Don’t worry everyone, I’m sure someone somewhere is worse and that makes this okay somehow.

  • Luccus
    11 months ago

    How can it be that people don’t realize how badly faked this is and what position it is trying to sneak through?

        • @Viking_Hippie
          11 months ago

          That’s not really the point, though.

          Edit to elaborate: Whether or not this specific one is real, it perfectly illustrates the hypocrisy of trans ally neoliberals who persecute and punish unhoused people for existing near them.

          • @Starbuck
            3411 months ago

            If there were so many examples of this in the real world, then you wouldn’t need to photoshop one.

            • @[email protected]
              -511 months ago

              The French Revolution was well documented and people still enjoy A Tale of Two Cities

              Are you saying we don’t need any fiction - novels, tv, movies, jokes, comics, memes… because there exists non-fiction versions?

              • @Starbuck
                511 months ago

                I think you and the others trying to pass off the same idea don’t seem to understand the problem here. It’s not that you can’t have satire, or fiction that acts as a social commentary. It’s that all of the examples you are mentioning aren’t trying to pass themselves off as reality . Nobody reads A Tale of Two Cities and thinks that it is literal. Or A Modest Proposal. This here is trying to pass itself off as real and as soon as it gets called out for it, the choir shows up to say “Oh, so we can’t have satire anymore”.

                • @[email protected]
                  -111 months ago

                  I genuinely don’t think anyone thinks these are trans-inclusive homeless spikes.

                  At best they got painted bright colors for visibility and they accidentally used the trans flag

            • @Viking_Hippie
              -1711 months ago

              Again, it’s an illustration of the hypocrisy. It doesn’t need to literally exist as a physical object in order to make the point.

              • @danc4498
                2311 months ago

                It’s a fabrication of a hypocrisy. If the hypocrisy is real, you wouldn’t need to fabricate it.

                • @[email protected]
                  -511 months ago

                  I mean the hypocrisy really exists, but you’re right that this particularly egregious and shocking example is likely a total fabrication.

                • @Viking_Hippie
                  -611 months ago

                  Sometimes fiction and altered objects depict abstract concept better than real physical objects do and neoliberals tend not to say the quiet parts loudly like the fascist party on the other side of the aisle has increasingly been doing in recent years.

          • @mojofrododojo
            811 months ago

            get fucked with that bullshit. trans allies aren’t out there persecuting anyone. jfc, where do you come up with this bullshit?

            • @Maggoty
              -111 months ago

              Tell that to the homeless people forced to play frogger across the interstate near where I live. And the entire working class neighborhood whose flood risk was ignored by the city for decades until this year because it got mostly destroyed.

              Camping bans are persecution. Building shiny stuff instead of taking care of people is persecution. It’s not bold or in your face but it’s real.

              • @garbagebagel
                11 months ago

                Bruh what the fuck did trans people/trans allies have to do with the circumstances that created these issues? Stop using them as a scapegoat.

                Anti homelessness is very real and very obvious but I’ve never seen a fucking pride parade advocating for the removal of safe spaces for the unhoused. I do regularly see politicians advocating for that shit though.

                • @Maggoty
                  111 months ago

                  They pass laws protecting the rights of LGBTQ people (Which is awesome). And then they pass laws to criminalize homelessness while they profit off the current state of real estate. (Not awesome)

              • KillingTimeItself
                111 months ago

                “damn, rich people exist. Ow, fuck, i just fell off a bridge and broke all of my bones” - you rn.

                • @Maggoty
                  111 months ago

                  What are you saying?

          • KillingTimeItself
            411 months ago

            the hypocrisy? The hypocrisy of who? The fucking politicians that fund this type of shit?


            • @Viking_Hippie
              411 months ago

              The hypocrisy of who? The fucking politicians that fund this type of shit?

              WHO ARE WE MAKING FUN OF

              The liberals, politician and civilian alike, who support LGBTQ+ people’s right to exist without harassment but also are in favor of persecuting and punishing homeless people for existing near them.

