Some parents are just ignorant assholes.
For real. Waiting until Halloween to introduce them to the deliciousness of caramelized onion…
I have a theory that most people’s favorite food is actually onion. We like them sweet, spicy, pickled, and in breakfast omelettes, lunch sandwiches, and alongside dinner proteins. There isn’t much that isn’t improved or at least complemented by an onion.
In my mind its not cooking unless it involves cutting an onion
Old Ukrainian recipe: fry garlic and onions in a pan with butter, then decide what to have for dinner
Add carrots and you’re 2/3rds through lost good French and Italian meals too.
Same in the Philippines, but with oil instead of butter. Almost every dish there starts with garlic and onion.
Golden sauteed onion is gourmet shit.
Onions are s-tier
Agreed nothing adds flavor layers to a dish like an onion can
Don’t forget they’re low calorie.
But just raw dogging onion sounds like hell.
College friend of mine used to eat 'em like apples. Ugh.
As a kid when I saw the movie Holes, I was so tempted to start eating onions like apples, like they do in that scene at the oasis. I also went home after the movie and dug a big hole in the backyard because I was a fucking weird ass. Still am. Never ate an onion like that, but damn they made em look tasty.
You weren’t a normal kid if you didn’t see something random, whether cool or not, and try to imitate it.
Had the same experience. I thought that’d taste really sour but assumed they were focused on the water content and ignored the flavor. Such a good movie, need to get some sploosh.
That’s my favourite way to eat ‘em!
When I chop onions I will just grab a few pieces to snack on raw while I cook the rest.
The burning is the best part.
Vidallia onions are decent raw. We put big 1/2 thick slabs on burgers that way. Carmel probably wouldn’t hurt in the OP’s case either.
Love the taste of 'em, but onions also give me awful gag reflex to the point I need to have them removed from my food. Otherwise I risk vomiting on the spot D:
I would add potato to that list. People fucking love potatoes on lots of forms.
Onions grown in soils without sulphuric compounds are actually very sweet and tasty without any oniony flavour.
Also just if they are cooked. Caramelized onion is amazing.
The only way I do white onion on my burgers. So good.
I don’t understand the monsters who put a whole slice of raw red onion on their burgers. The onion is all they could possibly be tasting
I cant do a whole slice, but a few raw rings or bits spread over are great way to add some zest. Works better with the mild onion types though.
I love a mix of raw and caramelized onions on my burgers. Cooked onions are too soft, raw onions are too strong (spicy?), but mixing them gets a good combo of texture and flavor.
If it’s not pungent, it will be amazing.
How might one acquire such onions?
You grow them… in soils without sulfuric compounds…
Do people read anymore? /s
Search for sweet onion farms in your country. They are rarely available in the shops.
So why do they foam them then?
To make jams and other condiments.
Huh. There’s sweet onions for sale whenever I go to Kroger
I don’t know what kroger is, but good for you!
It’s the largest geocery store chain in the US
They go by different names in different regions as well. Here in Utah, they’re called Smith’s. Where I grew up in the PNW, they were called Fred Meyer. The name Kroger seems to be more of a midwest/east coast name for them.
Try ‘Walla walla’ or red onions
I never use white onions when cooking 🤢
Red onions are definitely not sweet and they definitely taste oniony.
I have eaten plenty of pungent red onions, I don’t think the color is enough to tell.
Pungent onions, cooked, are much sweeter and more flavorful than sweet onions cooked.
Sweet onions are fantastic raw, but should be called Mild Onions instead.
White onion for cooking, sweet onion for raw, red onion splits the difference, but red onion quick pickle is better than any other onion pickles.
Any onion can be sweet.
Is that what japan onions are like? I dislike onions intensely, I had a meal that was 30 percent onion in japan and i had no issue finishing it. It went well with the peppered beef.
Do you normally dislike cooked onions? Raw onion is very oniony, but cooking really mellows them out.
I dislike raw onions, but I use them to cook all he time. I recognize that cooked onions add a great flavor to the food. The onions in this dish were just quickly sautéed, barely cooked as they were still crunchy and not brown at all. I joke with my fiancee that Japanese onions are so polite they don’t even make you cry lul.
I don’t know what the soil composition of Japan is, but shouldn’t it be high in sulfur considering it’s a volcanic archipelago?
That’s a very good point. Maybe their onions are just naturally not as oniony as others or I could just have had some imported onions from a non sulfury country.
Or it’s just a different onion variety or cook it a certain way. The generalization of Japanese cuisine is subtlety. Their sweets aren’t very sweet. Their sours aren’t very sour. Their hots aren’t very hot. Yeah, you can find exceptions, but a lot of westerners living in Japan eventually get homesick for some Mexcian food or a good, hard deli bread.
That reminds me. I wish I had checked out their Mexican food. I walked by a restaurant called frijoles, would have loved to check it out but we had just eaten and it was near the end of our trip so we didn’t go back. It’ll have to be for the next trip.
Yup, people say they love Japanese food, but if they had Japanese food every day, I’m pretty sure they’d grow to hate it. It’s honestly pretty bland.
Now, Korean food on the other hand is awesome. They have something similar to sushi (kimbap), but alongside the mild flavors of Japanese sushi, you also get awesome things like fried kimchi and spicy pork. They have similar curry to Japan, but generally add a bit more flavor. For soups, they have everything from the mild miso to spicy kimchi jjiggae. Their fried chicken is way better than kara-age, try yang nyam chicken and tell me that isn’t the best fried chicken you’ve ever tasted. They have a massive variety from sweet and savory meat (galbi) to spicy veggie dishes, and everything in between. Even the term “kimchi,” which most people associate w/ spicy fermented cabbage, applies to a wide range of fermented foods, from sweet to sour.
So yeah, while I like Japanese food sometimes, Korean is the goat of asian food IMO. Chinese is way too oily, Korean has an insane variety and has something for everyone. Change my mind.
Just this morning, my 7yo kid asked for a side of crispy fried onions to eat with his chocolate croissant. This is not the first time.
It’s even more hilarious to me because both my kids hate onions in their food. But crispy fried onions? Irresistible!
Same. For me it’s a texture and appearance thing. I just don’t like the look of cooked onions.
But the flavor of onions is great to me so if they’re raw red or sweet onions or cooked into something but undetectable I love emm.
I feel this way about a lot of food textures and what does/doesn’t go together.
Could be the same for your kids.
Now I’m curious…
Crunchy (hopefully, instead of sticky), watery, spicy - all at the same time. Sounds intriguing
If you ever have a wicked head cold snack on some raw white onion. Makes my sinuses run like a god damn firehose.
I have one right now… but no access to an onion. I’m at the airport. Perhaps in the duty-free zone. