• trashgirlfriend
    1 year ago

    Yet it was removed from the DSM-5 due to pressure from people outside the science community insisting

    Gender dysphoria is to my knowledge still in the DSM

    edit: I looked it up and the only possibly related change I could find is that the wording of “disorder” was removed from the definition, it is still however in the DSM.

    That gender affirming care often coming hand in hand with body dysmorphia.

    [citation needed]

    My point is I can’t figure out why this is the only mental illness that is reinforced and supported rather than treated. For instance we dont let anorexics make themselves skinny so their dysmorphia goes away, we use corrective therapy.

    Because gender affirming care is a successful treatment and works for reducing the distress, as opposed to stuff like conversion therapy, which does not.

    BDD and gender dysphoria are different disorders and so they have different diagnostic criteria and different treatments. Affirming eating disorders or body dysmorphic disorders does not help treat them.

    The one doing the politics here is you, ironically.

    • RealFknNito
      1 year ago

      Gender dysphoria is to my knowledge still in the DSM

      There was a brief period it was removed from a revision, then reapplied in the next with added stipulations such as “A marked incongruence between one’s experienced/expressed gender and natal gender of at least 6 months in duration” which didn’t exist previously.

      [citation needed]

      Do you not understand the basis for gender affirming care? When someone changes their sex through surgery, takes hormone blockers, or makes some other physical alteration to their body it stands to reason it’s because they’re dissatisfied with how their body currently is. So much so it becomes an overwhelming preoccupation out of a perceived flaw that needs to be corrected. Otherwise why do it at all? Why undergo surgery if you’re satisfied and comfortable with how you are presently?

      Because gender affirming care is a successful treatment and works for reducing the distress, as opposed to stuff like conversion therapy, which does not.

      Affirming a mental illness, while it can successfully reduce stress, usually isn’t permitted because of what you say right after this.

      Affirming eating disorders or body dysmorphic disorders does not help treat them.

      All other types of body dysmorphic disorders are treated as illnesses which should be corrected and cured, not reinforced and supported. So either gender dysphoria (which can be accompanied by body dysmorphia) is just very very special or we’ve taken this approach because feeding into the illness is easier than curing it. Slap on a layer of politics about how they’re a marginalized group that should be protected and now any level of critique is hate or a phobia.

      I’m not interested in placating mental disorders. Your political talking points are worn out.

      I should probably also make it crystal clear I don’t support conversion ‘therapy’ in the slightest - just want us to actually look for a cure or treatment rather than just shrug our shoulders and say ‘yeah reinforce it, it’s not a big deal.’ and move on.

      • trashgirlfriend
        1 year ago

        So much so it becomes an overwhelming preoccupation out of a perceived flaw that needs to be corrected. Otherwise why do it at all? Why undergo surgery if you’re satisfied and comfortable with how you are presently?

        But Gender dysphoria and body dysmorphia are different. Affirming a persons gender and more importantly transition does successfully treat it, while affirming BDD does not do so, that’s why the treatments are different.

        We don’t treat cancer with chemo because “that’s what you do with cancer,” we do so because it’s an effective treatment.

        You are just dogmatically rejecting a form of effective treatment for an issue for some reasons. (Gee, I wonder what kind of skeletons are in that closet.).

        TL;DR you’re a silly little guy