I haven’t stopped playing Overwatch since it came out, still getting on with friends 2 or 3 nights a week and putting in a few hours (and I’m still awful lol). I also still log on to Battlefield 1943 from time to time to get in a few matches.

I also collect retro games so there is a good bit of time there. If anything I’ve struggled to find new games that I’d want to play more than something older and cheaper. I just picked up Dark Messiah for like 2 bucks and its amazing, hard to justify a $60-70 purchase when you can find deals like that on older but still great games.

I saw a lot of the playtime goes to still updated online games like Fortnite and Apex, but I wonder if part of it is that as time goes on there is a bigger pool of games to play. Sure there will always be cutting edge graphics and gameplay, but many people wouldnt be able to tell which indie dropped in 2010 and which dropped in 2024.

  • Björn Tantau
    2011 months ago

    I’m currently playing Syberia (2002) for the first time. I never played it when it was new because I didn’t like the demo. But people kept praising it over the years so I decided to give it a try.

    I still have the same complaints I had back then but the story is nice.

    • @[email protected]
      811 months ago

      Oh my god. I played those when they came out, except the newest one.

      They were good for its time for the people who loved Myst games and then sought any adventure games that remotely resembled point-and-click adventures. We played really cool but definite imitators like Schism Mysterious Journey, The Longest Journey, Atlantis games, and The Journeyman Project.

      Then came a developer called Microids with another pre-rendered point and click: “Amerzone”, everyone played that.

      Once we got used to low-budget point and clickery it was only natural that when Microids came out with Syberia we all played it and loved it in the vacuum of adventure games back then. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone blindly as they were a product of its time.

      I still have to play the newest Syberia and Longest Journey, for nostalgia’s sake only.

    • @MacedWindowOP
      311 months ago

      I searched it based on your comment and that is one of the most divisive games I’ve ever seen! One review calls it awful and unplayable and the next says its the GOAT. It looks like it just got a remake so it must have done something right.

      Id be interested to hear youre thoughts if you finish it.

  • Rentlar
    1311 months ago

    Factorio kind of? Released 2020 but early access since 2014

    Age of Empires 2 DE is a 2019 game but a spiritual successor to a 1999 game I’ve been playing since 2005.

    Starcraft 2, Slay the Spire, Call of Duty Black Ops 3, Cities Skylines. You may notice these games all have a big modding scene which adds huge amounts of replay value.

    Sid Meier Civ 6 because I get Civ fever every few months. Keep in mind the 2018-2019 expansions Gathering Storm and Rise and Fall were major overhauls of mechanics that really make it feel like a different game.

  • @southernbrewer
    11 months ago

    For me it’s more like 95% or more. In the last year I’ve played

    • Factorio (heavily)
    • Halflife
    • Halflife 2
    • Portal 2
    • Supreme Commander
    • Rimworld
    • World of Goo
    • Untitled Goose Game
    • Railway Empire

    I don’t think I’ve played many games that are younger than 6 years.

    Most of the good games have been made already

  • @[email protected]
    1211 months ago

    I’m old school, I regularly play these games:

    • Doom 1/2
    • Half-Life 1 (via Svencoop)
    • Wreckfest
    • Mother 3 (first time playing it, so good)
    • Starcraft 2 (3pl coop campaigns)
    • Amazing Frog? (With my youngest)
    • Angband (I used to play Moria, Larn, NetHack back in the day)
    • @MintyAnt
      311 months ago

      Svencoop is still going??

      • @[email protected]
        311 months ago

        Yup! Still like 20 servers going at a time. I took a few years off but I’m back playing.

  • cobysev
    1111 months ago

    I’ve been replaying Prince of Persia, the old 2008 game, for the past few days. I originally owned it for the Xbox 360 back in the day, but I have a copy on Steam now.

    The graphics hold up exceptionally well. Plus, someone in the Steam community had a quick edit that allows you to manually adjust the resolution to any size you want, so I’m enjoying it on my 4K monitor now, even though there’s not a 4K option in the video settings. It looks like this game could’ve released in the past 5 years or so; they put a lot of work into the look and feel of it.

    This game is basically Assassin’s Creed before Assassin’s Creed released. Most of the game is spent running along walls, climbing things, chaining movements across multiple surfaces, etc. It’s pretty satisfying to play. And the controls are easier and smoother than the early Assassin’s Creed games.

    The only downside is that fights are slow, as you need to chain attacks and defend at precise moments to make decent progress. Everyone has a large health bar, but lower enemies can be ended quickly by just shoving them off platforms.

