• @Bluetreefrog
    66 months ago

    Keep it polite people. 🙂

  • Rhynoplaz
    1646 months ago

    Because what the US considers left (universal health care, helping the poor, school lunches and affordable education) is considered middle of the road normal stuff in Europe and other developed countries.

    • TheMurphy
      576 months ago

      Even the historical, biggest right wing party in Denmark would not remove any of the things you mentioned, except school lunches.

    • @[email protected]
      66 months ago

      As a proud American wingnut, I vehemently denounce these so-called “benefits” that you claim are merely considered middle-of-the-road in other parts of the world. Let us break it down for the sake of argument.

      First off, Universal Health Care is nothing more than a government-controlled monopoly on healthcare services. This is the first step toward socialized medicine, which has proven to be detrimental to the medical industry worldwide. In the name of equality, doctors will no longer strive to excel in their fields, as their paychecks will not reflect their efforts. The result? A decline in quality of care, longer wait times, and diminishing innovation in the field. This is how the slippery slope begins!

      Next on your list is ‘helping the poor.’ While this sounds like a noble cause, it must be understood that government intervention is neither necessary nor effective when it comes to uplifting individuals out of poverty. It’s time we stop enabling dependence on handouts. Instead, we should promote personal responsibility and self-reliance—core American values, after all. Only by standing on one’s own two feet can a person truly gain an appreciation for life’s hardships, and ultimately, its rewards.

      Moving onto school lunches, let us examine our Founding Fathers’ vision for the country. They cherished individual freedom above all else. By providing free meals to students, we’re essentially stifling entrepreneurship by removing the incentive for young people to start businesses that could potentially provide lunch services to schools. Additionally, such measures only serve to deepen the divide between the haves and have-nots. Why should children who are fortunate enough to receive these free lunches continue working hard if they know they’ll always be provided for?

      Last but not least, affordable education is nothing more than a clever Trojan horse for communist brainwashing. When the cost of higher education is reduced, the barriers to entry for subversive ideologies also decrease. We cannot sit idly by while our youth are corrupted with socialist propaganda. In fact, the price tag of college tuition serves as a natural selection process that ensures only those who value their education will pursue it, consequently maintaining the quality of graduates entering the workforce.

      In conclusion, I implore you to reconsider your support for these so-called “middle of the road” concepts. These policies may sound pleasant in theory, but make no mistake; they’re merely disguised stepping stones toward a godless society where individuals cease to think or act independently. The American Dream would die a slow and painful death under this system. First, free lunches, next COMMUNISM!

      • @TheDannysaur
        106 months ago

        This hurts to read.

        I know it’s satire, but this is like… 5% more satirical than actual beliefs on the topic at some points. The helping the poor section in particular.

      • Rhynoplaz
        36 months ago

        I guess the downvoters either didn’t get the joke, or completely agree with what you typed and noticed the sarcasm. 🤷🏻‍♂️

        • Cethin
          36 months ago

          I’m tempted to downvote because the “parody” is also literally what a lot of people on the right literally think. There’s zero difference between this comment written in jest and the same comment written totally honestly. That means this potentially spreads that idea, however absurd it sounds to us.

          In the end I didn’t downvote because I think if people are here they probably understand how stupid it is for it to be serious. If this were Reddit I would probably downvote because odds are some right-wing idiots would think it agrees with them and see the upvotes as confirmation of their ideas.

          • @[email protected]
            26 months ago

            This post is more reasonable and well written than plenty of stuff I have seen from actual right wingers. I worry when people cosplay too hard, sometimes it becomes real.

  • @splonglo
    1096 months ago

    A lot of people have left-leaning economic views ( tax the rich ) but there’s basically no political or media representation of those views. ( because the rich run the media and government )

    • @zzzzzzyx
      326 months ago

      This is the correct answer.

      There is social liberalism to satisfy mainstream liberalism but there is little to no representation on behalf of fiscal liberalism.

  • Max-P
    976 months ago

    Easy: even if you vote for Bernie that’s still at best center-left. The US just really, really leans right overall: there’s center-right (democrats) and far-right (republicans) and that’s about it.

    You guys are so afraid of socialism no party dares venture the true left.

    • TheMurphy
      586 months ago

      Americans being afraid of socialism is proof that propaganda works. It’s literally for the people.

      • SeedyOne
        246 months ago

        As does decades of systematically defunding education. The decades of leaded gas/paint by prior generations probably weren’t helping…

      • Rhynoplaz
        76 months ago

        Joe Biden is now the Nickelback /Big Bang Theory of Presidents.

