• Nougat
    6223 days ago


    Donald, I think you just admitted that there were other people in on it with you.

    • Flying Squid
      23 days ago

      He probably thinks he’s Louis XIV these days and is using the royal ‘we.’

        • FuglyDuck
          923 days ago

          i’d be okay if he died from gangrene, too. But I’d much rather he go out like Luey XVI

          • @[email protected]
            223 days ago

            He can get the painful Anal fistulae over and over as well. Ol’ Lou got those so bad it required a special knife to drain.

    • @perviouslyiner
      823 days ago

      Well yeah, one of them went to prison for this exact payment!

      • @RagingRobot
        223 days ago

        You can’t trust that guy he went to prison! (For the same crime trump is being tried for)

  • Optional
    5423 days ago

    Here’s what’s so messed up about the ridiculous motion for mistrial because Stormy’s tale of disgusting sex was ‘prejudicial’: the defense denied any sex ever happened.

    So, having a witness come in to answer questions about, uh yeah, the sex that absolutely happened is not “prejudicial”, it’s just Truth curb-stomping them.

    If they were actually concerned with how it would make the demented rapist look (they weren’t), then the ploy to claim sex never happened was about as misguided as anything else trump’s pitiful legal teams have ever done. Because of course they were going to establish that it had happened.

    Afterwards, they throw this pathetic excuse for a legal motion out there, no doubt simply to coddle the napping baby rather than through any actual reasoning.

    Keep yappin’ Donnie. Keep digging up, you demented bastard.

    • @Dkarma
      2423 days ago

      It’s simpler than this. If they thought any of this was legitimately out of bounds they could have objected at any time and didn’t.

      The judge even said they he was surprised they didn’t object more.

      • @[email protected]
        1023 days ago

        I think they planned on using it to appeal it, but the judge shut that door right on their fingers.

        • HopeOfTheGunblade
          423 days ago

          I have heard that you can’t appeal things that you didn’t raise objections to during the trial; there need to be mistaken rulings on the part of the judge for an appeal to work, it’s not just relitigating the case.

      • @[email protected]
        223 days ago

        Today, Trump’s lawyers learn that in an adversarial system of justice, it’s not the judge’s job to object to things on your behalf.

        Keep going, guys, you’ll soon be worthy of a law degree.

    • @Etterra
      723 days ago

      It’s all just delaying tactics. Diaper Don knows from a lifetime of experience how to exploit his way out of consequences. He wants to get reelected and make all his problems evaporate into a miasma of totalitarianism.

      That’s why he acts like a spoiled child - he’s immune to the negative effects of even the few consequences he’s ever suffered over his whole misbegotten life.

    • Semi-Hemi-Demigod
      623 days ago

      The judge made a good point: Trump never denied the sex happened. If they had, he could have struck that part of her testimony. But they never denied it happened, have never taken any legal action to stop her from saying it, and didn’t bother raising any questions about it on cross-examination.

      It’s like Trump’s lawyers expect the judge to do their job for them.

      • @[email protected]
        323 days ago

        How the fuck does that even work?

        Moron: “Your honor, I didn’t rob that bank.”

        Witness: “I’m the bank teller and I saw him rob the bank”

        Paid Liar: “OBJECTION! My client said he didn’t do it, strike that from the record!”

        Judge: “Ok. Guess he didn’t do it.”

        • Semi-Hemi-Demigod
          123 days ago

          The trial isn’t about Trump having sex or paying for sex, but violating finance laws. If they had denied the sex then it wouldn’t be relevant to the case.

  • numbermess
    2723 days ago

    Sounds like my 9 year old screaming “I didn’t!!!” When he clearly did

  • Drusas
    1023 days ago

    I’m glad the judge sees through their obvious tactics to attempt to cause a mistrial.

    • @mkwt
      323 days ago

      Well moving for a mistrial is certainly an attempt “to cause a mistrial”.

      • Drusas
        121 days ago

        They intentionally did not object to testimony as it was given and later tried to use it to force a mistrial.

        • @mkwt
          221 days ago

          Well that certainly doesn’t seem like a successful trial strategy.

  • Hildegarde
    923 days ago

    The article starts by talking about the trial and then randomly switches to talking about apple juice.

    What even is journalism these days?

  • @aeronmelon
    823 days ago

    Way to make OJ Simpson’s plead sound educated.