    Fortunately, enemies are few and far between. The game mostly revolves around collecting glowing white magic balls floating throughout the levels. When you get enough, the princess following you throughout the game can unlock powers that allow you to navigate new levels. Each level has an end boss to fight, and as long as you chain attacks and defend well, it’s mostly just a game of patience, picking down their health bar a little at a time. The ultimate goal is to clear all the levels and fight the BBEG who was released at the start of the game.

    Like I said, there is a princess following you throughout the game. But it’s not an escort quest; quite the opposite really. She uses her magic to ensure you stay safe throughout the entire game. If you fall off a ledge, there’s a brief cutscene of her teleporting after you and then teleporting you back to a safe platform. If you die in battle, she rewinds time a little bit to when you’re still alive and fighting. She’s mostly able to take care of herself, so you don’t need to focus on her.

    Back in the day, I got the sense that the prince you play as was just a snarky, sarcastic asshole, constantly harassing and belittling the princess. It always made me think of Link from that awful 1989 Legend of Zelda cartoon. But since playing through again, I see he’s not that bad. Maybe a bit sarcastic at times, definitely uses humor to deflect conversation, but he’s not the raging asshole I remember him being.

    I really enjoyed this game 16 years ago, and I’m still enjoying it today!

    • @MacedWindowOP
      311 months ago

      This is what I mean by a bigger pool of games meaning you can ignore the new stuff! Especially with fans helping to keep them alive.

      I remember people dunking on that game when it came out. I wanted to get it but everyone told me not to and that it was awful. Ill need to add it to the backlog, from your description it sounds like something I’d like.

  • @[email protected]
    1011 months ago

    I am commonly playing several old games…

    Unreal Tournament 2004

    Command & Conquer: Tiberian Dawn

    Command & Conquer: Red Alert

    Age Of Empires II

    Borderlands 1

    Borderlands 2

    Fallout New Vegas

    Just Cause 2

    Postal 2

    Red Faction Guerrilla

    Saints Row The Third

  • Jaysyn
    11 months ago

    Civ 4 & Neverwinter Nights & Caves of Qud are pretty much it for me these days.

    Modern AAA games are generally flashy garbage.

    • @Lycist
      611 months ago

      love Caves of Qud, such a fun/brutal game.

    • @dumpsterlid
      311 months ago

      Have you tried Cataclysm Dark Days Ahead? Try the Sky Islands mod, it is a blast.

  • Toes♀
    811 months ago

    Currently working my way through Twilight Princess using a modded 4k GameCube version.

    Been having a blast.

    I just recently beat Borderlands 3 for the first time too.

  • ℕ𝕖𝕞𝕠
    711 months ago

    Spelunky, My Time at Portia, Stardew Valley, River City Girls, Super Mario World

    • @dumpsterlid
      711 months ago

      Why not Spelunky 2? :P

      Seriously Spelunky is one of the finest platformers of all time period, especially among co-op splitscreen platformers.

      • ℕ𝕖𝕞𝕠
        311 months ago

        I have both on PC but only the original (well, the HD version) on Switch, and Switch excells at couch coöp. My kids want to beat the original together before we move on to the sequel.

        • @dumpsterlid
          311 months ago

          Damn, what a great game for your family to play together, have a blast!

  • @[email protected]
    711 months ago

    The binding of Isaac.

    I probably still drop a few hours a week in this game, been playing since it was written in flash…

    • @MacedWindowOP
      311 months ago

      I still go back and pay the flash version. I just miss the old graphics, soundtracks, and my memories of putting insane hours into runs.

      • @[email protected]
        311 months ago

        I still play the flash version occasionally as well. I miss damage being linked to tear size & getting ridiculous tears that take up the whole screen, cause a memory leak, and crash the game.

  • Inevitable Waffles [Ohio]
    711 months ago

    I love my board games and story generators so things like Rimworld, Stellaris, Civilization 5, and Project Zomboid keep showing up in my recently played list.

    • @MacedWindowOP
      111 months ago

      I learned about the genre of story generators from Rimworld. I love run-based games like that becuase you never know what to expect. The dev of the roguelike Cogmind still plays it on stream all the time even though hes been developing it for a decade! With sufficient randomness there can always be one more run :^)

  • Kiwi
    711 months ago

    Right now I’m playing stalker so a few more than 6 years old.

  • @MrJameGumb
    711 months ago

    Super Punch Out! it’s been one of my favorite games to just pick up and play since it came out in like 1994! I never have beaten the Bruiser Brothers at the end and I am perfectly ok with that lol