              Like for example New York Mayor and once a cop always a cop Eric Adams who is in favor of both marriage equality and (not much short of) hunting the homeless for sport.

                • @Viking_Hippie
                  211 months ago

                  True, but it’s evidently FAR too hard for anyone with power to not have at least one truly awful one, based on the fact that almost none of them manage it…

      • Luccus
        11 months ago

        I mean that someone saw hostile architecture and then decided to photoshop a trans flag over it for political reasons.

        We, as strangers, will never know their exact motivation, but I think if their idea was a message regarding the unfair treatment of economically disadvantaged people or neoliberal hypocrisy, there would be much better ways to communicate the issue, that don’t involve something that can easily be construed as anti-trans messaging.

        It’s a bit vibes based, but you know… people ain’t robots, and even if that wasn’t the original intent, that’s how the message comes across. And I’d rather have a better, more poignant statement that’s worth repeating, rather than this, perhaps unintentionally, bad one.

        Especially because people will take this at face value and there are more photoshopped images just like this, making the whole thing a bit sussy, imo.

        • @I_Has_A_Hat
          211 months ago

          If I had to take a guess at the motivations, I think someone saw the spikes as well as the equality sign in the window and took a picture because that’s kinda a juxtaposition. But I’m guessing that didn’t give enough “zing” that would be noticed as an internet post, so they edited the trans flag on the spikes to make it less subtle.

        • @Viking_Hippie
          211 months ago

          Yeah, that’s not a reasonable interpretation. Intersectionality and criticism of lack of same is by far the most likely intent behind this picture.

          Pretending otherwise kinda seems like grasping at straws to avoid addressing the shortcomings of your favorite neoliberals.

          • Luccus
            11 months ago

            My “favorite neoliberal”?

            I’m an entire person, not a single-sided strawman. I edited my reply to also state that I think neolibs suck too, if that helps to unflatten my thoughts on this a bit. And because I think they do.

            I’d also like to add that I’ve seen this image and others like it posted in anti-progressive groups by anti-progressive people, instilling exactly the message I explained earlier. Which is why I say the message either isn’t clear, or just bad.

            I don’t feel like I’m “gasping at straws”. I feel my argument is somewhat reasonable and I hope my point is a little clearer now.

            I have to go back to work now.

            • @Viking_Hippie
              611 months ago

              I still believe that your interpretation is unreasonable and mine is much more likely regardless of your anecdotal experience in anti-progressive groups, but I apologize for unfairly assuming bad intent on your part. Have a nice day!

    • @Starbuck
      1311 months ago

      You’re at the top of my comment chain, so I’m replying to agree with you and take this further.

      Whoever photoshopped this and the other one with the park bench that’s floating around is trying to pit liberals against each other by making it seem like fighting for trans rights and fighting to house the unhoused are opposed to each other.

      For anyone reading this, don’t fall for it.

      • @Maggoty
        11 months ago

        Sure, except I’m in California where it is two very different fights. Try reversing any LGBTQ Rights and you’ll get tarred and feathered. Suggest the Homeless shouldn’t be hunted in the streets and you also get tarred and feathered.

        It’s like living in reverse land where instead of “fiscal responsibility” and “traditional social values”; we have “fiscal responsibility” and “progressive social values”.

        • kase
          711 months ago

          That sucks. None of us are free until all of us are free.

      • KillingTimeItself
        511 months ago

        people fall for this?

        Damn, didn’t realize conservatives put that little amount of thought into their political statements.

        Literally the best result here is someone goes “yeah, that’s politicians for you, pretending to do something, by displaying something, but actually doing something else” If anything, this is basically commentary on how shitty politics is. More than whatever the fuck anyone else thinks it could possibly be.

    • @dingus
      1211 months ago

      I mean I think it’s just meant to be a shitpost

  • @anon987
    8211 months ago

    A society’s greatness can only be measured by how they treat their most vulnerable citizens.

    • @pufferfisherpowder
      911 months ago

      You mean the worse they treat them the greater the greatness, right? Like Sparta, right bro?

