• Melllvar
    5 months ago

    I’d spray it, save the babies, and then continue being atheist.

    I wasn’t magically transformed into an atheist so I’m not terribly concerned about being magically transformed back.

  • athos77
    395 months ago

    109, HBe02 - why does this feel like a coded message, like the 14-88 shit the Nazis use?

  • Diplomjodler
    365 months ago

    It’s impossible to lose something I don’t have. Belief in atheism makes no sense whatsoever as a concept.

  • Melkath
    315 months ago

    My atheism is LACK OF BELIEF in made up fairy tales… so sure. Can’t lose something that isn’t held.

    • norbert
      195 months ago

      I’ve noticed the growing perception over the last decade or so that atheism some weird belief system or religion of its own. I’ve heard them say “the religion of science” more than once which is just a complete misunderstanding of what science is.

      Some people just genuinely can’t conceive of someone not believing in a creator, it has to be understood through the lens of faith for them.

      • @Weirdfish
        115 months ago

        It’s trying to drag it down to their level to legitimize belief.

        Take for example a panel with a priest, a rabbi, and a mullah. They can debate faith and mysticism all day and night because they are playing by the same rules.

        Introduce an atheist or scientist who says “I don’t know, and more importantly, neither do you”. It shatters their LARP experience.

        By turning science and atheism into just another mystic belief system it makes theirs seem just another valid option between equals.

        Don’t let people make this false equivalence, faith and mysticism starts with “This is what I believe, and reality has to conform”, where science starts with “Reality exists, and what I believe will change and be shaped by our understanding of it.”

          • @Weirdfish
            105 months ago

            See, this is exactly the false equivalence I was speaking of. Theism is the one making the ridiculous claim, and by stating both are non-falsifiable and not testable, implying both are equally likely.

            There is not a shred of proof for a deity, so any claims made in the name of any god can be dismissed as the ravings of lunatics.

            On both the macroscopic and microscopic scales, science has pushed the boundaries of knowledge many orders of magnitude beyond that which was available to the people who made up these gods. At no point has a single claim been found to be true, and many have been found to be false.

          • @[email protected]
            65 months ago

            Sure, just like your non-believe in Santa Claus

            You’re a Santa-denier, because even though you know that story was made up for children and is full of things that aren’t possible in our universe, it is apparently only a believe that Santa doesn’t exist.

            • @[email protected]
              -25 months ago

              I don’t deny Santa exists because that’s also non-falsifiable. That’s the point. You can’t know either way. I guess you’re trying to call belief in gods childish?

              Funny that you would mention Santa. I don’t go around telling children who believe in Santa they’re wrong. If they’re similar, why would you do that? Why would you care so much?

            • @[email protected]
              15 months ago

              I think they’re pointing out the precision-of-language thing: a-theism is the belief that god does not exist. A-gnosticism is the belief that you are unsure whether any number of gods exist. The least amount of opinion you can have about deities is to be a disinterested agnostic (I think?): “I don’t care if god exists enough to wonder about it.”

              (Since you can point to the deceitful-god theory to say that the entire universe formed in this instant with this state, and your memories are just a result of god’s machinations a moment ago, both atheism and agnosticism are non-disprovable. The deceitful-god theory may run counter to the common Christian doctrine of Theodicy and may therefore not be subscribed to by many.)

              • @mojofrododojo
                15 months ago

                and they all fall to a quick sniff test: does it make any sense for gods to play games to lure people to faith, and fake others out? not if we’re to believe their adherents and their texts. those adherents love to brag about their deities’ omniscience and omnibenevolence.

                nah man, it doesn’t compute - a lack of belief is not a belief into itself.

      • Melkath
        25 months ago

        I believe in orders of magnitude.

        I believe in I don’t know everything.

        I know that higher powers are constructs of men.

  • @[email protected]
    295 months ago

    Is atheism a belief though? I’m not sure. Is it a belief when a person might be an atheist based on a lack of verifiable evidence to the former?

