• ZephrC
    1974 months ago

    I’m pretty sure there’s someone, somewhere at Nintendo who knows how google works. I would be shocked if they don’t know more about Switch emulators than I do, and Yuzu wasn’t even my first choice. Yuzu didn’t get sued because it’s popular. They got sued because they ran a profitable company in a country that enforces IP laws pretty strictly and tends to side with large corporations over people.

    • @[email protected]
      494 months ago

      Let’s say, hypothetically, that I’m not a Nintendo spy. Let’s also say that, still hypothetically, I would be interested in, or curious about, maybe, what would have been your first choice. Would you hypothetically tell it to me?

      Not talking about pirating anything, btw. Just making hypotheses about a purely imaginary scenario.

      • ZephrC
        474 months ago

        Yes. Yes I would. In this purely hypothetical situation I would tell you that I prefer Ryujinx. It doesn’t perform quite as well, so it’s not great if you’re on a Steam Deck or something like it, but in my experience it tends to be less buggy, and it’s also run like an actual open source project.

        You know, hypothetically.

        • voxel
          144 months ago

          has exactly the same performance but higher accuracy as yuzu from my experience (on amd gpus)

          • @yamanii
            94 months ago

            It’s about the CPU, I could play Zelda on Yuzu with my 3200G, but on Ryujinx the game is almost on slow motion.

        • @SpunkyMcGoo
          24 months ago

          emulators and modders running patreons and paywalling releases is truly the dumbest possible thing to do

          • ZephrC
            24 months ago

            A small Patreon to cover expenses isn’t so bad. Paywalling releases and running a $30,000/month Patreon out of a company in Rhode Island was not a smart plan.

    • @fidodo
      14 months ago

      deleted by creator

    • @Wilzax
      284 months ago

      Or Japan for that matter

  • @[email protected]
    584 months ago

    That’s a concavebrain take, they likely know about emulators long before the average consumer.

  • kingthrillgore
    564 months ago

    THEY WILL FIND OUT it doesn’t matter it will show up in a Google Alert someday.

    The right solution is to not buy anything from Nintendo.

    • Fubarberry
      164 months ago

      In my experience, practically none of the people who care about Nintendo suing Yuzu were buying Nintendo games anyways.

      So they’re not losing any sales if those people boycott buying their games. But on the other side, they probably weren’t losing any significant percentage of sales to Yuzu either.

      • Cassa
        34 months ago

        I’ve bought several nintendo games, mostly for switches that haven’t been in my ownership, but borrowed or similar or just for older devices

        but you’re right in that their sales loss is probably quite insignificant, as well as any boycott

  • @[email protected]
    524 months ago

    This biggest game launch in years got leaked online, and the discord for yuzu got 50k new users at the same time all asking for the game pre release.

    Yuzu even got featured on the steam deck promotional material briefly.

    I don’t think Nintendo would just sit back on that. The horse was out of the barn and between steam deck and totk Nintendo was never going to sit idly by.

    • @Zanshi
      334 months ago

      I mean they were doomed when they started asking for money in addition to pointing people how to break encryption and stuff so you can play those definitely your copies of TotK that was leaked

      • @yamanii
        94 months ago

        No, money is not a problem, bleem was a commercial product, there are other paid emulators like PPSSPP.

        • @[email protected]
          114 months ago

          Well, Bleem went down under the weight of Sony’s lawsuits, just like Yuzu did with Nintendo’s. Sony didn’t even win any of their lawsuites against Bleem in the end, but constant legal trouble is usually too much for small startups to handle. The US’s legal system essentially allows any company to duel any other, with legal funds as the weapon of choice, and the bigger weapon wins every time. Legality doesn’t matter unless both companies can truly afford to fight the battle to the end, and emulators will likely never have that power. So all we can do as consumers looking for options is to try not to talk about the little guys so much that one of the big guys feels it’s necessary to bury them to death with lawsuits.

        • @[email protected]
          94 months ago

          Money is not what makes it legal/illegal. But asking for money is definitely poking the hornet’s nest.

    • @fidodo
      54 months ago

      Not just that, but their website included instructions on how to dump encryption keys. Reverse engineering a console is perfectly legal and Nintendo has historically left emulators alone, but all the other emulator developers were smart enough to advertise that their emulator was for homebrew purposes only and remove any talk of privacy from their forums. All that information is easily supplemented by the community so including it on your official site is just plain stupid. Emulator development needs to be centralized so you need to play dumb. The illegal stuff can go to side communities where they have to play whack a mole. Yuzu folded without putting up a fight because they know they fucked up.