    • @Son_of_dad
      -3911 months ago

      People who say this are free to let the homeless sleep on their couch or in their yard, but they won’t.

        • @TokenBoomer
          511 months ago

          Every time I see this meme, it reminds me of this Monty Python scene.

        • KillingTimeItself
          411 months ago

          every motherfucker ever who thinks they’re the most genius philosopher ever has thought this at some point.

          Fun fact, the only way to not participate in society is to be fucking dead

      • @mojofrododojo
        1311 months ago

        what in the actual fuck is wrong with you?

        • @Son_of_dad
          11 months ago

          Well would you? You agree they need a place to sleep, so would you let one crash on your couch? And if not, it means you actually want them to sleep on the street, so you’d rather the street and pavement be comfy, so you can feel somehow charitable, that you’ve made it easier for a homeless person to sleep outside, or on someone else’s property, instead of just offering them some of your own space.

          • @mojofrododojo
            911 months ago

            absurdism ergo hoc. I work with local homeless and have helped build tiny houses for the local homeless communities. Our goal is to provide housing so that people can access services critical to breaking the cycle of homelessness. a few weeks on my couch isn’t going to change someone’s life; a few months in a stable community with access to public services - to get them ID, to get them treatment for addiction, to get them job skills and financial aid - these are the things that change a life.

            You’re so damned certain you have everything figured out, when you’re simply in the dark… mumbling to yourself, head up your own rectum.

          • @Jimmyeatsausage
            311 months ago

            It’s got to be an absolutely wild experience going through life thinking there is no middle ground between inviting strangers (many of whom are dealing with addiction or untreated mental illness) to sleep with you and your children and putting spikes and bars on all publicly accessible places to make life harder for those suffering the most.

            I’m guessing you love factory farming, animal abuse, migrant abuse, and child labor since you eat food?

            • @Son_of_dad
              011 months ago

              I’m a vegetarian and native, don’t lecture me on your people’s atrocities and put them on me, colonizer.

              • @Jimmyeatsausage
                411 months ago

                I am just applying your own logic to you. You eat vegetables that were almost certainly picked by underpaid Central Americans and wear clothes that were fabricated in sweat shops made from fabrics harvested by children. If you’re living on a reservation funded by a casino, you’re likely benefiting from the drug trade or human trafficking as well. I’m as responsible for colonization as you are for the tribes that decided to help with the colonization for short-term gain. I acknowledge the atrocities of my ancestors - my family was also on the wrong side of the civil war. I also acknowledge that, despite having 1st nation’s heritage, I don’t present as native so I enjoy all the continuing privilege of whiteness. We ALL need to acknowledge that we can’t help but participate in systemic injustice, even if we’re fighting against it.

      • kase
        311 months ago

        I mean, I sure as hell wouldn’t do what’s shown in the photo. If I owned property lol ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

  • @[email protected]
    4411 months ago

    Nice, anti homeless and anti disabled all at once (lack of streetside seating makes getting around challenging for mobility limited people)

    • @Jimmyeatsausage
      911 months ago

      And right below a “no human is illegal” poster

    • DefederateLemmyMl
      -311 months ago

      This is not anti-homeless. This is anti-idiots sitting on the window sill of the house you live in, making it a gathering place and a nuisance of themselves. A window sill is not a bench in the park.

  • Hjalmar
    2611 months ago

    Great! If the spikes weren’t inclusive trans people might feel excluded from the ban of sleeping on them


  • @ZeffSyde
    11 months ago

    We fell in love in a homeless place… We fell in love in a hooOoomless plaaace…

  • @fox2263
    1711 months ago

    No human is illegal.

    The irony

    • @[email protected]
      511 months ago

      That, and the painting, might be put there by people protesting the spikes and not necessarily the owners of these spikes.

      • @fox2263
        111 months ago

        Ah yes of course!

  • FQQD!
    1511 months ago

    *on the trans-inclusive anti-homeless spikes

  • nifty
    1511 months ago

    LGBT identity is being exploited by assholes

    • @andros_rex
      11 months ago

      This is a photoshop. It’s not real. It’s old enough that it’s not even “AI.”

