I’m sorry to anyone I gave shit to about the writing or about it being the Michael Burnham Whining Hour. Y’all were right.

Expect a name change soon.

  • @[email protected]
    267 months ago

    Holy shit, Stamets changing their name because of the last season is probably the single most damning condemnation I could think of if

    • StametsOPM
      117 months ago

      Thanks for getting a genuine laugh out of me. Kinda needed that.

  • Flying SquidM
    227 months ago

    Oh damn, Stamets has turned into an all-out Discovery hater. I’m sort of glad I haven’t watch the new season yet.

    • StametsOPM
      227 months ago

      So many parts of the show are great but have been smothered by parading around Michael Burnham and trying to give her the world that she doesn’t deserve. The new season showed her to be an outright psychopath who is willing to put the needs of the many above the needs of her relationship. And that was in Episode 1. Every episode from there demonstrated how the writers of the show did not give a singular fuck about anyone or anything other than Burnham. The final scene of the series ends on something that, when you give it a second of thought, is HORRENDOUSLY FUCKED UP. Especially when we saw a glimpse of what that kind of thing would do to someone (hint, it’s really not good) and they still fucking do it anyway.

      I am so sick of Sookie Michael and her stupid fairy vagina and her unbelievably stupid name. FUCK SOOKIE Michael.

      • Dojan
        167 months ago

        Fairy vagina??

        I overall liked the first two seasons of Discovery but Michael and Klingonman’s relationship took too much space. It was too much melodrama and I felt like they could’ve done something more productive.

        Tilly was probably my favourite character, but there’s a bunch of interesting ones they could’ve developed further. Did Tilly’s mushroom friend ever return?

        I’m also hella disappointed they killed Hugh only to bring him back, like that plot line wasn’t interesting at all. I’m dead tired of burying the gays.

      • Flying SquidM
        87 months ago

        Sorry bud, I had to stop at “the new season showed her” because I still want to see it for myself and form my own opinions without spoilers.

        But I’m sorry they ruined the whole thing for you since I know how much you were looking forward to the season.

        • StametsOPM
          17 months ago

          I did not post spoilers. You could have just not responded instead of saying “Sorry, I didn’t read what you said.”

          • Flying SquidM
            7 months ago

            I wanted to tell you I was sorry about it being ruined for you. And I did read the comment up to that point!

            Edit: And now I read the whole thing since there were no spoilers. And yeah, Michael is a stupid name. I never got that.

            • StametsOPM
              147 months ago

              Sorry. I didn’t sleep. A few things going on but this stupid fucking show has really been bugging me.

              Apparently according to the EPs, Michael was chosen because Trek has a history of switching things up. Michael has been used in the past as a womans name so they decided to use it here. Basically the skant but in name form. It’s fucking dumb.

              • Flying SquidM
                77 months ago

                Yeah, that is not the greatest reasoning. That’s a real “we did it because we could” sort of thing rather than “here’s why she has this name” in a way that you didn’t need an explanation from the EPs instead of watching the show. I hate it when shows do that.

      • @rovingnothing29
        57 months ago

        I thought for sure:


        Calypso was going to be Zora keeping the tech hidden forever. Couldn’t be destroyed because reasons, and was too dangerous even in the right hands. Its still fucked up but she’d at least get the why.

      • @[email protected]
        7 months ago

        Just to be clear, by Sookie, are you referring to the character on Gilmore Girls? Because if so, I’m sorry, Rory is the actual worst.

        Although, it is messed up how Sookie treated her husband.

        • StametsOPM
          37 months ago

          Oh it’s a quote from True Blood. I’m just replacing the characters name in that with Michael.

    • @brlemworld
      37 months ago

      It’s really good, you should watch it.

      • Flying SquidM
        97 months ago

        Don’t anger the Stamets. Trust me.

    • StametsOPM
      147 months ago

      Conclusion: Needs fucking any Reno. Or anyone other than Burnham.

      • @[email protected]
        127 months ago

        Spinoff - Reno:1031? Paramount does have Viacom which has comedy Central, so any name based copyright infringements should be safe.

  • @jpreston2005
    127 months ago

    Yeah, new star trek just has not been paying off. At least the first season of Picard was pretty good. and I love all of Lower Decks (RIP).

    • HobbitFoot
      127 months ago

      I don’t think all of it is paying off, but there is some good bits. I love Lower Decks. Strange New Worlds is pretty good. I can’t speak to Prodigy. Discovery seems to have two good seasons. I’m just going to forget about Picard.

      That seems similar to the TNG through Enterprise era. There are good bits and bad bits there as well.

  • @[email protected]
    77 months ago

    I liked seasons 1-4 quite a bit. I was never against the more inclusive and emotional trek, but season 5 was way too over the top. Every episodes arc was about being ‘good enough’ and knowing yourself and love/friendship. After watching the finale I was legit angry, season 5 easily gave me GoT Season 8 vibes, or Wheel of Time season 1 vibes, just wrong and for the wrong reasons.

