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Surveillance cameras showed a man walk up to the building soon after 4 a.m. on April 8 wearing a face covering, tactical vest and gloves, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office and the FBI. The man then ignited an improvised explosive device, threw it at the main entrance then ran away. The bomb partially detonated, resulting in some minor fire damage, authorities said.

  • @[email protected]
    8111 months ago

    Imagine wasting all that gas and effort to impress no one. Now you’ll be wasting the rest of your life in a Massachusetts jail lmao

    • Flying Squid
      5911 months ago

      I’m guessing he impressed a lot of people. People like him. He might even inspire them to do likewise. That’s the thing with terrorism- it begets more terrorism.

      • @[email protected]
        511 months ago

        Although in this particular case it was just some minor fire damage to the door, it didn’t even break. But yeah if successful, it would been considered much more seriously.

    • SuiXi3D
      1711 months ago

      Imagine assuming the worst about people because of what they call themselves, then wasting all that time and effort when a simple google search would show you that the name doesn’t mean what you assumed it to mean.

      • AmidFuror
        3311 months ago

        The type of person to bomb a place because of Satanists is probably not a big fan of secularists and humanists either. Probably thinks if you’re not pro-God you must be doing Satan’s work.

      • @I_Fart_Glitter
        1611 months ago

        No, they don’t care. They have this idea that orgs like TST are a tool of literal Satan™ to trick people into thinking that he is not evil or whatever. Participating in the positive things that TST does gives “Satan a foothold” to, I don’t know, set up shop in your heart? Where Jesus is supposed to be? It’s kind of convoluted, but that’s the idea, for those of them that bothered to get past the name anyway.

      • @[email protected]
        1111 months ago

        The ppl who would throw pipe bombs aren’t rational enough to do something like that, unfortunately.

      • @OccamsRazer
        011 months ago

        Well when you literally name your group after the personification of evil according to Christianity, intending to be antagonist to Christians, you can expect some antagonism. That’s not to justify pipe bombs obviously, but you can’t simply choose a name like that then act confused when people assume the worst about you.

    • FartsWithAnAccent
      11 months ago

      I prefer to imagine they did this on a bicycle and a modest number of people were mildly impressed in a weird sort of way.

      Shit, I am in the wrong thread. I thought you were talking about the post about doing 1000+ miles around a traffic circle lol.

  • @[email protected]
    5611 months ago

    You see. Oklahoma, right? They’re not sending the best people. Right? That’s why we need to secure the boarder. Something like a great wall around their state.

    • Optional
      2611 months ago

      And Oklahoma will pay for it!

      • flicker
        411 months ago

        There’s only like 10 people who live there. Just fence those 10 in and it’s fine.

        • Twinklebreeze
          111 months ago

          I live in Oklahoma, and I know at least eight people. I didn’t realize I was almost out of people.

          • flicker
            11 months ago

            In the panhandle.

            Only like 10 people live in the panhandle.

            Which is a common joke.

  • @TheJims
    5511 months ago

    The Satanic Temple exists to troll ignorant violent Christians and they fall for it every fucking time.

    • @ours
      1111 months ago

      Not just violent Christians. Also, the ones who only care about the separation of church and State when it isn’t their church.

  • @[email protected]
    11 months ago

    What was the plan exactly ? The temple was likely empty at 4am, and such a haphazard approach seems unlikely to start any actual fire.

    All he accomplished was the equivalent of a giant fart in an empty hallway. What a worthy cause to throw your life away for 🤣

    Once more, Satan triumphs 🤘😈

    • partial_accumen
      711 months ago

      He probably watched too many Michael Bay movies where the smallest source of fire causes the target to explode into a fireball and falling matchsticks.

      • @Everythingispenguins
        211 months ago

        Well at least Michael Bay movies use “metal” pipe bombs. He couldn’t even get that part right.

    • ElcaineVolta
      2611 months ago

      irrational fear over something unverifiable taken to a degree of violent extremism? sounds like a fit to me.

      • FartsWithAnAccent
        711 months ago

        The most outspoken Christians aren’t very Christian usually, they just seem to like talking about it a lot. Christians who actually practice the religion are far less common.

        • @[email protected]
          11 months ago

          What does “Christian” even mean in this context? Because Christ was a Jew and didn’t seem to keen on anyone making a religion out of him if you read between the lines, or even the direct text in some cases…

          I actually got beaten at CCD a long time ago by saying something like “wait Jesus says not to worship him here, so don’t the jews kind of have a point”?

          • FartsWithAnAccent
            11 months ago

            I meant it as literally following the teachings of Christ, which is something very few people who call themselves Christians actually do.

            The most obnoxiously loud “Christians” would probably fucking hate Jesus for being a “dirty liberal” or “commie Jew” or some other inane nonsense because stuff like taking care of the poor and eschewing wealth are things that they have a really bizarre hatred for.

  • @Fedizen
    1511 months ago

    only christians believe in satan. Something needs to be done to stop this christian on christian violence.

  • @I_Fart_Glitter
    811 months ago

    Why is the trial in Oklahoma if the crime was committed in Massachusetts? Is it because it’s a federal crime? Seems like judges and juries in Oklahoma are a lot more likely to let the guy off with minimum consequences than those in Massachusetts, no?

    California just gave the Planned Parenthood firebomber who also had terror plans for the power grid and a pride event at a baseball stadium 9 years, so I don’t think this guy will get much, if any time in prison.

    The U.S. Attorney’s Office in Massachusetts said they didn’t yet have the name of any lawyer representing him. He is due to make an initial court appearance in Oklahoma on Thursday. If found guilty, he could face up to 20 years in prison and a fine of up to $250,000.

    • @Everythingispenguins
      311 months ago

      This is a Federal crime so it doesn’t really matter where he appears. It is still a federal court. The trial could move to a Federal Court in Mass, but there is a lot between the initial hearing and a trial.

  • @deania
    611 months ago

    “The bomb partially detonated, resulting in some minor fire damage”

    Apparently he isn’t very good at being a terrorist. It didn’t even manage to knock down the door and I can’t even see any damage in the picture.

  • @foggy
    511 months ago

    I’m gonna go ahead and assume he wasn’t mentally stable.

  • Iapar
    11 months ago

    “Damn the satanic temple must be filled with maniacs if someone thinks a pipe bomb is necessary.”


    “We should ban the satanic temple then nobody would run around with pipe bombs.”

    EDIT: inserted quotes to clarify intention.

    • @CarbonatedPastaSauce
      1311 months ago

      “We should ban short skirts, then nobody would run around raping women”

      Such backwards, false thinking. Put the responsibility where it belongs, on the person who purposefully took criminal action.

      • Iapar
        611 months ago

        Those are not my opinions I was trying to guess how people are going to spin it. Not really sarcastic but more cynical?

        Don’t know the fitting word to describe my motivation but it came from a place of anger. Not against the satanic temple but the people who talk like that.

        Guess I should have put everything but “or” in quotes.

    • @thatgirlwasfire
      511 months ago

      Damn the world trade center must be filled with maniacs if someone thinks crashing a plane into it is necessary…