  • LoudWaterHombre
    434 months ago

    If you think Nintendo doesn’t employ people that know about emulators and piracy, then I hope the lord has mercy on your soul.

  • @[email protected]
    394 months ago

    Can we all just shut up about pirating things as a rule of thumb? Like, just shut the fuck up and play your free game

    • @[email protected]
      244 months ago

      Agreed. But in this case, yuzu is literaly the first result for “switch emulator” so nindento could probably find it on their own

      • @fidodo
        24 months ago

        The problem is that they provided instructions on their official site on how to dump encryption keys. That’s just dumb. Let the community supplement that info and just provide the emulator and play dumb.

        • @[email protected]
          14 months ago

          Lol! I did not know that. Sharing keys for a piece of hardware that’s still in production is bold

          • @fidodo
            24 months ago

            They didn’t share keys, they shared instructions on how to dump them. But it’s still dumb, just don’t raise any flags if you’re trying to run a for profit company.

  • @xantoxis
    4 months ago

    Sorry, do you think multibillion dollar game corporations don’t employ people who enjoy playing games? People who pursue it as a hobby and run across the same fuckin piracy tools you run across?

    They know.

    • @WarlordSdocy
      54 months ago

      Yeah but I doubt it’s the developers going after emulators like this. It’s the higher ups and legal teams I imagine.

      • Kilgore Trout
        24 months ago

        Likely. The cause against Yuzu came now in light of the imminent annoincement of Switch 2.

  • @RoyaltyInTraining
    294 months ago

    Trust me, they can easily find out about all emulators that exist. All that matters is if they see some advantage in shutting the project down.

    • FiveMacs
      14 months ago

      There is nothing inherently wrong with emulators though. It just does what it’s told. The game images are a different story.

      • @fidodo
        14 months ago

        And yuzu provided instructions on how to dump encryption keys to get those game images. If they just let other sites provide that info and only provided the reverse engineered emulator then they would have been in the clear like every other emulator for the past several decades.

  • @[email protected]
    274 months ago

    A greater flex to pirating Nintendo games is not pirating Nintendo games. There are some pretty decent alternatives to most genres. Indie alternatives, even.

    We all have beloved IPs. It was soul crushing to see Star Wars fall to Disney and EA. But we can and do move on.

    Let Nintendo know they do not own consummership. At least not yours.

    • @[email protected]
      44 months ago

      Nintendo doesn’t care. They stay in their lane and they are strategic about each move.

      I remember hearing about pretty terrible corporate culture as they demand obedience and swear you to secrecy. I think I remember some guy mentioned he worked at Nintendo on a podcast and they instantly fired him to make a point.

      What Nintendo does care about is knockoffs. At their core they are toymakers who make collectibles. What is a knockoff? Anything that Nintendo deems so.

    • @Psythik
      -34 months ago

      The Switch library sucks anyway. Besides Mario Kart and Smash Bros, I’ve been disappointed with every single 1st party title released on this underpowered POS. Especially Tears of the Kingdom. The game is just a repeat of BotW, which is just a watered down Minecraft clone with the Zelda logo slapped on top. It’s an insult to Zelda fans.

        • @Psythik
          14 months ago

          SM 64 & Sunshine were better

          Not interested in Splatoon

          Don’t know what “smm2” is

          Not into side scrolling Mario games (besides the classics)

          Too easy, therefore not fun. Also they removed combining abilities which is bullshit. Kirby 64 is better.

          • @[email protected]
            14 months ago

            Smm2 = super mario maker 2

            Any ways that doesnt make the switch library suck your either very nostolgiapilled and everythingnewsuckspilled or they just arent your kind of games

            • @Psythik
              14 months ago

              A little bit from both columns, I’ll admit.

      • @[email protected]
        4 months ago

        Arguing that BotW is a clone of Minecraft fundamentally misunderstands the distinctive design philosophies, gameplay mechanics, narrative structures, and overall objectives that separate these two games. At their core, Minecraft is a sandbox game focused on creativity, building, and exploration within a procedurally generated world, emphasizing player freedom and creativity without predefined goals. In stark contrast, BotW is a meticulously crafted action-adventure game set in a fixed, hand-designed world that prioritizes exploration, puzzle-solving, and combat within a rich narrative framework. Unlike Minecraft’s open-ended gameplay, BotW unfolds within the established Legend of Zelda universe, featuring a deep narrative, complex characters, and a clear objective: to defeat Ganon and save Princess Zelda.

