Nvm that Yasuke was a real person.

  • @Juice64
    10115 days ago

    Suddenly Americans are acting like they care about Asian representation

    • theprogressivist
      5115 days ago

      They don’t. The ones making the biggest fuss about bs like this are the ones that don’t even play video games.

    • @jontree255OP
      3515 days ago

      historical accuracy == let me be racist

    • Ech
      715 days ago

      Racists aren’t exclusive to the US.

    • @Wogi
      15 days ago

      Ok I don’t have a horse in this race and didn’t know who either of these people were until I saw this meme, and spent some time googling.

      As far as I can tell Anjin is based on William Adams, an English navigator, they literally just call him “Mr pilot” he doesn’t have a Japanese name. And Yosuke is supposedly just a Japanese guy. So like, while I don’t care, it does seem like there’s some room for misrepresentation.

      Anyway, I’m probably wrong, wogi out

        • @Wogi
          -1615 days ago

          Not very. If he’s African then he’s African I don’t see what the problem is.

          • @blackbelt352
            3615 days ago

            The anti woke “historical accuracy” crowd is getting pissy that an african samurai is represented in a game set in feudal Japan, ignoring the existence of Yasuke who served Oda Nobunaga, who is a pretty big deal in Japanese history.

            And Ubisoft is going to do Ubisoft things and tell a historically inspired but ultimately fictional story about secret organizations running secret proxy wars trying to gain control advanced magical technology from an ancient prehumanity civilization, and how magical genetic bloodlines let you access the memories of your ancestors.

            • @Wogi
              1815 days ago

              Part of me wants to buy it to piss off conservatives.

              Part of me doesn’t want to buy it because Ubisoft.

              • @Arbiter
                1715 days ago

                Don’t fall victim to political marketing, only buy products you want or need.

                • @Wogi
                  415 days ago

                  I used to really enjoy assassin’s creed games. Every time a new one comes out I get a little bit hopeful. Only to be let down again

              • @Maggoty
                214 days ago

                There are two wolves inside you…

          • @Linkerbaan
            14 days ago

            An often forgotten historical detail: it was possible to travel to another continent before the invention of the airplane.

            • @Wogi
              714 days ago

              Nonsense. Everyone knows that the concept of travel was invented in 1973, by Henry Kissinger, as a way to more efficiently commit genocide.

  • @[email protected]
    4615 days ago

    Surprised this is the first they’re hearing of Yasuke. There was a fairly popular anime recently with an awesome soundtrack by flying lotus.

    • @jontree255OP
      1415 days ago

      I had not heard of him till the anime. The soundtrack goes hard. I couldn’t do the show but I’m not big on anime.

    • @Duamerthrax
      314 days ago

      Was it popular? I was hyped when it was announced, but when the trailer showed magic, giant robots, and a very Saturday morning color palette, my interested died. I was hoping for a much more grounded show for what was going Yasuke’s first big depiction. Something along the lines of the Sword of a Stranger aesthetic would have been perfect.

  • @qooqie
    1815 days ago

    Where are people upset about this? I haven’t seen anything

  • @Philharmonic3
    413 days ago

    Honestly I think it’d be better if we just ignored the ignorant rather than amplifying their voices. Ignore them unless you are defending someone from being harmed.

  • @MacDangus
    013 days ago

    Literally no one is complaining about this

  • @[email protected]
    -2615 days ago

    Look I don’t know much about the context, aside from some game adding a black samurai or something, but I can tell you I would be just as pissed with a white one.

    • @[email protected]
      4515 days ago

      Fun fact, these are both real people from ancient Japanese history (and pretty famous ones at that), but you can guess which one the “gamers” are upset about.

      Some more details because these two are really cool and interesting:

      The white guy is a British navigator from a Dutch voyage to find a new route to India to steal control of the spice trade from the Spanish and Portugese, whose ship ended up in Japan after almost being destroyed in a storm. His name was William Adams, but the Japanese couldn’t pronounce it and called him Anjin-san instead (literally Mr. Pilot). He was made a samurai and given land for his help in a war of succession, as well as his aid in founding the Dutch/British trading relationship in Japan. He lived out the rest of his life in Japan and his house can still be found today as a historical site.

      The black guy, whose history is a lot less clear, was named Yasuke. He was most likely a slave originally from Africa, but there are no real records beyond that he was brought to Japan by the Jesuits, who were the sole foreigners allowed into Japan at the time. He was presented to a famous lord by the name of Oda Nobunaga (one of the most famous people in Japanese history), who was so taken with the man that he took him into his service as a retainer and samurai and gave him the name Yasuke. Yasuke served Nobunaga up to and during the betrayal that led to Nobunaga’s death, after which Yasuke disappeared from historical records.

    • @jontree255OP
      1215 days ago


      The character is based on Yasuke (a real person) and he’s a playable character in the new Assassins Creed set in feudal Japan.

      Could they have made the character a Japanese man? Sure. That is a valid complaint. I think Yasuke is also fine considering his story.

      • @Sylvartas
        1114 days ago

        Wait, people are losing their shit over the historical accuracy of Assassin’s Creed ? Did they miss the part where the entire franchise revolves around some DNA magic, or the “apples of Eden” stuff ? Or whoever Borgia pope with literal magical powers we fought in AC2 ?

        AC has always been about (somewhat loose) historical accuracy of the setting, ie, places, buildings, culture, etc. They take tons of liberties with characters and “realism”

      • @Uruanna
        15 days ago

        … It’s a valid complaint to ask that a historical African man be represented as a Japanese man? How?

        Do you mean they should have used literally any other historical figure or even a fictional character, as long as it was a Japanese person? There’s a second playable character who is Japanese.

        • @Leg
          214 days ago

          But she’s also woke. We can’t have that.

      • @BluesF
        113 days ago

        I don’t think there’s any shortage of Japanese samurai protagonists in games. From a representation standpoint I don’t think there’s any issue… And Yasuke is an interesting character that’s worth exploring. There’s enough mystery to his story that he fits perfectly into an Assassin’s Creed game imo.

    • @[email protected]
      15 days ago

      You never heard of the black samurai? it was a real thing, pretty cool bit of history, read some of those links!