• Ogmios
    1602 months ago

    Did narcissistic sociopaths use a crisis to pursue personal gain?

    • Snot Flickerman
      302 months ago

      Only a crisis - actual or perceived - produces real change. When that crisis occurs, the actions that are taken depend on the ideas that are lying around. That, I believe, is our basic function: to develop alternatives to existing policies, to keep them alive and available until the politically impossible becomes the politically inevitable.

      -Milton Friedman

    • @A_Random_Idiot
      42 months ago

      yeah, its not like 90% of the chickens in the country died, so there was no reason for eggs to go from 2 bucks a dozen to 12 bucks a dozen but pure corporate exploitation and greed.

  • PP_BOY_
    622 months ago

    This is just capitalism working as intended. The fact that these price increases are being sold as some kind of abnormality is some real neolib brain in action. It isn’t “greedflation,” it’s literally the same capitalism we’ve lived with for centuries.

    • @Viking_Hippie
      252 months ago

      It isn’t “greedflation,” it’s literally the same capitalism we’ve lived with for centuries.

      You’re both absolutely right and very wrong: it by definition IS greedflation, inflated prices due to greed.

      While it is indeed caused by the same capitalist system we’ve lived with for centuries, it’s getting much worse than it has been now that the billionaires and their corporations have realized that there’s no consequences even when their profiteering is so blatant that even the likes of Forbes and WSJ are having to acknowledge what they’ve been able to distract from before.

      • @Furedadmins
        42 months ago

        There is no penalties for collision. Regulation should prevent but since politicians are owned and there’s zero effort at enforcment here we are.

      • PP_BOY_
        -62 months ago

        There’s no such thing as greed in capitalism, though. Rather, greed is the understood foundation from which capitalism is based on. It only works when there is greed. Companies shouldn’t avoid raising their prices because they don’t want more money, they’re supposed to (in capitlism). The system only works when they raise their prices as much as the market will bear.

        My grevience with the term “Greedflation” popping up so much recently is that it feels like a cop-out from the current administration to ease economic anxiety without replacing or criticizing the overall economic model. It paints price hikes as a one-time, circumstantial “quirk” of our times, instead of the logical realization of capitalism that it is.

        • @[email protected]
          22 months ago

          Ive no idea why this is downvoted. This is not a bad take.

          I would personally frame it as, greed is a feature of capitalism, not a bug, but ur not wrong either.

    • @MotoAsh
      252 months ago

      And then go one step further and realize it’s always been shit. The only time the world has been great has been when kings and capitalism are on a VERY short leash.

    • @[email protected]
      2 months ago

      When you say “neolib” are you referring the Neoliberal economic philosophy, or some slang term for modern political liberals?

      I ask because Neoliberal Economics is all about this profit, and share holders first, type values. This is in contrast to the post Great Depression, Classical Economics philosophy where companies valued employees first, and shareholders last.

      • @Ensign_Crab
        42 months ago

        I ask because Neoliberal Economics is all about this profit, and share holders first, type values.

        Sounds exactly like modern political liberals to me.

        • @[email protected]
          2 months ago


          Most Democrat Politicians today certainly are on board. But they were late to buy in. The Republicans actually introduced Neoliberal Economics into politics, chiefly with Ronald Regan.

          Today it’s mostly the liberal side of the Democratic Party that introduces legislation to curb all the excesses of Neoliberal Economics.

  • Billiam
    552 months ago

    Of course they did. We know they did. All you have to do is go back and read their quarterly earnings calls from 2020 to basically now and they told their shareholders clearly that they were using the pandemic as an excuse to increase profits.

  • Hildegarde
    522 months ago

    So are they going to have to pay it back or did the FTC make a report for nothing?

  • @[email protected]
    412 months ago

    … you can’t seriously build a system that is meant to take advantage of every situation, praise if for taking advantage of every situation, align it’s interests in taking advantage of every situation and then be surprised it took advantage of a situation. We should be better than Pikachu.

  • MyTurtleSwimsUpsideDown
    362 months ago

    Why are people acting surprised? That is just the invisible hand of the market. Isn’t this the unfettered capitalism we asked for?

    • @[email protected]
      252 months ago

      It’s the unfettered capitalism Reagan delivered to his cronies, which ofc trickled down to the whole fucking world.

    • @[email protected]
      42 months ago

      For now. But soon it will just depend on what brand wants to advertise using the whole of the sky.

    • @Corn
      32 months ago

      After these words from our sponsor. Do bears really shit in the woods? The answer may surprise you.

  • @Landless2029
    322 months ago

    Everyone keeps saying this is capitalism and its true. Companies squeezing everyone when they’re vulnerable for more profits.

    Consumers need protections for things like basic needs so we don’t struggle just to survive.

    Food and housing should be protected. Luxury brands can get all the profit they want.

    Don’t touch my fucking groceries and rent!

    • @[email protected]
      112 months ago

      Are you saying human quality of life is more important than (strictly financial) profits?? I’m thought that is blasphemy and that I must shame you for it. How dare.

    • @[email protected]
      2 months ago

      This is why giant supermarkets are bad. When you have a choice of several places to buy, they compete.

      Rent though has been captured by optimisation software. Your rent goes up because a computer predicted you (or someone else) would pay more.

  • @[email protected]
    282 months ago

    Is this even news, ofc they did, give them an inch and they always take a mile, war, recessions and sickness are always a profiteering venture for business.

    • @ArcaneGadget
      62 months ago

      Don’t think of your death as failure; think of it as fun! Don’t think of Wal-Mart’s price hikes as war profiteering, think of them as war… fun!

      • @[email protected]
        2 months ago

        Death is the only thing we’re promised from life and without it, life would have little meaning. Death is simply a contract fulfillment.

  • @Suavevillain
    232 months ago

    Nothing happens to Corporations around here. It was pretty clear it was greed even before the data hit.

  • @taanegl
    202 months ago

    See, it’s very simple. You create a massive monopoly/duopoly/triopoly, to undercut, out compete and otherwise dominate small businesses, until they’ve been fazed out… then once it’s only you, and you decide the pricing, then you start screwing around with prices while politicians twiddle their thumbs.

    • @piecat
      42 months ago

      Split them up. We did it to the phone companies

  • FartsWithAnAccent
    172 months ago

    You fucking bet and it sure as hell isn’t limited to grocery stores.