With the dwindled population and organization of the Romulan Star Empire near the end of the 24th century, who will step up as the next big player? The Federation generally expands by diplomacy and comradery. The Klingons have had time since their civil war to get their shit together. The Orion Syndicate typically stays on the outskirts, but the opportunity is there. The Dominion had been a non-player since the treaty, but then who actually expects them to ignore the situation? The Borg as we know them in that time period are gone. (Insert new faction/random Delta Quadrant race) appears to mix things up. I’m not familiar with any Beta Canon or STO lore, so if any of this gets addressed, I’m curious to hear of it.

  • Flying SquidM
    4 months ago

    Since only the Romulus system was destroyed, presumably there were plenty of other planets in the empire inhabited with Romulans and with plenty of ships to defend themselves with. So the next big player could be… the Romulans.

    I’ve been thinking about this- despite Ni’var being re-unified, there might still be a Romulan empire of some sort made up of the remaining planets the Romulans controlled.

    Also, I assume the Romulans didn’t bother evacuating the Remans, so they’re probably mostly extinct.

    • @ummthatguyOP
      124 months ago

      Yeah, the Reman’s one power play kinda fell flat.

    • @AA5B
      54 months ago

      The Eastern Romulan Empire? Maybe the Patriarch issues an edict that they are the true Romulans and those who joined Federation culture are heretics?

  • @[email protected]
    154 months ago

    I think the “it’s something not discussed with non-Klingons” Klingons from TOS will return and we will learn that it wasn’t just a 4th wall throwaway joke about makeup budget, but actually a species schism that resulted in an exodus of half their race. And now they’re back, and of course they’re pissed.

    • @ummthatguyOP
      144 months ago

      Vulcan/Romulan rift 2.0 could work as a great parallel.

  • @[email protected]
    114 months ago

    I think it will be the Syndicate. The Federation probably wouldn’t move in to take over world’s that the Romulans can no longer handle. I’m sure some of those would fall to the Klingons, but I think most would just kind of be on their own in chaos, which would be a great opportunity for the Orions. Plus, Lower Decks is going to be expanding on the Orions next season

    • @ummthatguyOP
      54 months ago

      I had not heard about that on LD. Sweet. Maybe we’ll get some Orion families joining up forces.

  • NegativeNullM
    104 months ago

    My guess is the Tribbles expand to fill the void. Unbeknownst to most, the Romulans were keeping them at bay. The Klingons had considered them a Mortal Enemy of the Klingon Empire, but was so embarrassed by that, that they decided to give up. The Romulans were all that would stop them.

    consider posting this to lemmy.world/d/startrek as well, since that is now up and running

    • @ummthatguyOP
      84 months ago

      Suddenly Section 31’s back in the picture stirring up trouble.

  • @Sanctus
    94 months ago

    The Klingons, yearning for the Glory of the past, join forces with the Gorn to ignite a war fiercer than anything the galaxy has seen. Or at least, I think that would be cool.

    • @ummthatguyOP
      54 months ago

      Intriguing. We’ve only recently gotten a closer look at the Gorn Hegemony, but from the 23rd century. TNG, DS9, and VOY only make light reference to them without any appearance. As another warlike species, that would be fun to see play out. Especially since both sides would naturally plan to destroy the other once their goals were met. Where’s Worf’s son Alexander at this point?

  • @Zonetrooper
    74 months ago

    I’d be kind of looking at a Cardassian-led counter-federation. Maybe the Gorn, maybe some others.

    What would be interesting is if it weren’t an overtly evil “rah, rah, we gonna beat up the UFP and reclaim our glory!” so much as a “with the Klingons firmly Federation allies, the Dominion crushed, and the Romulans devastated, the Federation is unquestionably on top… and that kind of scares us. We’re going to band together because otherwise, the Federation could do whatever it wanted with us.”

    • @ummthatguyOP
      64 months ago

      A Federation adjacent, carving out territory. Occasionally, their interests clash. Plenty of room to play with story-wise.

      • @Zonetrooper
        24 months ago

        Yep. Someone else mentioned something called the “Typhon Pact”, which I didn’t know about but sounds reasonably close to what I was thinking.

      • Kericake🥕 (They(/It))
        44 months ago

        In our timeline the whole “what happens after the destruction of Romulus and end of the RSE (and how that happened, and why)” thing was kinda ages ago 😅 I’m not sure anycritter around here has any interest in STO, though. Kinda seems like I’m the only one who’s mentioned it (though I’ve not peeked nor poked around here much)?

        Please don’t stuff me into an agonizer booth for consuming unapproved Trek content v.v

        • @ummthatguyOP
          64 months ago

          Thanks for expanding a bit. STO isn’t my style of game, but I figured some of it is considered canon.

          • @grue
            54 months ago

            but I figured some of it is considered canon.

            It’s not, but some of the storyline is good enough that IMO it ought to be.

        • @grue
          44 months ago

          I’m not sure anycritter around here has any interest in STO, though.

          I do.

  • @[email protected]
    44 months ago

    Ok, since no one else has mentioned it, I’m going to mention how the Typhon Pact formed in the Relaunch novelverse.

    Different cataclysm, but divided remnants of the Romulans joined up with the Tholians, Breens and assorted others to establish a competitor to the Federation, which was seen as failing its perimeter members planets and species.

    • @ummthatguyOP
      34 months ago

      Interesting. Bating allies with distrust and grudges. More importantly, does anyone ever get to see a Breen without a helmet?

      • @[email protected]
        24 months ago

        The book that goes deep into the heart of Breen space and culture is called ‘Zero Sum Game’. It’s Bashir and an old colleague sucked into spy stuff. The most awesome Captain Ezri Dax makes a significant appearance too.

        • @ummthatguyOP
          24 months ago

          Apparently, I should start reading the novels. Thanks.

          • @[email protected]
            24 months ago

            The Relaunch novelverse is great even if an alternate timeline. The screenwriters are aware of it, and have woven some of its elements into onscreen plot lines.

            David Mack who wrote this and many other well received novels was a consultant for the early seasons of both Prodigy and Lower Decks.

    • @ummthatguyOP
      34 months ago

      Given what @[email protected] said about Lower Decks season 5 including a focus on the Orions, we may get to see Tendi involved in the formation of what will eventually become the Emerald Chain.

  • MaggiWuerze
    24 months ago

    Maybe i’m missing context, but in which series does this apply?

    The Borg as we know them in that time period are gone.

    • @ummthatguyOP
      14 months ago

      Picard season 3

      • MaggiWuerze
        4 months ago

        Ah, see. I dropped that mid Season 1. Did it get any better? I really couldn’t deal with that they did to Seven and Icheb

        • @[email protected]
          4 months ago

          Season 1 and 2 are total garbage. I quite enjoyed season 3 but YMMV. Season 3 is definitely worth a watch to form your own opinion