian land

        • @Evilcoleslaw
          84 months ago

          Yes I’m aware that the history of this entire conflict began on October 7, 2023. Absolutely nothing bad had ever happened there before that. It was sunshine and rainbows and the Israelis and Palestinians lived in peace as brothers.

  • @robocall
    154 months ago

    Did Israel ever allow the shit ton of flour into Gaza that America sent?

  • @LifeInMultipleChoice
    34 months ago

    Does anyone know who made these 38,000 meals ?

    That’s a good number of meals to just appear and then have a planned drop without getting shot down.

    That means this was a coordinated effort for Israel to not shoot, while also the meals being available and packaged prior to it happening.

    Lots of logistics I would love to see the behind the scenes on

    • @Burninator05
      174 months ago

      They are almost certainly MREs. All anyone did to make them ready for this is pull them off a shelf and put them on a pallet.

      • Milksteaks [he/him]
        134 months ago

        That or humanitarian daily rations, they’re much more cost effective and readily available than MREs, and specifically used for humanitarian crisis

        • @aidanM
          54 months ago

          Also are made to comply with dietary restrictions so are often vegetarian or halal

        • @perviouslyiner
          34 months ago

          Given that they are HDR, does that mean they can drop individual packets instead of crates? They were designed to avoid the crowd crush associated with parachute crates.

    • @[email protected]
      24 months ago

      Bro, what kind of air support do you think Hamas has? Israel’s not above shooting down random US aircraft but this isn’t exactly dropping off VIPs in Kyiv, there’s not a lot of potential for confusion.

      • @LifeInMultipleChoice
        -14 months ago

        I said Israel, if you think a plane flying over gaza isn’t monitored by Israel you are mistaken. Their “Iron Dome” would have to track every plane with their geographic location

  • Drusas
    4 months ago

    I hope that this is bad writing and that they’re not being so inefficient as to literally airdrop meals. They should be airdropping food supplies which can be turned into meals. Much more efficient.

    Edit: Having read the article, they are dropping MREs. Not the worst but could be more efficient.

  • @Tolstoshev
    -14 months ago

    Can’t let those orphan Hamas toddlers die of starvation before the IDF can shoot them in the head like they deserve. /s

        • @[email protected]
          14 months ago

          What do you think CNN would be reporting right now if that the people executed at the aid truck had been armed?

          If every kid in Gaza had an AK they’d still lose to the IDF, and they’d also lose every bit of international sympathy while Bibi babbles about all Palestinians being armed Hamas radicals.

          Gaza can not win this war. The only hope they have is diplomatic pressure as the world wakes up to the fact that Israeli isn’t one of the Good Guys ™

          • @[email protected]
            14 months ago

            I don’t give a fuck what CNN reports. Maybe, just maybe Israel wouldn’t have dared attack those poor people if their armed forces had symmetrical deterrents like cruise missiles. Keeping it real: we both know the US isn’t going to arm Palestinians. I’m saying however, that beyond invading Israel ourselves, it would be the the most moral thing we could do.

  • @anticolonialist
    -104 months ago

    If this wasnt election year and Super Tuesday wasn’t coming up and Biden wasn’t trying to save face they wouldn’t have gotten a thing. Instead of dropping aid and trying to change the narrative they could should have forced Israel to step down and allowed the existing aid that’s already on the ground to pass through to Palestine

    • Drusas
      4 months ago

      The US can’t force Israel to do anything. They are a reasonably wealthy state with significant military prowess and supplies in their own right.

      I keep seeing this narrative here on the fediverse that somehow it’s all Biden’s fault because if we didn’t send them weapons, the whole thing would be over. It’s just false.

      We shouldn’t send them weapons, but stopping doing so would not stop the genocide.

      • @anticolonialist
        -34 months ago

        So you’re saying it’s something that worked with Reagan, Worked with Thatcher, would not work with Biden? Or it has to do more with Biden being the top recipient of j Street money than any other politician.

  • Cyborganism
    -134 months ago

    US military aircraft provides location of new targets for the IOF to shoot.


    As long as they don’t enforce a ceasefire, innocent Gazans are going to be shooting targets for the Israel soldiers.

  • @[email protected]
    -174 months ago

    So it could have been done that fast. Makes you wonder what they were waiting for when people were starving. Maybe they weren’t polling as bad

      • @RealFknNito
        -14 months ago

        That’s a bizarre thing to say. We shouldn’t just move on from the fact it took months to get something like this done. Shouldn’t just brush away incompetence or malicious compliance because “well that’s behind us now.”