      • nifty
        111 months ago

        Cool, I didn’t know

    • @MataVatnik
      411 months ago

      Shit like this should be spray painted over

    • @x0x7
      -711 months ago

      They think LGBT is benefited by having more visibility. In reality it puts them center stage for anti-LGBT rhetoric and the world is more antagonistic. In the 90s nobody cared about the gays.

      • @[email protected]
        1111 months ago

        It was illegal to be gay in my western country in the early 90s. Your opinion is wrong and sucks ass

      • @Cryophilia
        911 months ago

        In the 90s nobody cared about the gays.

        I know a guy who was put in the hospital in 1997 because some dudes thought he was gay.

      • @force
        11 months ago

        You both have a point and have a not point at the same time. LGBT is benefitted by more visibility, because it being denormalized harms people who are gay/trans/etc. In the 90s, gay marriage was illegal, participating in gay culture outside of specific establishments means risking confrontation with cops, and someone’s kid being gay was every parent’s worst nightmare (it still is for some people nowadays unfortunately). More visibility and pushing for more rights and the same integration into society that the “in-group” has naturally means that people who are higher in the hierarchy will throw a tantrum and start committing hate crimes and attacking the group and using them as a scapegoat. But making others angry is necessary if you want a disprivileged group to have the same accessibility and rights as the ruling group.

  • kase
    1311 months ago

    My trans homies and I would probably throw a brick through that window… just saying.

    Okay, in reality we’d talk to the owner first and explain why this is shitty behavior. The brick is plan B.

      • kase
        111 months ago

        I mean yeah, probably they would know, but it wouldn’t hurt to talk to em. Either way, specific negative feedback from potential customers gives them at least a small incentive to change… not that it’d probably be significant enough to make a difference in this case. But hypothetically, if enough people did get upset about it and it hurt the business’ bottom line, I’d want them to know the reason.

        If nothing else, at least they’ll know what the brick is for. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

  • @[email protected]
    1011 months ago

    Because it’s quite likely that the people who run the store also own the building or something?

    Not a chance. This building (and the windowsill and spike strip) are owned by some real estate company and the shop owner (who owns the sticker) is a renter.

    Be pissed off at the wealthy elite that’s shooing off the homeless, not the shop owner. Totally different people.

    • DefederateLemmyMl
      911 months ago

      This doesn’t even have anything to do with homeless people. Homeless people don’t sleep on a window sill.

      I personally know a few places in my city where people have resorted to putting spikes on their window sills like that. It has everything to do with anti-social people who think someone else’s window sill is a perfectly good place to sit around all night, make noise, drink alcohol, do drugs, leave their garbage, damage the property, …

      The spikes are put there out of desperation when talking to people and talking to the police hasn’t helped.

    • @FMT99
      611 months ago

      Not to interrupt your hate parade against the wealthy, fully on board with that, but most store owners also absolutely hate homeless people around their stores. For somewhat understandable reasons but still.

      • @Trollception
        611 months ago

        I mean the reason is that most people will be a bit sketched out by homeless people hanging around your establishment. I’ve run into quite a few homeless people when living in the city and more times than not they are pretty sketchy individuals, not all but most.

        • DefederateLemmyMl
          111 months ago

          There is a big correlation between homelessness and mental illness, personality disorder, addiction or a combination thereof. So yeah, excuse me if I don’t want to deal with the paranoid schizophrenic hobo who’s high on god knows what.

          I can’t speak for the US here, but in most civilized countries there is actually help available for homeless people and enough social systems to ensure that well adjusted people don’t end up homeless in the first place. With the homeless that we do have, the difficulty usually lies in reaching them, getting them to accept the help that is available and having them durably make the necessary changes to their life to escape homelessness.

          Accepting some of their anti-social behaviors is actually enabling it, and not helping them at all.

    • @thorbot
      011 months ago

      The shop owners didn’t put the spikes there, the building owners did

  • @hark
    711 months ago

    Free acupuncture.

  • @Maggoty
    511 months ago

    This is California in a nut shell.