Members of the House committee that investigated the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol have warned America for three years to take former President Donald Trump at his word.

Now, as Trump is poised to win the Republican presidential nomination, his criminal trials face delays that could stall them past Election Day, and his rhetoric grows increasingly authoritarian, some of those lawmakers find themselves following their own advice.

In mid-March, Trump said on social media that the committee members should be jailed. In December he vowed to be a dictator on “day one.” In August, he said he would “have no choice” but to lock up his political opponents.

“If he intends to eliminate our constitutional system and start arresting his political enemies, I guess I would be on that list,” said Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-San Jose). “One thing I did learn on the committee is to pay attention and listen to what Trump says, because he means it.”

Lofgren added that she doesn’t yet have a plan in place to thwart potential retribution by Trump. But Rep. Adam B. Schiff (D-Burbank), who has long been a burr in Trump’s side, said he’s having “real-time conversations” with his staff about how to make sure he stays safe if Trump follows through on his threats.

“We’re taking this seriously, because we have to,” Schiff said. “We’ve seen this movie before … and how perilous it is to ignore what someone is saying when they say they want to be a dictator.”

  • @[email protected]
    6 months ago

    Non-American just double-checking I’ve got his right…

    Private citizen makes actionable credible threat to unlawfully detain legislators, legislators choose to do nothing for about half a year before slowly murmuring without specifics other than “yeah he said it” and “I think he means us”.

    You OK USA? Just checking in.

    • @[email protected]
      576 months ago

      There is, unfortunately, no law against saying you’re going to be a power abusing jackass. And the Republicans have decided that if he gets into office, they’ll protect him from impeachment and removal no matter what. His lawyers have literally argued that the president can order assassinations of their political rivals.

      So no, we’re not okay.

      • @grue
        286 months ago

        There is, unfortunately, no law against saying you’re going to be a power abusing jackass.

        I would argue that Trump committed sedition and terroristic threats. The trouble is that everyone in the Federal government is either too chickenshit or too traitorous themselves to prosecute.

      • @[email protected]
        6 months ago

        I see. I should have my lawyers argue buying a $1,000,000 house for $0 is reasonable, that way a deal for $500,000 is perfectly reasonable. In the same way that threatening to illegally detain is a halfway compromise between nothing and threatening murder.

        And it seems that imprisoning political opponents goes beyond carting down a hill in a shopping trolley which is what we here overseas associate with “jackass”, but what do I know.

    • @[email protected]
      6 months ago

      Jokes aside, if the US falls to fascism, it’s gonna be a massive problem for Europe. Imagine fascists in charge of the biggest nation with a history of colonialism, and the world’s largest stockpile of nukes.

      It would be awesome if the other first-world nations started taking this threat seriously, before it’s too late.

      • @[email protected]
        6 months ago

        We need the world to issue sanctions against the US. Please sanction us. We lost control of the government and need your help

        • @psycho_driver
          366 months ago

          Giving our oligarchs the same treatment as russian oligarchs would be a good start. Seize their property and assets wherever and whenever possible.

          • lurch (he/him)
            106 months ago

            As soon as Botswana delivers the 20,000 elephants to Germany, you will observe the world being reshaped by German war elephants.

        • @AnUnusualRelic
          26 months ago

          Well, we have animals in Europe. Like, um… rabbits.

      • @[email protected]
        -46 months ago

        European here.

        This comment takes assumption that by “US falling to fascism” you meant Trump taking control of the USA. Please ignore everything if I misunderstood.

        Trump’s among the few US presidents that didn’t start a new war. Source:

        He also scaled down wars in Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq. I AM NOT SAYING THOSE ACTIONS WERE GOOD OR BAD FOR THE USA, or for the rest of the world for that matter. And I’m really not qualified to discuss that.

        This comment is ONLY a direct reply to a concern that Trump’s rule should have Europe worried in the sense that he’ll nuke us.

        Maybe someone else nukes us as a consequence of his inaction, idk. But Trump nuking Europe is what you said, and I disagree.

        • @[email protected]
          6 months ago

          I’m not talking about trump, actually. He’s just a carnival barker. If he wins the next election, he’ll do whatever his handlers want him to do, which will hasten things. But him losing will not stop the fascist movement in progress. There’s a group of actual fascists who have been working on this for decades. Some are in Congress, some are high up in organisations like the Heritage Foundation and the Federalist Society (writing bills and selecting judges), and others are consultants and advisers.

          I’m actually concerned that when trump loses, people will think the threat has passed. His loss will mitigate it somewhat, but it won’t stop them. A large part of the threat is Christian nationalists in Congress, the Supreme Court, and in many other seats of power throughout the country.

          • @[email protected]
            26 months ago

            Got it, ignore what I said then, I don’t have enough knowledge to talk about what you’re talking about.

