• @[email protected]
    876 months ago

    Even taken in good faith, what value is a university supposed to get out of a lecture from some loser kid who’s only accolades come from a controversial trial?

    What could he possibly have to say of any significance or importance?

    • @Potatos_are_not_friends
      606 months ago

      This is my take.

      Why can’t I speak? I’m significantly more qualified than a dipshit kid who carried a rifle to a protest and killed people.


      • Never murdered anybody
      • I collected all 151 pokemon legally on the original Pokemon red.
      • deweydecibel
        246 months ago

        I collected all 151 pokemon legally on the original Pokemon red

        If you’re American, then I’m calling bullshit, unless you were living in Japan at the time. Mew was not catchable in the original red and blue, and the only way to get it legitimately was to attend certain Japan-only Nintendo events, where a Nintendo official added it to your cartridge.

        Here in the states, the only ways to get Mew at the time were GameSharks or trade, but unless you traded with someone who could get to Japan and was willing to give up their event exclusive Mew, it was probably just from somebody else he used a GameShark.

        • @Potatos_are_not_friends
          276 months ago

          Damn it you’re right. Now I remember how I got Mew. I abused the missingno hack.

          I resign from my talk.

          • Supercritical
            106 months ago

            Another speaker cancelled, love to see it

          • @Jumi
            76 months ago

            I say recognising and acknowledging that you’re wrong qualifies you even more

            • @Potatos_are_not_friends
              26 months ago

              I ran hours ago and now I’m tweeting on social media about how I’m a victim to this injustice

          • @Duamerthrax
            26 months ago

            There’s no wrong way to play a game. Whether the devs intended for it or not, you played the game as it shipped. Feel proud.

        • @MacedWindow
          66 months ago

          Watch u/Potatos_are_not_friends runway instead of answering this

      • @extant
        16 months ago

        Your qualifications are quite impressive, can you tell me more about the potato’s and why I shouldn’t befriend them?

    • @agent_flounder
      196 months ago

      In a sane world he would tell a heartfelt cautionary tale.

      • deweydecibel
        126 months ago

        I mean, in a sane world, he wouldn’t have killed anyone.

        • @Tyfud
          6 months ago

          In a sane world he would have perhaps participated in the BLM protests because his education wasn’t full of right wing religious propaganda.

          • @[email protected]
            36 months ago

            Wow, sounds like he shouldn’t have been there at all! What monster forcibly brought this 17 year old kid into that situation?

            • ObjectivityIncarnate
              26 months ago

              Wow, sounds like he shouldn’t have been there at all!

              No, he should have. Until maniacs started trying to kill him, he was cleaning graffiti, handing out water bottles, giving first aid, and putting out fires.

              He was doing a lot more good there than any of the rioters, especially the ones who tried to kill him (and started the fires he was putting out–reminder that Grosskreutz initially threatened Rittenhouse in response to having his dumpster fire extinguished).

              • @[email protected]
                06 months ago

                handing out water bottles, giving first aid, and putting out fires

                I wonder who he was giving water bottles and first aid to…

                Was it other people who hurt themselves while cleaning up graffiti?

                So weird that there were fires to put out and injuries to tend to at a graffiti clean-up, and then suddenly these maniacs showed up out of thin air!

                • ObjectivityIncarnate
                  06 months ago

                  I wonder who he was giving water bottles and first aid to…

                  Literally whoever asked. He spent a lot of time walking around yelling “medic” and “friendly”, so that people nearby knew they could flag him down if they needed help.

                  He wasn’t anti-protesting at any point. I believe during the trial it was confirmed that he administered first aid to a minimum of 8 people.

            • @QuaternionsRock
              6 months ago

              He probably shouldn’t have bought the gun, but saying something is someone’s fault because they “shouldn’t have been” somewhere they have a legal right to be is cringe.

              • @[email protected]
                06 months ago

                I have a legal right to go swimming in shark infested waters.

                Probably not a great idea though, right?

                • @QuaternionsRock
                  16 months ago

                  Right, but you wouldn’t be put on trial for endangering the sharks lol

                  Look, there are good arguments to be made of Rittenhouse’s guilt, you’re just not making them.