    • @disguy_ovahea
      45 months ago

      I guess? I mean, it’s no more or less a belief than nihilism or agnosticism.

      What would that mean for the question? Could I select agnosticism? Would I be appointed a random religion? OOOOH, would I take the Christianity from all the babies, leaving them as atheists?!? I’d totally do that. Take one for the team.

  • @[email protected]
    225 months ago

    Ok, but hear me out! If there were a bunch of atheists and a Christian was gonna kill them as non-believers, would your christ-loving ass even care?

    • norbert
      55 months ago

      I feel like even asking the question kind of hints that no, they wouldn’t save the babies (if the spray made them lose their belief in God).

    • @[email protected]
      115 months ago

      Because he’s also ok with mass shooting, child rape, war, disease, famine, and the Ice Capades.

  • @HunterOfGunners
    195 months ago

    I’m not sure babies CAN be christian. Isn’t a central tenant of the whole thing that you CHOOSE god by having faith? A case could be made for a 13 or 14 year old, but a baby can’t really consent to something on that scale. I remember being told once that babies too young to decide automatically go to heaven, so… Why are they against abortion?

    It’s almost like there’s no logic at all.

    • livus
      155 months ago

      It sort of feels like whoever wrote this thinks christianity and atheism are like ethnic groups and they are at war with each other.

      • Ech
        45 months ago

        Also that atheists need to be believed in? This person is nuts.

    • @[email protected]
      35 months ago

      Then why baptize babies? I’m pretty sure this is a difference in doctrine between denominations.

    • @[email protected]
      25 months ago

      They get baptized at birth to save them from limbo. I think the free will bit doesn’t count until you’re able to have one.

  • BlackRing
    185 months ago

    I haven’t eaten enough crayons to be able to fully understand that…

  • @TheDoozer
    185 months ago

    Sure. Not sure what would replace it and not sure why they think their particular religion would fill that void, but yeah, obviously, because I’m not a piece of shit.

    Would the Christian do it to save all those babies? I think they’re asking the question because the answer is “no.”

    • @[email protected]
      105 months ago

      That is correct. Back when I was in a catholic school we were taught that you should never give up your faith and be converted for any reason. Standing strong in your faith and suffering for it makes you a martyr and you automatically go to heaven. I wasn’t smart enough at the time to ask how it would work if you sacrificed others tho

  • @GardenVarietyAnxiety
    175 months ago

    It’s an interesting question at face value, if you unload it.

    Would you give up your core beliefs (or lack thereof) that determine your worldview to save the lives of 100 children?

    Assuming I’d be left with a blank slate… Probably. It was a lot of fun going on the journey that built the worldview I have now. I’d do it again with a fresh perspective.

    Having it replaced by whoever crafted the “trial?” Fuck off. You guys apparently like to threaten children to guilt people into converting to your club. That’s some cult shit.

    • @[email protected]
      65 months ago

      They did the mental gymnastics to craft this scenario and a magic spray that defuses bombs and eliminates a person’s agency for belief. How much more of a leap is it that this “atheist bomb” is only a threat to these babies’ belief in Christianity?

  • @ganksy
    175 months ago

    So you’re telling me some magic spray will save babies? Why does everything have to start with a fairytale in your world?

    • @[email protected]
      115 months ago

      At the point where magic existing is a requirement for the scenario anyway, i might as well be believing in god, i guess.

  • Rhynoplaz
    165 months ago

    I mean, I say some stupid nonsense when I’m high as fuck, but I don’t put it online… Usually. Don’t check my comment history.

  • @[email protected]
    155 months ago

    I would safe the babies. My belief in atheism is so strong that I believe I would find back to it. Always. Via logic and reason!

  • @[email protected]
    145 months ago

    Atheism is a lack of belief…

    0 fucks given - 0 fucks given = 0 fucks to give

    Saving some babies is a net positive.