    • @[email protected]
      396 months ago

      We are not okay. Nothing will happen to him about it, though. He can be literally court ordered to not talk shit about courtroom staff or families, then talk shit about them, and he gets nothing other than a reduced bond and an extension to pay that.

    • @Phegan
      196 months ago

      We are not. Please send help

    • @go_go_gadget
      6 months ago

      No we’re not ok.

      On the one hand moderate and liberal voters, the DNC, establishment Democrats, centerist corporate news stations, past presidents and Biden himself are talking about how dangerous Trump is. He cannot be allowed to win.

      Okay, sounds serious. Serious enough to make some big moves in order to get the votes necessary to win by a comfortable margin? If you check out Biden’s insistence on continuing to ship weapons to Israel the answer is “no”.

      And really this encapsulates the problem with so called moderates and liberals. When faced with a choice between left or right when the center cannot hold they just fuck around, stall or outright sabotage leftist efforts. Effectively cementing a rightward victory and then blaming it on leftists.

      It’s pretty pathetic how often they play this game and considering they actually do seem sincerely worried about Trump it’s bewildering why they aren’t seeking more cooperative efforts with leftists and progressives. They remain steadfastly confident stern lectures, as if leftists and progressives owe their votes, are all that is necessary.

      • @[email protected]
        96 months ago

        Why not both? I think everyone towards the left should consider some firearms. When history repeats itself Donald will be executing the socialists first. I do hope the dim bulbs of America get a clue before November, but I don’t know if we should trust that they will.

        • @[email protected]
          16 months ago

          You do what you want, I’ll be looking at you guys from a first world country in the meantime, as if MAD didn’t show us how stupid the American live for weapons is.

      • @[email protected]
        66 months ago

        It doesn’t help that the largest employers in the US (Gov & USPS) bar their employees from involvement even at the local level if anyone can announce their party affiliation.

        If you go further down the list of employers, it’s a bunch of people who are mostly too overworked to have the time to vote…

    • @psycho_driver
      156 months ago

      I agree with the ideals behind socialism more than any other political ideology. I own a gun. I don’t think it would do me a bit of good if a modern government decided I should be dead.

      • @go_go_gadget
        26 months ago

        Why do people assume individuals are planning on defending themselves from the full force of the government? There’s a whole chasm of situations between “The power structures in place leave me in peace” and “The power structures in place have decided to move with their full weight against me specifically.”

      • @[email protected]
        6 months ago

        Not if you’re just one individual, but the security forces of a state are always vastly outnumbered by it’s subjects. And just knowing that many average people are armed can make authoritarians hesitate I think.

    • @Grobmobularb
      286 months ago

      It boggles my mind that anyone would listen to anything that fat fucking twatburger says.

    • Baron Von J
      156 months ago

      He doesn’t need anyone to arrest his opponents. He just needs the fervent MAGA base to be whipped up into a frenzy like on Jan 6th. To be so angry if no LEO arrests Trump’s opponents that they go out kill them, because hey it’s totally cool now because Trump’s a dictator.

      • @irreticent
        16 months ago

        He’ll probably offer pardons to anyone willing to kill his opponents.

    • @geekworking
      66 months ago

      If he wins it will be the loyalist puppets who he installs in the DOJ and other top positions in law enforcement and the courts. This is one of his campaign promises.

    • @blazera
      56 months ago

      federal officers directed by his attorney general

    • Natanael
      36 months ago

      Random federal agents like when Trump’s admin sent a bunch of anonymous feds against protestors to stir shit up and make secret arrests

    • @[email protected]
      26 months ago

      The FBI, DHS, ATF, or similar member of the alphabet army. The POTUS has a lot of minions with the authority to arrest you.

      • @[email protected]
        76 months ago

        Which was the one shoving people into unmarked vans in 2020, DHS? That’s the one it will be, I’d put money on it.

        • @[email protected]
          76 months ago

          I don’t think we ever got a real answer on that one, since the vans and the agents were unmarked. So just straight-up kidnapping.

      • @[email protected]
        26 months ago

        Can the president simply order them to arrest people for no good reason?

        Last time I checked, the alphabet agencies weren’t Trump’s “minions”, and they actually didn’t like him very much.

        • @[email protected]
          16 months ago

          Can the president simply order them to arrest people for no good reason?

          Yes. Just like you can. It’s not hard to give an order.

          If you want to know whether or not the agency will listen and obey… that’s a whole other question and gets into dangerous territory when we know the POTUS loves being a dictator.

          Last time I checked, the alphabet agencies weren’t Trump’s “minions”, and they actually didn’t like him very much.