                  Part of me feels like the standard neoliberal talking points on the matter were engineered by conservatives to reduce the credibility of their conclusion.

    • @[email protected]
      16 months ago

      Someone on the right wing set it up, likely. They do this all the time, since the Universities act like they have to take all commers in the name of free speech. The right wing is hoping the controversial speaker will draw a hostile crowd and spark an incident. In my day, they even got caught using their own thugs posing as students to kick off violence.

    • @stoly
      06 months ago

      Not the university, a student club. Students have first amendment rights here.

        • @stoly
          -36 months ago

          Nobody said that he has a right to speak there. The students have a right to invite him to speak there.

            • @stoly
              -36 months ago

              Gotcha, you want to simmer. /out

                • @stoly
                  -36 months ago

                  It means that you don’t want to converse, you just want to be angry. It was a mistake of me to attempt it with you.

      • @Rakonat
        16 months ago

        Clubs need to get permission from the University to invite people onto campus grounds and speak at campus facilities. Someone who actually works for and represents the facility had to sign off on that little fascist coming to speak.

        • @thesushicat
          36 months ago

          Public universities are legally not allowed to ban controversial speakers, even if they are racist. It is a constitutional right, and banning free speech at a public institution amounts to government censorship. This article from the ACLU is relevant: https://www.aclu.org/documents/speech-campus

          • @[email protected]
            16 months ago

            But it’s not even about him being controversial – just pointless. What educational value does a boring, loser kid have to offer?

            • @stoly
              16 months ago

              Public discourse is an educational experience. Universities aren’t there to just teach you mathematics and basket weaving, it’s there to challenge your viewpoint and make you question your assumptions. That comes from being exposed to differing, even extreme, viewpoints.

                • @stoly
                  06 months ago

                  You don’t like Kyle Rittenhouse. I don’t like Kyle Rittenhouse. He’s a horrible human being and a terrible role model.

                  This falls under the “I will fight to the death for your right to speak” philosophy.

        • @stoly
          16 months ago

          No, you cannot block that. Public universities are a first amendment forum which means that all viewpoints are allowed.

    • @Thteven
      156 months ago

      This does put a smile on my face :)

    • @AngryCommieKender
      106 months ago

      Lol at those band geeks. I’d have totally brought my flute.

    • @Tylerdurdon
      396 months ago

      He ruined more than his life and deserves everything he has earned.

      • @stoly
        56 months ago

        You need a personality to succeed in right wing media. It’s the only qualification.

    • stinerman [Ohio]
      106 months ago

      His only option right now is wingnut welfare, so that’s where he’s headed.

    • @Illuminostro
      46 months ago

      He’ll run for office in the near future. Bet on it.

    • @PrinceWith999Enemies
      36 months ago

      I think he’s already expired goods. I’d love to see how much they had to give him as a speaker’s fee. Someone with an educational affiliation should reach out and see the minimum he’ll accept.

  • @Ensign_Crab
    466 months ago

    Kyle Rittenhouse is a white supremacist and a murderer.

      • @Ensign_Crab
        36 months ago

        Damn. I was hoping Rittenhouse’s cult had stayed on reddit. Too bad.

        • ObjectivityIncarnate
          -36 months ago

          The cult is the group spreading and clinging to lies that are effortlessly debunked by the copious and readily-available video evidence. What a massive projection.

          One great silver lining about the Kenosha incident is that it’s become a very effective litmus test of whether someone favors reality or their ideology. I can’t believe how many of you people still flagrantly lie about what happened that day. But feel free to keep that mask off–identifying you lot as soon as possible within an exchange saves the rational people a lot of time.

          I feel like I’ve gone back in time to when I’d debunk creationist arguments on Usenet, as recreation (pardon the pun).

          • @Ensign_Crab
            -16 months ago

            Rittenhouse is a white supremacist and a murderer, and that’s why you admire him.