        There’s nothing really bad about him, nothing really great, but they’ve been told to hate on him, so that’s what they’ll do.

        • @Nutteman
          96 months ago

          Ill hate his fucking guts as long as I live for his handling of Israel and Gaza

            • @Nutteman
              36 months ago

              I think your statement is true in a purely national sense. We’ve had better but we’ve had worse. Globally, he’s majorly dropped the ball and caused too much suffering to ignore.

        • ℕ𝕖𝕞𝕠
          16 months ago

          nothing really bad about him

          Uh, except his racism? FFS, we can demand better.

      • xigoi
        -126 months ago

        Here in Czechia, we had socialism a few decades ago. Pretty much everyone old enough to remember it hates it.

        • TheMurphy
          146 months ago

          Socialism is not a ‘one thing’ . It’s a concept as a whole. You can have good or bad socialism and everything in between.

          The world is far more nuanced than that.

          • JWBananas
            06 months ago

            Do you have working examples of good socialism?

            • TheMurphy
              56 months ago

              I’ll give some examples of great implementations of socialism that drives welfare in today’s democracies, as I personally believe that socialism can’t exist without democracy, as it’s one of the core values of the concept, that’s it’s controlled by the people.

              One of socialisms ultimate goals are also equality, which my examples will show.

              • Free education
              • UBI if you get fired
              • UBI for old people
              • UBI for students
              • Free health care (duh)
              • Free dental (normally only till age of 18 today)
              • Basic insurance paid by the government

              These are just the big ones that really helps to make sure that very few people are actually poor and are getting desperate because of it.

              Also, it’s always important to say that socialism and capitalism are NOT mutually exclusive. It’s perfectly normal to have all these concepts from socialism in a capitalist country.

              I think we can agree that a country with 100% capitalism or socialism is not the best way to go.

              • Veraxus
                06 months ago

                Good explanation. Just one nit to pick over word choice: “Capitalism” is not a synonym for “free market”.

                Capitalism is a separate ideology that champions (even romanticizes) the acquisition and hoarding of wealth at all costs. It leads to trusts, monopolies, stifling of competition and, eventually, the death of the free market.

                In other words: Socialism and free markets are compatible. Socialism and Capitalism are not.

    • @[email protected]
      166 months ago

      And a good chunk of our parties are now far far right.

      Added bonus: it’s not just socialism that we’re afraid of. We fear tons of things now. We’ve become a nation of fear and boiling hate under the hood and it’s truly toxic.

      Yes, I’ve been working to leave for a few years now. My children shouldn’t have to grow up in a culture of barely surviving, anxiety & fearful people scrabbling over scraps left to us by the ultra wealthy.

      • @Vash63
        66 months ago

        I left 6 years ago and don’t regret it for a minute.

    • @Treczoks
      326 months ago

      The Democrats would be the conservative party in my country. The Republicans would be watched by law enforcement for fascistic tendencies, or already outright illegal.

        • @Treczoks
          176 months ago

          Germany. We learned our lessons about fascism. The US didn’t, and if they don’t get their acts together, they soon will. Then may God help us all.

          • @A_Random_Idiot
            6 months ago

            and yet we both have a significant problem with neo-nazis and right wing fascism.

            and its because, despite laws and common sense, media goes easy on them and gives them a soft hand.

          • ℕ𝕖𝕞𝕠
            -16 months ago

            Didn’t the CDU dominate Germany for decades? Christian Democrats are much more socially conservative than the American Democratic party. Weird flex, not okay.

            • @Treczoks
              26 months ago

              I would not rate the German CDU as more conservative than the US Democrats, at least not significantly.

    • @EnderMB
      216 months ago

      It’s really as simple as this. The left in countries like the UK and Ireland would be radical to the US.

  • @Dkarma
    506 months ago

    Google the term Overton window

  • @[email protected]
    6 months ago

    Because there is no party available to elect, who care for the workers/people.

    You have a system that is designed to take money from the poor and lower class and give it to the rich. You don’t have proper workers rights, spend about twice the amount for healthcare compared to an European person and get substantially less out of it. People work more than 40h/week in more than one job and can’t make ends meet… There are vast rural parts that look more like a third world country. Everything is made for commerce and nobody cares for LGBT people or women unless there’s some money or publicity in it.

    And you have about 2 parties who both participate and stand for that scheme.

