I’ve been competing for a few years, with a two year break during Covid. I’m at

  • Squat: 380 lb (172 kg)
  • Bench: 270 lb (122 kg)
  • Deadlift: 424.4 lb (192.5 kg)

I’ve actually gotten weaker since I hit those numbers last October due to some back tweaks and time off for a trip, but I’m hoping to match those squat and deadlift numbers and get a 127.5 kg bench (281 lb) at my meet on the 23rd.

Longer term, I have my eyes on 405 lb (183 kg) squat, 315 lb (142 kg) bench, and 500 lb (227 kg) deadlift.

How about you?

  • @AttractiveNuisance
    21 year ago

    I’m 34(M) and I weigh 73kg. I’m at:

    • 160kg squat
    • 77.5 kg bench
    • 190kg deadlift

    My squat is being held back by strength, I just need to squat more and I’m pretty sure I can hit 180.

    My deadlift is being held back by consistency. I feel like the same weight on the same day moves differently depending on how well I set up, so I’ve been focusing on setting up the same each time. If I’m doing 5 reps in a set, I’ll set up 5 times instead of touch and go.

    My bench just sucks and I’m super frustrated because it should just be higher. I think it’s a technique problem.

    I’m going to enter my first sanctioned meet in October, and I want to set aggressive goals. I want to shoot for 180 on my squat, 210 on my DL and I don’t know on my bench. I want to say 100 on my bench is possible? But I just don’t know what the fuck is wrong with it.

    I wish I got to this sport younger, because I think I could have been actually competitive if I had the years of practice, but at this point I’m too old to do it for anything other than my own edification. I want to qualify for nationals once before I enter masters, which really feels like a stretch to me.

    • @[email protected]OPM
      21 year ago

      My deadlift is the same. I pulled 92% a week ago and it moved like 100%. I pulled 90% a few days ago and it moved like 90%. And the 92% pull was after a week of deloading to help with fatigue. Who knows where I’ll be come meet time.

      How often do you bench? I’m on a program that has me benching every session and it’s now my best lift.

      • @AttractiveNuisance
        21 year ago

        That’s the embarrassing bit! I bench 3x a week. 💀💀

          • @AttractiveNuisance
            21 year ago

            I’m at a powerlifting gym and the coach does all of the programming for us.

            • @[email protected]OPM
              11 year ago

              I’d like to get a coach sometime. Finances don’t allow it at the moment but that’s a goal.

  • @dridex
    21 year ago

    Currently my lifts are 405/275/455 in lbs, and I’m currently moving down a weight class from 82.5 to 75. My best lifts in a meet are higher than that, but a back injury and burnout took me away for a while. I kept lifting the entire time, but more for health than for 1RM.

    Now I’m back at it and would like to get back to my pre-injury numbers (around 20 lbs on squat and bench, and 60 or so on deadlift). After my back injury, I switched to sumo and a more narrow squat stance, which helps not aggravate the injury, but I’m definitely not as strong with my modified positioning. It’s been a pretty long journey to even get to where I am now and I’m not in a hurry to hit PRs, but it would be nice to see another one some day.

    • @[email protected]OPM
      21 year ago

      I feel you. I have an SI joint issue that flares up a couple times every year that sets me back every time. I have a meet on the 23rd and my squat and deadlift are both going to be 20-30 lbs weaker than last time.

      I have another one in February where I’m hoping my numbers exceed my previous records. If I just meet my previous numbers I’ll be happy.

      • @dridex
        21 year ago

        Injuries are tough. They’re almost guaranteed in this sport and most of them are fine and go away with some planning and rehab, but recurring injuries are just the worst. My lower back and left leg have never felt the same since mine, and I doubt they ever will.

        Good luck on your meet, if it’s anything like my experience they tend to go better than expected - but I like to keep my expectations low so I can be pleasantly surprised if things turn out well.

  • @[email protected]
    21 year ago

    Hi! I (27F) lifted for the first time 3.5 months ago, so I’m still very new! I’ve never actually gone for 1RM before, but these are my estimates:

    Deadlift: 205lb (actual 165x8) Squat: 175lb (actual 150x5) Bench: 75lb (actual 60x8)

    My arms/shoulders were shockingly weak when I started, so I’m psyched with where I am so far. Current goals are benching 100lb and DL/Squat 200lb. I mainly lift for fun and for fitness, so I’m in no rush.