            • ObjectivityIncarnate
              -36 months ago

              Rittenhouse is a white supremacist

              Seriously doubt it (I know how freely and thoughtlessly your kind throws labels like these around, after all), but if he actually is, then he’s wrong to be. Obviously. Racism is dumb.

              and a murderer

              Nope. Rittenhouse’s attackers were all attempted murderers, though. But thwarting a person’s attempt to kill you with lethal force, is not murder.

              It’s actually quite telling that these arguments/claims basically amount to “we’re criticizing him for not allowing himself to be murdered by maniacs”. As if one deserves to die for extinguishing a dumpster fire.


              • @Ensign_Crab
                -16 months ago

                My kind? Which minority that you hate do you suppose I am?

                • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
                  16 months ago

                  Accusing someone of bigotry or racism when they’ve exhibited nothing of the sort doesn’t strengthen your argument, it weakens the words, which is unfortunate because those sorts of accusations need to remain strong for situations where they are truthful.

                • ObjectivityIncarnate
                  -16 months ago

                  My kind?

                  Yes; namely, ideologues who value maintaining their ‘narrative’ so highly that they will reject even the most inarguable facts, if they are inconvenient to that narrative.

                  Which minority that you hate do you suppose I am?

                  Ironically, the demographic described above is probably the majority these days.

                  I was amused at your projection though, assuming I was talking about a demographic defined by some superficial trait or another (race, sex, etc.). I’m not a bigot, even if you’d like desperately for me to be, as it’d give you an excuse to ignore and invalidate what I say, even though it’s obviously and demonstrably true and accurate.

                  Maybe it’s time for you to start dealing with reality on reality’s terms, instead of the fiction you’ve created for yourself out of convenience. Confirming bias is easy, but it is not a path to the truth.

    • @motor_spirit
      6 months ago

      This is literally their tactic. Talk AT people, not to them or engaged with them in any form of debate. Flee or deflect when you don’t have or know the answer. Rinse and repeat. They don’t have the knowledge or capacity to do this, they are just screeching babies. They’re cognitively limited per their world view so doomed from the start unfortunately. Mental health y’all 🗿

      This guy needs to be wiped from our collective memories and taken off the streets so he can’t pose a threat to anybody else’s future.

  • deweydecibel
    226 months ago

    He’s coming to Kent State next month, hoping the students there give him the same treatment.

    • @Potatos_are_not_friends
      146 months ago

      It would be hilarious if hundreds of students came like this.

      Don’t worry. They’re just “keeping the peace”.

      It’s not like they’re gonna accidentally do a Kyle Rittenhouse

    • @RampantParanoia2365
      116 months ago

      Kent State, home of the infamous 60’s protest where students were killed. Are you fucking joking?

      • Subverb
        106 months ago

        Interesting fact: Founding members of the band Devo, Jerry Casale and Mark Mothersbaugh, were art students at Kent State University when the May 4, 1970 shootings happened. It’s a big part of why a lot of their early music was such angry, bizarre, art-punk.

        It also explains their name. Devo is short for “de-evolution” the idea that society was devolving.

        Casale said “All I can tell you is that it completely and utterly changed my life. I was a white hippie boy and then I saw exit wounds from M1 rifles out of the backs of two people I knew.” He added, “I stopped being a hippie and I started to develop the idea of devolution. I got real, real pissed off.”

      • deweydecibel
        96 months ago

        I wish I was.

        Because of the shooting, Kent State is frequently targeted for conservative bullshit like this.

        Look up the “gun girl” march from a few years ago.

        • @RampantParanoia2365
          26 months ago

          I think if I were a student there today, I would burn down the Dean’s office.

  • @[email protected]
    116 months ago

    If you are filming something, please don’t yell into the mic. You are literally right next to it.

    You feel good, I get it. But I don’t care about you yelling “yeah”. I want to hear what you are filming.

  • Codex
    116 months ago

    Wow, Twitter is truly a mega-maga shithole now. Those comments, yeesh

    • @[email protected]
      166 months ago

      Twitter is a right wing boot licking snowflake haven, led by the king of the emotional snowflakes, Emo Musk

    • @ganksy
      26 months ago

      Thanks really hate Xitter