When I got hooked on Morrowind in middle school it occurred to me to quicksave before a test at school.

What’s yours?

  • @[email protected]
    871 month ago

    When I played Superhot. It’s a slow motion shooter where enemies and bullets only move in real time when the player is moving.

    I only played it a few minutes at a time, but each time I looked up from my desktop I was surprised that stuff was in motion even though I wasn’t.

    Very weird effect and it set in each time I played.

    • @[email protected]
      301 month ago

      I remember they made a VR version of the game, which I was very keen on. And I imagine the VR aspect would’ve made that effect even stronger.

      • SamSpudd
        211 month ago

        Can confirm, kicked several objects and people while in VR, still unsure how many were real

        • TheRealKuni
          430 days ago

          My friend didn’t quite grasp the “keep moving slowly” concept. So whenever she thought she needed to, she would bolt.

          This was usually fine, but at one point she was near the back of my couch and bolted forward, right through the virtual wall and flipped over my couch!

          She was startled but fine, and I couldn’t stop laughing.

  • @[email protected]
    621 month ago

    Portal 2. Finished it in a few days and for a day or two afterwards my brain found blank white/beige wall surfaces very attention-grabbing.

    • @nycki
      101 month ago

      Especially slightly angled walls!

  • @[email protected]
    541 month ago

    Fallout 4 had me noticing a lot of scrap for a bit. Seeing a roll of duct tape was like looking at a bar of gold.

    • @[email protected]
      231 month ago

      Thanks to Fallout I can recognize the sound of a bottle cap hitting a surface from across a crowded room and get the intense desire to go and grab it

  • @[email protected]
    401 month ago

    I got hit really hard by 2048. I didn’t even play it that much but my brain started looking for groups of identical things and imagined how they slide into each other to create something new. Plates on the kitchen table, seats on the train to work, identical cars…

    • @[email protected]
      71 month ago

      Funny that you mentioned 2048 specifically, that one got me on the high way one time. For half a second I thought I could get past traffic if I compressed all the cars in front of me into the right lanes.

  • @[email protected]
    351 month ago

    At periods when playing a lot of geoguessr I often catch myself looking at license plates and street signs when walking on the street, as if trying to figure out where I am.

    Also years after I stopped playing assassin’s creed, I still get a mental image of a red outline when I walk too close to a cop.

  • @[email protected]
    1 month ago

    Thanks to Morrowind and Skyrim i still find myself absent-mindedly noticing “alchemy ingredients” when walking through the woods on hiking/camping trips, despite the fact that I haven’t played either game in a couple years at this point.

  • @Jarlsburg
    301 month ago

    I got access to a really nice VR system through work and binged through Half Life Alyx. I was in a room that was large enough to walk around in, but for larger moves you use the controller to teleport a short distance. Also you can gravity attract items within a few yards with your gloves.

    After playing the first time I went to cook dinner and got embarrassingly frustrated when I tried to summon a spoon with a hand gesture.

    • TheRealKuni
      530 days ago

      Yes! The telestep-urge happened to me with RE4 VR. I was trying to move around my house with my thumb!

    • @usefulthings
      91 month ago

      When I visited Italy for the first (and last) time a few years back, I kept thinking the same!

    • @[email protected]
      51 month ago

      ah yes haha, rings a bell ! gothic churches especially have a ton of protruding, grabbable details

    • TheRealKuni
      330 days ago

      Yep, I do remember this with AC. I posted about the one that hit me harder, which was Crackdown.

      If I spent a lot of time training I could theoretically move similarly to the characters in AC. No matter how much training I do I’ll never be able to leap multiple stories in one jump up.

  • @Jon_Servo
    281 month ago

    Played so much Assassin’s Creed, I too wanted to jump off the top of a building.

  • @[email protected]
    1 month ago

    Back during the WoW days (the flying mount expansion), every time I would walk home from Uni I’d think: “This would be a lot faster if I turned into a crow and flew over these houses”.

    I played a Druid.

  • all-knight-party
    241 month ago

    When I was reaaaaally playing too much Hitman I began to notice large containers that could fit human bodies inside.

  • @[email protected]
    231 month ago

    I knew I’d been playing too much GTA (would have been around the VC/SA days probably) when I was out driving one day, heard sirens, and looked up in the corner of my windshield to see if I had any stars.

  • Lettuce eat lettuce
    221 month ago

    When writing on paper, I will sometimes think, “Ctrl + Z” to undo an errant pen stroke lol.

    • @[email protected]
      630 days ago

      Same, but for drawing on paper. It took me a while to break this habit. My left fingers would reflexively twitch, like they were rolling over those key

    • @[email protected]
      21 month ago

      I just considered that like an hour ago. Car’s parked next to building, trash truck blocking me in. So I thought “I could go this way instead” where “this way” is a little slope, then turn onto the sidewalk for 50 feet then get to the road.

  • @TommySoda
    191 month ago

    I get this all the time because I tend to binge games over weekends when I got nothing else going on. I’ll give two examples that I remember the most.

    One of the most prolific is Factorio. Seeing conveyor belts everywhere I go. Whether I’m awake or about to fall asleep I just constantly see conveyor belts as I solve non existent problems with the efficiency of said conveyor belts.

    The weirdest was after Outer Wilds. I binged it for about 12 hours straight one day. You spend a lot of time orbiting around planets and landing on them. After I was done I was walking around my apartment and felt like I was “orbiting” a spaceship around my apartment. It felt super weird to walk. Felt like the floor was the surface of a planet and my head was a spaceship flying miles above it trying to land.

    • JackFrostNCola
      21 month ago

      The Factorio one reminded me of trying to get to sleep only to start building elaborate underpasses and routes in my mind for hidden redstone circuits in Minecraft.