        • @HappycamperNZ
          14 months ago

          Its almost like there is a narrative being pushed on lemmy that hamas is innocent in all of this and Israel is the only aggressor and responsible for everything. Like nearly every article posted and upvoted is from a pro-palestine source and everything calling for better reporting is downvoted or blocked. That the commonly referenced ICJ article called on both sides to act according to humanitarian grounds but it got reduced to “Israel genocide”.

          Almost like aid convoys were being restricted as aid was being stolen from their own civilians to be used by armed forces, and Hamas was showing off their anti Air weaponry that would be perfect for bringing down a slow moving cargo plane at low altitude, and pushing them out of areas was needed.

          But that’s all in the past now and clearly everything that happened was Israel fault, no need to look into that.

          • @RealFknNito
            -14 months ago

            Okay, what is the appropriate response for civilians facing overwhelming oppression? History has shown us that it’s civil unrest gradually moving into radical groups that use violence. Hamas is the result of Israel’s actions no different than some would say Antifa is the result of America’s systematic racism.

            Israel is the sole cause of the conflict. That is not a debate, not a question, not a suggestion, it’s historical record and I encourage you to look into it in your free time.

            “Better reporting” isn’t possible you dense motherfucker because Israel keeps killing the reporters. People like you are so indescribably dense that you’re not even fucking worth talking to. Begone to the shadow realm you IDF goon.

            • @assassin_aragorn
              14 months ago

              It isn’t clear that Palestinians even support Hamas. Considering protests have been repressed and there haven’t been elections, I don’t think it’s fair to tie the civilians and Hamas together.

        • @[email protected]
          04 months ago

          And what are we supposed to do about it other than complain that it should have been done sooner? What’s the point? You can’t accept that it’s being done now? Do you prefer it be done later?

          • @RealFknNito
            14 months ago

            “What’s the point? We only fucked up constantly, we shouldn’t dwell on it.” To fucking not let it happen in the future? To account for this massive fuck up and make common sense changes? To learn and reflect?? Fundamental concepts for growth? Fucking hell.

    • @RapidcreekOP
      -54 months ago

      King Abdullah stated he wanted to do it some weeks ago, but Hamas then released video of their SAM-7and Soviet-era Strela-2 IR launchers.

        • @RapidcreekOP
          4 months ago

          Because people chose sides and now seem to think Hamas are the good guys. Which is funny.

  • @NocturnalMorning
    4 months ago

    Maybe they could evacuate them somewhere safe instead of air dropping food. Must be nice to fly a plane over knowing you get to go home afterward.

    • @Alteon
      244 months ago

      Nothing is ever good enough for anyone. That’s my only issue with other liberals. Steps were made in the right direction. Thank goodness. I hope we take further steps in the right direction. But to be obtuse and constantly negative at every sign of progress is exhausting.

      Where would you evacuate them to? Every country in the surrounding area has clearly stated that they will not accept them. Egypt tried, and then Hamas caused dozens of terror attacks there, and Egypt backpedaled. Do you have any remote idea what it would take to move half a million people? Feed them, vet them, transport them, and house them?

      • @RapidcreekOP
        154 months ago

        The last country to accept Gaza refugees was Jordan years ago, but they won’t accept them again. I can’t think of a country that would. There has been some talk about some African countries giving them temporary asylum, but there are no reports on that barring fruit.

      • @NocturnalMorning
        -104 months ago

        These people are starving and unable to leave Gaza. We could literally air lift people out tomorrow if we wanted to. This was a political stunt. I’m glad people are getting food. But let’s not forget what this is. The U.S. has been giving Israel billions of dollars in support of this genocide.

        This is the bare minimum.

    • @robocall
      164 months ago

      I suspect it’s easier to get food into Gaza by airdrop than truck because Israel keeps preventing the trucks from entering.

    • @RapidcreekOP
      124 months ago

      Nobody wants the Gazians. Egypt is spending big money to keep them out.

    • @RealFknNito
      54 months ago

      My brother in Christ moving millions of people in a place with minimal infrastructure after Israel bombed it into rubble isn’t just a logistical nightmare it’s expensive, time consuming, and Israel isn’t going to just give the thumbs up. Oh - and it’s their fucking homeland.

      • @NocturnalMorning
        4 months ago

        So is giving Israel 10 billion dollars in support of the genocide. And I’m sorry, I love living in my country but if it turned into dangerous war zone, I wouldn’t live there anymore. People don’t stay in active war zones bcz they want to. They stay bcz they have nowhere else to go.