So yeah, EA is going full apeshit on Apex Legends monetization, doubling the number of battle passes and removing the ability to buy them ingame. Great. 😑 Good thing I left that game what feels like forever ago.

  • MentalEdge
    47 months ago

    I just want arenas back…

    Not that I’ve ever spent, or ever will spend, on Apex.

  • @pycorax
    37 months ago

    I mean you don’t have to buy them and it doesn’t make you lose out on anything in the game. I stopped bothering with it awhile back and I found the game much more enjoyable not having to bother with all these quests.

    I only ever get it if I happen to play so much that it pays for itself already,this change just seems like it’s gonna make that happen even less.

    • Carighan MaconarOP
      27 months ago

      Sure, but independent of whether we are spending money or not, we can critique their changes, no?

  • @mrvictory1
    07 months ago

    “We have doubled the amount of Apex Coins” which people used to buy battle pass. Now you can’t. 🤦‍♂️