• @just_another_person
    319 months ago

    Christ, this lady is nuts. She just rattled off a list of people who got caught doing illegal shit, and were held somewhat accountable, and that’s the “Deep State”?

    Got news for you, sister…

      • @just_another_person
        69 months ago

        It’s apparently whatever “they” are doing that you don’t like, and it changes ALL THE TIME. It’s classic Fascism and fostering the idea of “Us V Them”.

    • @GoofSchmoofer
      39 months ago

      Because to many people politics is a team sport - their team is always right the opposing team is always wrong.

      So if the refs call a foul on their team then it was a bullshit call, but on the other team then it was fair.

  • @SupraMario
    239 months ago

    I love how they’re going on about this crap, while giving BJs to the russians.

    The red scare you dipshits was about russia…

    • @[email protected]
      9 months ago

      They’re no longer communist and they’re getting a lot of money from Putin so they don’t give a shit. Similar deal with China. They may be communist on paper but they still play ball with them by giving the corporations a place to build shit with cheap labor and materials. They also have a huge consumer base so you better believe these stupid McCarthyists are fondling Xi Jinping’s balls for acess to their markets.

  • @jordanlundM
    209 months ago

    They realize that means Trump, right?

    • @TallonMetroid
      159 months ago

      Every accusation is a confession, after all.

      • @BrianTheeBiscuiteer
        69 months ago

        It works doubly well because after accusing the left of doing it for ages (like voter fraud) all of the right-wing voters will say, “So what if we cheated? We’re just trying to match their level of cheating to keep it fair!”

  • @[email protected]
    79 months ago

    Holy shit. McCarthy was a junkie and a crippling drunk who’s vices ultimately killed him.

    He wasn’t “right”, he never found a single Soviet agent. He was probably a self-loathing homosexual who rode the lavender scare to bolster his horrible, HORRIBLE polling numbers and it bit him in the ass eventually.

    THIS is who they are lionizing now?

    • @CharlesDarwin
      39 months ago

      Ann Coulter wrote an entire book trying to “set the record straight”, if I recall.

  • @captainlezbian
    39 months ago

    Looks like some people need to be introduced to a wall.

  • @CharlesDarwin
    29 months ago

    The right has felt they had to “suffer” for decades now by having to be quiet about things like: McCarthy, Nixon, Pinochet, slavery, and on and on. They cannot wait to be able to jam a counter-narrative down the throats of everyone, most especially your kids in government schools run the “right” way. If some of this gives them a permission structure for some violence, all the better in their view.