    • @genie
      46 months ago

      I agree. In my opinion there are two huge dominating factors.

      First is the almost ubiquitous winner-takes-all election structure in the US, leading to the two party system. There is, bar none, no fair competition in US government at a level high enough to matter.

      Second, the lack of term limits allows certain people in certain positions to perpetuate momentum. In part this happens by hand picking successors through brute-force out funding the competition (in part due to the economic disparity that others in this thread have mentioned).

      • @[email protected]
        6 months ago

        Sure. Also silly tactics like Gerrymandering need to stop.

        I’m not sure if these are the most pressing topics.

        I think for one lobbyism needs to go for good. It’s deeply undemocratic to give people money and then they’ll pass your laws. And not the ones that’d benefit the people who elected them.

        Maybe the members of the senate should be exchanged. Seems to me they’re playing kindergarten games all day, blocking everything instead of doing their job.

        And media is a big part if a democracy. And the media situation in the US seems beyond bad. People need actual information to make good decisions who to elect. Not a show filled with emotion where two old men compete against each orher like in a staged wrestling match.

        And you need more parties. And they need to get like 10-15% of the votes. For example a party addressing the young people who complain that they never can afford to buy a house like their parents were still able to buy. A party catering to the people who don’t live in the big cities. The farmers and rural people with different needs. A party who stands for the lower class people, the workers. Maybe something green, repairing the power grid in Texas and adding some more solar in the sunny south to the oil.

  • @[email protected]
    6 months ago

    This image from 2020 sums it up decently…


    Also: you guys messed up the colors for the parties, red is for left leaning parties, blue is for right leaning. But I guess that is just the US being the US, like temperature, weight and distance units.

  • Binthinkin
    436 months ago

    Because liberals are just center of right. If you go too far left things become better for workers and not the ruling shit heads.

    • @frostmore
      -386 months ago

      what happens when you go far left??

      my last interaction with them convinced me they aren’t any different from the alt right.

      • @[email protected]
        266 months ago

        Allow me to enlighten you by illustrating how both sides are absolutely not the same

        Some highlights:

        There is a stark difference in the means with which the two groups engage in acts of extremism. In a study evaluating Left-Wing and Right-Wing domestic extremism between 1994 and 2020, there was one fatality as the result of Left-Wing extremism, versus 329 fatalities resulting from Far Right extremism in that 25 year period. [5]

        The Far-Right movement is the oldest and most deadly form of domestic terrorism in the United States, and The Anti-Defamation League Center on Extremism found that the Far-Right is responsible for 98% of extremist murders in the U.S. [24] Furthermore, for nearly every year since 2011, Far-Right terrorist attacks/plots have accounted for over half of all terror attacks/plots in the United States. [21]

        In the U.S., Right-Wing extremism was responsible for two-thirds of all failed, foiled, or successful terror attacks in 2019, and was responsible for 90% of attacks in the first half of 2020 alone. [21] Since 2013, Far-Right extremism has been responsible for more terror attacks/plots than the Left-Wing, ethnonationalism, or religiously motivated attacks/plots. [21]


        These are excerpts from a blog post of mine, but I have ads turned off and do not benefit in any way from it.

        • @frostmore
          -316 months ago

          so,same shit different pile??

          • @BluesF
            186 months ago

            Did you read any of that?

            • @frostmore
              -276 months ago

              I did,it compared right wing extermism to left wing extremism. one had more death than the other but extremism nonetheless…hence same shit different pile.

              or are you suggesting being a left wing extremist is the better option than say being in the middle ground…because death??

              • @BluesF
                186 months ago

                One death from left wing extremism in 25 years, versus 329 from the right, 32900% more. To say that this is the “same shit” is clearly absurd. We aren’t discussing the merits of the middle ground. You seem to be suggesting that just because something is labelled as “extremist” it is automatically bad, regardless of what it actually is or what harm it causes.

                • @frostmore
                  -196 months ago

                  one extreme isn’t exactly better than the other. they are extremes and should be regarded as such.

                  left extremism does not represent good neither does it represent evil,same goes for right wing extremism.

                  what i find interesting is people seem to think left wing extremism is the ONLY way to go,ignoring the fact that left wing extremism also practice discrimination, ostracism,bigotry and racism,not that much different from right wing extremism.

              • Cowbee [he/him]
                16 months ago

                Extremism is not good or bad, just like being in the middle is not good or bad either. What matters is what’s correct.

                For example, between being pro-fascism and anti-fascism, anti-fascism is both extreme and correct.

