I hope virtually everyone here gets the reference.
It’s 25 years old this year! I used to be young dammit!
Sure, but some movies are timeless!
While it may be dated, I don’t believe there will ever come a time when it’s not relevant. If I’m ever wrong about that… it’s probably time to bust out the good champagne.
Agreed. The technology may look out of date, the music is old, some of the jokes are things younger people won’t get (“Michael Bolton,” “Superman III,” etc.), but there are still frustrating hardware notifications on things like printers and copiers, there are still asshole bosses, and there’s still ridiculous amounts of busywork in a soul-crushing environment. It’s as relevant today as it was then in so many ways.
Bajoran worker named Winn Adami: “Why should I change my name, the Kai’s the one that sucks?!”
Damn it feels good to be a Maquis.
So then we switched from the self-sealing to the unsealing stem bolts but I kept my self-sealing stem bolts because they didn’t bind up as much.
If they take my self-sealing stem bolts I’ll… I’ll set the promenade on fire.
Damar, what would you do if you had a million drakna?
Lol, I tried to run the two characters through an online face swap app, and it didn’t really work. Behold:
Oddly looks like Steven Weber, who was in that episode of DS9 where members of The Circle occupy the station.
I can’t watch Steven Weber in anything and not associate him with Wings.
Good thing Tony Shalhoub also did Galaxy Quest and Monk…
+1 for Wings, but also there’s Dracula, Dead and Loving It
I love Mel Brooks, but I can’t believe I missed that one. Now I have to see it even if IMDB has a fairly low rating on it.
Don’t let the rating fool you, it’s brilliant! Outside of Leslie Nielson’s usual solid performance, the supporting cast is stellar.
Yes, I was looking at the cast and noted Harvey Korman and Mark Blankfield as well. I am pumped to watch it and I think I’ll like it more than the rating gives it credit for. Thanks for the reference!!
It should have just given Lumberg a longer neck.
Wider too!
That’s the face of a man who believes in unpaid labor.
The school ring that Lumbergh wears in Office Space is from EarthForce Academy. Gary Cole had previously played Captain Gideon in the Babylon 5 follow-up series Crusade, and I guess he took home a souvenir when the show got canceled.
Also, we need you to come in to work this weekend. HAHAHA! Bajorans don’t get weekends off!
Bajoran workers: from today forward, your staplers will be replaced with Boston staplers for your convenience.
Bajoran worker: we will be replacing staplers with Boston’s
Oh how I love seeing him gloat and gloat before finally another dude appears on screen to tell him he’s a coward and that his little program was altered so that he too would be trapped and die.