          Then you checked wrong. The POTUS is the head of the executive and the alphabet agencies are within said executive. POTUS is at the top.of their food chain, same as the military. As I said, though, it can get arbitrarily nuanced when you ask if a given agent will obey an illegal order or not.

  • @[email protected]
    116 months ago

    What charges will he have them arrested for? I don’t think that the president can just demand that people be arrested.

    • @[email protected]
      176 months ago

      If he has the right people in place he can do whatever we allow him to get away with. No one is going to arrest the president that’s for sure. :(

    • @chiliedogg
      96 months ago

      They also can’t tell people to storm the Capitol and try to overthrow an election they lost.

      They also can’t just take classified data when they’re voted out of office and sell it to the Saudis.

      They also can’t fire the FBI director for investigating the White House.

      They also can’t with old military aid from another government because they won’t fabricate evidence against their political rivals.

      They also can’t collude with state officials to throw out votes.

      They also can’t use campaign funds for hush-money payments.

      There’s a lot a President can’t do that Trump has done.

    • @EvacuateSoul
      6 months ago

      He could blanket pardon for murders of targets in DC maybe

    • Natanael
      26 months ago

      The president controls the executive branch, law enforcement is part of the executive branch, he can direct DOJ to make shit up. Even if courts eventually would rule they’re innocent it doesn’t stop the president from just continuing the harassment campaigns. See the red scare, etc.

    • @UmeU
      196 months ago

      Yes, correct, this is different.

      • @[email protected]
        06 months ago

        No its not, the state using its power to silence those that expose government corruption makes it the same thing. Obama specifically targeted whistleblowers which exposed corruption.

  • @[email protected]
    -586 months ago

    Kind of rich how you guys are against arresting your political opponents after what is currently happening to trump and the jan 6th prosecutions. You guys dont give a shit about justice, you just want to win, and its going to screw all of us.

    • @[email protected]
      6 months ago

      The people who were arrested were arrested for breaking laws not simply “being Republicans.” Don’t let some dumb shit media propagandist make you think you’re being persecuted for being Republican, it’s absurd.

            • @[email protected]
              -176 months ago

              They are obviously different but they are an illustrations of two different ideologies and how one was much more severely prosecuted. But I agree, lets do apples to apples, how many people were arrested and convicted on the May 29th attack on the capital by the leftists?

              • @[email protected]
                6 months ago

                Moving the goalposts much?

                That event was way different that Jan 6. On Jan 6, we had armed people in the Capitol building threatening to hang the VP. On May 29, we had some people cross a barricade. They’re not comparable at all.

                • @[email protected]
                  -126 months ago

                  So you are going with the “BUT INSURRECTION!!!” argument. It was not a insurrection, and you have yet to compare the quantities of people arrested and convicted with the different events.

        • @Holyginz
          76 months ago

          Ahh there’s the whataboutism and strawman arguments magats use when they are expected to use a brain and come up empty lol.

        • @RubberElectrons
          56 months ago

          Not anyone’s responsibility to imbibe your low-quality research.

          Intent is equally important in deciding the morality of an event; action to stop targeted harassment because of skin color, vs action to stop a democratic process of voting in spite of well documented, battle tested voting processes.

          Truly unfortunate that such a simple comparison seems difficult for you.

              • @[email protected]
                -16 months ago

                And then you get the society you want which is one where laws dont matter and people stop following them. Look at places like SF and you will get your leopard ate their face city.

                • @RubberElectrons
                  6 months ago

                  Oh I love San Francisco.

                  Most people were very nice, bought some coffee for a couple of homeless people I got to chatting with, the food scene was great and the mass transit was super fast and up to date, even late at night.

                  Continue enjoying the taste of your conservative shitwater 😂.

    • @[email protected]
      96 months ago

      Thank you for reminding us that the maga brain is utterly incapable of critical thinking. Actually breaking the law is quite a bit different from Fox news throwing wild accusations at someone.

      • @[email protected]
        -126 months ago

        I love how you guys default to “BUT YOU ARE A MGAGA THAT LOVE TO SUCK ON SEAN HANITIES DICK!!!” Shocker for you, I am not going to vote for trump. I actually think and care about the future, and am not a mouth breather that just repeats the lines you are told.

    • @psycho_driver
      6 months ago

      Honest to God man (or ma’am), I just want grown ups in positions of power.

      • @[email protected]
        -86 months ago

        From what I see, the people in control are not good or acting like the grown ups we want. But the targeted prosecutions are going to make everything much worse.

        • Natanael
          56 months ago

          Prosecutions targeted against crime is good, actually

            • Natanael
              56 months ago

              Fortunately that’s not what’s happening, but Republicans will lie about it anyway because they know their audience has no idea how much more crime they commit

    • @Holyginz
      46 months ago

      Grow a brain, then reread the stupid that is your comment before interacting with humans again.