    Hell I even enjoyed the heck out of Prodigy and still found this season of Disco too ugh

    I feel like a jerk, thinking it’s too ‘woke’, but I don’t think that’s really it. Idk if I’m smart enough to find the right words, but boy was I upset after watching the finale.

    That was like 2 minutes of laughing randomly and embracing awkwardly. Wtf.

    Cool gazelle at the end tho. Better than Avatar 2

    • @[email protected]
      127 months ago

      It’s not that it’s too woke, woke is a star trek cornerstone. It’s because it’s “corporation flying rainbow flag” woke. Stamets in particular does nothing but provide empty representation. Representation is great but there needs to be something to it. You can’t just sit down and be like “ok, he’s gay and neurotic and possibly autistic” and never develop any further than that. Minorities aren’t cardboard cutouts who exist to check off a box. They’re people.

      • @[email protected]
        27 months ago

        Yeah, thank you, I think that’s a great way to describe it. Do you think season 5 was significantly worse in this regard? Or perhaps I’m just remembering it better since it just came out.

        Either way, I totally agree with you. I wasn’t able to connect with any of the characters or storylines because they were so hollow and superficial

        • @[email protected]
          7 months ago

          IMO season 5 was a little better in terms of getting representation right compared to, for instance, season 2. I did not like the strong focus on Michaels self doubts, it just gets old.

    • @jj4211
      107 months ago

      I’d say the way they handled the “wokeness” was generally rough.

      A good contrast is that both discovery and strange new worlds features a non binary character. In discovery, a big deal is made, some insecurity and nervousness about coming out and then a supportive reaction when they reluctantly declare it. This implies that this a Is a “big deal” when it really should be boring, this is supposed to be a super progressive society, no reason the person should have been nervous. In strange new worlds, they just are. This seems consistent with the optimistic progressive universe, that contentious facets of personal identity today are boringly accepted in this future.

      • StametsOPM
        7 months ago

        That’s not a good contrast. It’s a bad contrast. Discovery and SNW take place in two very different time periods. In SNW, Federation is still strong. When Adira comes out in Discovery it’s during a period where Earth is xenophobic as fuck and the Federation is crippled. It’s a big deal for Adira because they don’t live in the same Universe as the character from SNW. Then there’s the fact that the other non binary character was on screen for a single episode while Adira is a supporting character.

        You can’t compare those two so easily while dismissing the surrounding atmosphere.

  • jawa21
    67 months ago

    Is there a point at which you’d recommend no further watching? I’ve been slowly going through it.

    • StametsOPM
      7 months ago

      Season 4. Characters are learning and growing and carrying on. Ends with a big event and a satisfying open ended narrative conclusion.

      Season 5 undoes every ounce of character development and abandons every single character that isn’t Michael Burnham. Throughout the season various characters keep dropping with no explanation, slowly whittling down. The tacked on epilogue for the entire series does not have a single line from any Discovery-crew main character that isn’t Burnham. She gets 20 minutes of bullshit about her that ends with the most wildly unsatisfying narrative tie-in to something else. A tie-in that undoes everything that happened since Season 3 and leaves a future that is objectively depressing and hopeless. And that’s not even talking about the fact that Burnham does something in the first episode of the Season that is worse than mutiny. What she does in that first episode is so overwhelmingly fucked up that it proves she didn’t learn a singular fucking thing.

      It is fucking mindboggling to me that the final season was greenlit.

      • @[email protected]
        127 months ago

        Game of Thrones and now this. Two series I’m glad I didn’t invest time in due to their last season trainwrecks.

      • IninewCrow
        7 months ago

        Sorry to hear about your disappointment in the new season. I’m still working my way through DS9 and hope to later start watching ENT … so I’ve got a lot of decent content to go through.

        I was considering watching DISCO but I was sort of thinking what you said would happen would happen and it looks like it did. I’ll get to it done day just because it’s Star Trek but not any time soon.

        I was worried that one of the developments of modern TV series especially on the digital platforms is to not build long running series because it doesn’t make them money. Audiences in general are lazy so the average viewer just wants to watch something they have no history to, know no background and is something that is just completely new. A long running series with five, six or more seasons is too much for someone who is getting into it from the start. Most new audience members will skip the long running series or ones with big fan bases and go watch some short running series they can watch from the start and end quickly.

        I’m thinking this is what they did and will do to the new Trek shows from now on. They won’t last beyond a few seasons until they are just killed off. And if it’s a show with a large loyal fanbase, the best way to kill it is to sour the whole thing with bad writing and bad storytelling to just get everyone to stop watching it.

        • @[email protected]
          57 months ago

          The first 2 seasons of Disco are worth it, in my opinion, since it segues to Strange New Worlds. I had no idea that Lower Decks and Strange New Worlds existed. Once I heard about them, I checked them out and enjoyed them a lot.