        BotW’s sophisticated combat mechanics, strategic use of weapons and abilities, and environmental puzzles offer a gameplay experience vastly different from Minecraft’s straightforward combat and focus on building. The exploration in BotW is guided, enriched with side quests and story-driven objectives, contrasting with Minecraft’s emphasis on randomness and player creativity. Additionally, BotW’s unique, cel-shaded art style and its innovations in game design, such as physics-based puzzle solving and dynamic weather, showcase Nintendo’s commitment to revitalizing the open-world genre, setting it apart from Minecraft’s blocky, pixelated aesthetic.

        While there are superficial similarities in open-world exploration and resource gathering, BotW and Minecraft cater to vastly different gaming experiences. BotW is not a Minecraft clone but a standout title in the action-adventure genre, leveraging the Zelda franchise’s rich history to introduce innovative gameplay mechanics that distinguish it from not only Minecraft but other games within its genre.

      • @SpunkyMcGoo
        14 months ago

        “breath of the wild is minecraft” is not something i expected to hear today

  • @TheControlled
    264 months ago

    This is fucking stupid and absolutely not how this shit works. How childish.

  • N_Crow
    214 months ago

    Good thing they won’t know emulators exist and obcess about it if nobody talks about it.

  • Draconic NEO
    204 months ago

    This is such a load of shit, companies always know about hacked products long before they become popular.

    If devs really wanted this to not happen they’d be doing it how every successful cracker does, by operating in a C.I.S. state and keeping themselves safe, not by clutching their pearls about people pirating games and being assholes to their only real users.

    • @[email protected]
      24 months ago

      They may or may not know about them, but when someone higher up gets embarrassed, such as TOTK being streamed before launch, that creates a lot of pressure to act

      Companies aren’t people either. Did someone at Nintendo know about this? Undoubtedly. I’m sure plenty of them did, they’re a big company and emulators for their old content are like the #1 gaming emulators.

      Their lawyers and leadership may have known in a vague sense, but they’re probably not technical. Something got them in a room together to see if they could do something about this… It wasn’t because they lost money (I doubt they did), it was because they looked bad in front of shareholders

      I’ll preface this by saying fuck Nintendo, this is really bad precedent and I’m so pissed this went through. The judgement against them was seriously insane… They built a tool that was legal (at least before now), and were fined $1.6 million, had to give up everything with the name yuzu, had to give up all of their personal Nintendo products, and there were a few other things… It’s truly insane IP is being protected to this extent.

      But conversely, people were way too public with the TOTK leak. Teach your friends and family how to sail the high seas, talk about it in niche corners, drop theoretical knowledge on strangers in quiet corners of the web.

      The high seas are an open secret… It’s fine if most everyone uses it, especially when companies make their own products uncompetitive with the hassle of alternative means. But, we have to pretend in public, at least a little

      If it’s out in the open, someone is going to push IP law even further. Not for moral or profit reasons, purely because a win will make them look strong and an embarrassment makes them look weak.

      And that makes stock prices dance for a bit.

      • Draconic NEO
        13 months ago

        I think the fundamental problem here is that we’re trying to point fingers at each other or situations instead of acknowledging that it’s not feasible to keep doing this in their domain no matter how much we try to make them happy. Instead of just going “oh we should’ve kept it secret” or “those users shouldn’t have done that” or “it was the NFTs!!1!!1!” and thinking that there was a way we could’ve gotten away with it, we should be encouraging doing this stuff in places where it’s harder if not impossible for them to win. Do what the crackers already did to become successful and free, and not pretend that there’s a way to get away with it in the western country that kisses up to companies.

    • @Hobo
      24 months ago

      For further context the phrase was largely leveraged to stop the spread of bad news on the war front. They were fairly confident that a German spy network didn’t exist within American society at the time of the campaign, but didn’t want negative press to circulate about the war effort.


      • @Dasus
        4 months ago

        I’m not saying it wasn’t a good policy and a catchy phrase (propaganda isn’t automatically evil), I’m saying we’re not in WWII (and hopefully not in the sequel either.)

        Back then was not the time for civil disobedience, but a lot of men and women fought and gave their lives for us to be able to do it when it is suitable.

        Which it now is. With piracy and weed, for instance.