                • @frostmore
                  -46 months ago

                  sure,if that’s what you think is correct.

                  i am sure when you preach that being gay is God’s intention,i am sure Christians and Muslim will agree that correct.

                  don’t forget to label me a homophobe if that’s what it is now.

      • Cowbee [he/him]
        66 months ago

        When you go far left, you have ideologies like Socialism, Communism, and Anarchism, all ideologies that oppose unjust hierarchy and advocate for the good of all.

        The far-right is completely different from the far-left, because the far-right has ideologies like fascism and feudalism. This is an inherently violent, reactionary position found to uphold the status quo, ie the division of power, via absolute measures.

        These are not the same.

      • @bouh
        16 months ago

        This simply means you’re either a liberal or a fascist.

  • @[email protected]
    6 months ago

    Other people have already posted good answers so I just want to add a couple things.

    If you want a very simple, concrete example: Healthcare. It depends on how you count, but more than half the world’s countries have some sort of free or low cost public healthcare, whereas in the US, the richest country in the history of countries, that’s presented as radical left wing kooky unrealistic communist Bernie idea. This isn’t an example of a left-wing policy that we won’t adopt, but of what in much of the world is a normal public service that we can’t adopt because anti-socialism in this country is so malignant and metastasized that it can be weaponized against things that are just considered normal public services almost like roads in other countries.

    A true left wing would support not just things like healthcare, but advocate for an economic system in which workers have control over their jobs, not the bosses. That is completely absent.

    Also, this meme:

    Two panel comic. top one is labeled republicans. bottom one is democrats. they're both planes dropping bombs except democrats has an lgbt flag and blm flag

    It’s glib, but it’s not wrong. Both parties routinely support American militarism abroad. Antimilitarism in favor of internationalism has been a corner stone for the left since the left began.

    • @frostmore
      -256 months ago

      in my world, that’s called same shit different pile.

      also,while i am no right wing supporter, i constantly run into leftist who wouldn’t hesitate to brand me a phobe of their convenience ,none of the right leaning people i interacted with does this… anecdotal i know.

      • @Passerby6497
        6 months ago

        Yeah, but no one lives in your world but you. In the real world, you’re so hilariously off the mark.

        i constantly run into leftist who wouldn’t hesitate to brand me a phobe of their convenience ,none of the right leaning people i interacted with does this… anecdotal i know.

        Maybe the leftist has a point because you actually align with the right? Crazy, I know, but I’ve seen this argument play out irl more than once with some rightoids that loved to pretend their politics weren’t right aligned.

            • @frostmore
              -66 months ago

              hey, whatever floats your boat.

              sometimes it’s ok to disagree on things and be on our merry ways.

              have a good day 😊

                • @[email protected]
                  76 months ago

                  You don’t need to engage with fascists, they’re not going to listen and they’re sure as hell not going to learn.

                • @frostmore
                  -76 months ago

                  hey,if you felt triggered because i chose not to use euphemisms,i am sorry you felt that way.

                  george carlin was quite spot on in his observations regarding the use of language in america.

                  have a good day 😊

      • @[email protected]
        76 months ago

        “I constantly complain about anyone left of Thatcher and have reactionary social views, the people who agree with me don’t criticise me. Curious!”

        • @frostmore
          6 months ago

          that’s a strange observation,given i actually criticise both left and right rather than just the left.

  • @Jumi
    296 months ago

    If the party I vote for in Germany would be one in the US they probably would be banned for being communists or something like that while here they’re a widely accepted part of the goverment.

        • MaggiWuerze
          6 months ago

          Lol, and it’s not even our leftest party :D
          Good choice though

          • @Jumi
            16 months ago

            It doesn’t feel like a good choice, just the least bad one

  • MrMobius
    236 months ago

    A few years ago I would have agreed with this statement. But lately, I’ve seen a change described in several press articles and news pieces. The younger generations in the US demand true social justice and aren’t afraid to say they’re socialists, against capitalism or consumerism. It’s a burgeoning revolution of course, since the establishment is still in control of traditional political parties. But this crack in the old broken system could bring about positive change in the long run. At least I hope so.

  • Cowbee [he/him]
    236 months ago

    There’s no leftist party, nothing Socialist in the least. The furthest “left” you go is the DNC, which is liberal, and therefore right wing. The furthest right you go is the GOP, which is fascist.

  • Lopen's Left Arm
    226 months ago

    Compared to the rest of the first world countries, our farthest left candidates are relatively moderate.