          Don’t forget The Orville. Spiritually more like Star Trek than Discovery for the most part.

      • @Fades
        37 months ago

        Wow… I was just starting to get excited for this show having only seen season 1 when it aired. I’ll be following this advice

        • StametsOPM
          27 months ago

          So was I. I was so excited and gung ho about this final season. I’ve never been so depressed and demoralized by a TV show before.

  • @[email protected]
    7 months ago

    Honestly all of Nu-Trek is just garishly awful I don’t know how anyone even tolerates this stuff. The mushroom drive is dumb, and stolen from a 2014 indie flash game, gays and all, every plot development makes no sense, we never see much of the war and the crew has nothing to do, it relies on the mirror universe like a crutch because it has no idea how to write star trek. The only good episode is the mudd groundhog day one. And Tyler? Like Tyler Durden because he’s not who you think, but way way dumber than that movie? Yuck.

    In Season 2 things get even worse as they desperately tried to course correct to pander by bringing out the enterprise and Spock etc. but the 7 red signals and AI plots of the show make no sense once more, even if some episodes are okay, like the one with Saru’s people.

    In Season 3 thanks to the fact some individual plot lines in S2 were praised, the focus is squarely back on the season-long arc, which ends in a twist that is so absurd it feels like someone is trying to kill Star Trek on purpose. And so on it goes.

    In Picard S1 we have a plot once again lifted wholesale from a video game, specifically Mass Effect 3 where space octopuses from far away want to stop organics from exterminating synthetics or the other way around, but they did not understand Mass Effect 3 and the ethical dilemma of how partial anhiloation became the solution to prevent complete speciside (just like people who choose destroy in that game don’t understand it either), so instead we get just a space octopus who wants to maybe protect synthetics, which leads to space nuns wanting to destroy said synthetics (it’s like if Voyage Home had Kirk blow up the whales huh), so we get romulan space nuns that have access to thousands of ships because they touched a ring that showed them stock footage, them wanting to claw their eyes out is the only scene I related to throughout all this shlock.

    We have “galactic treaty” and Bruce Maddox and his android pleasure planet erasing the memory of daj and saj or w/e instead of just sending them as undercover agents programmed to not reveal who they are, yet magically trust in Picard, we have romulan agents that shouldn’t exist - because their entire empire spanning hundreds of star systems was somehow blown up by a supernova - beaming to put a bag on the android lady so her stunt double could start kung-fu fighting instead of concocting some sort of scheme as romulans always do, meanwhile having world’s most obvious spy in Starfleet Intelligence, all so they could go to the Borg cube where none of this matters and Seven, Hugh and other characters who don’t matter fight or something, until Riker commandeers all of starfleet and romulan lady commandeers all of the Romulan fleet that shouldnt exist (or else why couldn’t they evacuate themselves?) and they all instantly warp away so that Patrick Stewart could become a space jesus, being reborn as an android with an enlarged prostate by special order from not-Data. Also what was with the alcoholic lady in a trailer, like she’s just doing that for lulz right? No poverty and all? They get that right? Did I mention Eleanor, who’s character is being a Romulan samurai that just likes cutting people’s heads off?

    Finally we get another relatable scene at the end where Data tells Picard he wants to die already.

    In S2 we have the stupid ICE plot where Seven and the alcoholic lady steal a car and not much else and Guinan giving exposition about poverty in her bar that’s inexplicably called Ten-Forward, despite not being on a ship on deck ten, forward section, and didn’t she not only already know Picard but also hang out with Mark Twain and high society in the 1800s? When things were even worse? She didn’t seem to have all that biting social commentary then lol.

    There’s so, so much more, but really the end point of it is that they threw away a universe connected by very much at least an attempt at canon consistency, even down to the design language of everything and how it was all functional and not weird transparent SFX screens all to show you a future you could hope for and see characters struggle for it and make the right decisions, Star Trek was good, and there was no need to destroy all of it and stomp all over.it just to make mediocre versions of the Expanse again showrunner’d by the guy who wrote the fucking Transformers movies.

    • @Fades
      17 months ago

      all of nu is just garishly awful

      SNW? LD?

      I haven’t watched disco but I agree with you that Picard plot wise was kind all over season to season. I also didn’t really have any interest for prodigy after giving it a try.

      So with that said, strange new worlds is far better and it feels like old trek to me and I can’t wait for the next season, same with Lower Decks but in a meta jokes kind of way, not for everyone of course.

      As you eloquently pointed out, there has been a lot of bad to mid trek, but some of the new stuff is quite good too

      • @aeronmelon
        27 months ago

        It has always reinvented itself. It has never been the same show from one season to another. Same issue with Picard. No chance for even forgiving viewers to climatize.

  • @brlemworld
    27 months ago

    I really really like Discovery.