Opened 196 by accident so here’s a photo of the Eiffel tower
Yes, definitely Paris. Never seen a more Eiffel Towery Eiffel Tower in my life!
Exactly, the way it’s pointy and triangle-ish, who could get it confused?
Hon hon, oui oui, バゲット.
oui, je m’appelle kiwi, クロワッサン
Best eifeil tower
Well, there is only one, this one
So of course it’s the best
Is that in Japan?
Before I went to Paris, I thought the Eiffel Tower was just ugly.
I still think it’s ugly, but now I know it also has a quite impressive physical presence when you’re basically standing right under it that doesn’t really come through in pictures. I still wouldn’t want to live near it, though.
I can see how it could be seen as ugly, I mean it is mostly metal beams, but I like to think that some of it’s beauty comes from what it represents and it’s history
Me: Is that the Eiffel Tower? City guide: It is a Eiffel tower.
Photog better watch their back for all the drivers on the wrong side of the road
Kids these days smh, can’t even abide by the traffic laws of France
best eifeil tower
Oo la lá!
merci, j’ai travaillé dur sur la photo
I impeded traffic and everything
Tokyo, not Paris.
I don’t know what you’re talking about, the Eiffel tower is right there
Now I wanna see Godzilla plowing through Paris.
I’d like to see that, after some hard work destroying half the city simply by existing, Godzilla takes a break to eat a croissant