How many leeches are this guy’s breeches?
My first thought as well…
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Once I was in some rock pool, wearing some old converse with holes in them because of the rocks.
I must have stepped in a nest or something, because when I took the shoes off I had like 50 tiny (like rice-sized) leeches on one of my feet.
Thankfully they came off easily.
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I…am both horrified and grateful for your story.
Thankfully I don’t think I’ve had any that attached. I think salt also works to get them off/dry them out?
Don’t use salt, fire or lighters on leeches. The leech is attached, gave you a light anesthetic, punched a hole through your skin to a blood vessel and now drinking the blood by sucking through the hole. When you use salt or fire in the leech, you’re shocking it with extreme pain which makes it vomit through the hole it’s sucking on … basically puking into your body. This has the danger of causing an infection or even a reaction to whatever was in the leech stuff that went back into your body.
Carefully and slowly pinching and nudging them is the safest way to get them off.
Interesting. Good to know. I haven’t removed one with salt in decades probably, but I will remember this. Thanks.
stretching their little proboscides up and flop around like a slow version of those inflatable airdancers used to advertise car dealerships
Thank you for this vivid description. Yet another reason for me to tuck my pants into my socks.
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After tucking in your pants, wrap some duct tape around your ankle sticky side out. Stop them ticks also
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It reminds me of that nudist post with the tick on a laptop in the frame underneath, except it needs to be a leech.
Edit: @[email protected], @[email protected] Unfortunately, I can’t post it because it’s arguably NSFW.
I have not seen this image and would like to
How many leeches are this guy’s breeches?
This guys breeches are probably made out of several thousand leeches, at a minimum.
A mosquito wrote this
maybe an argonian
The Lusty Argonian Maid?
or morrowind
Or arena.
The hist is leading folks back to the swamp
and a blood-sucking leech
[swamp-thing likes this photo] 👍
Swamps are great. But not an ideal environment for humans.
Hahaha this. Swamps are so full of weird slimy and flying life. They are great, really great. But not for living in it XD
So he is saying that getting drops of swamp water up your butt is totally safe? Or does he have a sphincter with an IP6 rating?
He’s probably got an amoeba living in him somewhere important. But hey, he’s old, he don’t give a fuck.
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This river can kill you 1,000 ways.
l can handle it. The only thing I’m afraid of is the candiru acu.
It’s a tiny little catfish. It swims up into your urethra, spreads its little spines, and refuses to budge.
You have to cut it out.
That’s it I’m going back to L.A.!
it makes you feel better, the fish has only been documented doing this once in 1997, and it could have been a hoax
Originally I thought the fish only went up there if you peed in the water, but that too seems questionable…
But it does seem to like swimming up women’s hooha’s. Just don’t be a woman and you’ll be fine!
Just don’t be a woman and you’ll be fine!
Handy tip in general, that! 😛
the candiru acu is actually the common name for cetopsis candiru
the fish that swims up where it shouldn’t is the vandellia cirrhosa
Yeah, I’d be more worried about the brain eating amoebas in the warm stagnant water.
Maybe it’s safe if you keep your head out of the water and your fingers out of your nose. Dunno.
Let’s hope he’s wearing a cork or a condom
Hi me but with more S
Here is his photo gallery. On his home page you can book a swamp adventure with him!
Oof! Way out of my price range!
Are you in Florida?
I’ll take you on a tour for $5 a head.
First, what’s in a username holy shit.
Second, that sounds like a trip I’d have to sign a waiver for and everyone involved would be a different person by the end.
No waivers.
No paper trail.
Are you an alligator?
What I am is offering huge savings and do we really need to get into anymore detail than that?
A bit too much water between us for that.
I’m not sure he’s doing much of the tours anymore, the last time I saw him he was using a walker to get around. I love his work and his transition to black and white is beautiful.
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As a lifetime resident of the arid Western United States, I am also gonna nope on outta that damp hell.
As someone who has lived in Louisiana, hell naw!
“Swamps are great!” Says man that has the privilege of not getting horrific reactions to the thousands of bug bites.
Said Clyde BUTCHER
Sorry, couldn’t resist. Swamps can be great indeed!
wetlands are some of the best place to be if you don’t mind the mud and the water. You get to see snakes, frogs, all that thrives in the water, insects, plants that never run out of water with these turgid leaves and flowers.
When was the last time anyone saw or heard from him?
We need this guy over at pixelfed!
Yeah, swamps are great. I spent a week in a burning, alligator-infested swamp, and it beats the hell out of being around other people.
I’ve always love swamps. They’ve got that Kurast vibe.
Picked up d2 again randomly last night. Just got through kurast and am about to bash mephs soulstone.
Games so effing good after all these years.