antibigotry notice
this post does not support or normalize misgendering nonbinary people. wakko generally seems to canonically accept he/him pronouns, but if that weren’t the case the behavior exhibited in this post would be unacceptable, harmful, and vehemently condemned, and would be showcased here only as an example of and condemnation against bigotry, and should not be understood as condoning.
They did not necessarily misgender a nonbinary person if the aforementioned nonbinary accepts the he pronoun.
you are absolutely correct. :) only put the disclaimer because this post got taken down from r/tumblr because on the surface it might appear to promote transphobic action.
The general rule of the Warner siblings is that they’re whatever they need to be for the joke to work and if you disagree you don’t get it.
they just like me frfr
Gender fluid!
Because they’re drawn that way.
If you look, act and dress like a dude, and you’re a stranger, I’m gonna say “hi dude”, how is that offensive? Once I know them I call them by their name or whatever they want
As an AMAB enby who largely dresses the same I did before discovering my gender, I’m not terribly bothered by the he/him from strangers (it makes me itch, but it’s unreasonable to expect differently so I’ve made my peace). But once someone knows…
Do you mind if I ask what AMAB and enby mean? I am woefully uneducated in some areas
Of course!
AMAB = Assigned Male at Birth
Enby = shorthand for non-binary (sounds like NB -> enby).
In case you’re unfamiliar with ‘non-binary’, it means that I don’t identify with the gender I was assigned, but also don’t identify with being a woman either. It’s a bit more complex than that for me, but it’s easiest to say I non-binary as it’s more well known than gender-fluid, which is more specific to how I identify/feel as a person.
Ooooh I would never have figured out “enby” but now I cant unsee/hear it! Thank you, I appreciate the info.
Of course! Happy to help out.
And like G.I. Joe says, knowing is half the battle
Assuming this is a genuine question and purely speaking from my own perspective and experience, and opinion:
I find it a little irksome when others make snap judgements about me on first sight or with very little interaction, because I don’t like being put into categorization based on assumptions from others. I’m not keen on categorization/social boxes at all, but I get why it’s a thing (brains like shortcuts, essentially). To me, calling someone a gender leaning term based purely on looks feels similar to calling someone Greg because they seem like a Greg. It’s a situation where even if it is an accurate assumption, it still feels rude, because it’s filling in a lot of information about a person without checking if that info is correct.
IDK. I understand that you dislike it, but making assumptions is a pretty big part of being human. “The one that doesn’t can throw the first stone” and so on. Trying to change that might even be counterproductive.
The world is so complicated already, there is no need to make it even more so. If someone makes the wrong assumption, then don’t assume it was with a bad intention, they might be confused, or just made a bad joke (Like calling random people Greg.). Just talk to them and clear it up. Understanding and empathy to your co-creatures is important. No need to antagonize them because of their ignorance. Everyone has a right to be ignorant sometimes. Ignorance is not intolerance, so we should tolerate it to some degree, if we want to live in a tolerant society.
Don’t assume that the world is against you, most people are just unaware and inattentive, while busy with their own issues.
this is not the place to have this discussion, go somewhere else if you want to be a debate lord
also the animaniacs are literally siblings so your “stranger” example doesn’t even apply here 🐛
this is not the place to have this discussion, go somewhere else if you want to be a debate lord
Fuck you. How bout that? You don’t make the rules around here and decide what’s allowed to be spoken about, fascist.
i’m neither making nor enforcing rules, just explaining why no one wants to debate you under a cartoon character pun meme. stop being abrasive and toxic, no one asked for this.
Nobody is debating, nobody is making a stance or political point. Stop looking for things to get offended over and get help for your persecution complex
Its good, but finger Prince will always be my favourite.
That joke is even better when you know the story behind it. What they would do is put extremely over the top jokes into the script for the censors to pounce on so that the slightly off color joke they wanted two pages later would seem tame by comparison.
That was one of those jokes and somehow it slipped by everybody.
What was the tame-by-comparison joke it was paired with?
Honestly I can’t remember. I just remember reading, many many moons ago, a writer talking about that.
Mine’s the siblings managing to get the Guru to lose his enlightenment by asking him why hot-dog buns come in pack of eight but sausages in packs of five. It’s a highly important theological issue for Discordians.
Speaking of: Now with DC being part of Warner it’s high time for an Animaniacs / Harley Quinn cross-over. The gal’s superpower (besides superhuman agility and being a genius psychologist) is to be annoying to the point of immortality: She once died, neither God nor Lucifer fancied spending eternity with her, so they sent her right back.
Yes, but the crossover should be stealthy. Make it seem like just a new Harley Quinn comic but in the first issue she gets caught by Batman and locked up in an unspecified location. CliFfhanger eNding, there’s sOmeone or something in there with heR in the Dark. Next issue reveal that she’s in the WB water tower.
The only downside to that idea is you KNOW the previews would ruin any reveal. Shows are so much better going in blind. At least decent ones.
I still can’t believe they got that past the censors.
this made my mouth make a chuckle sound.
That’s your agender right there!
Literally a Warner brother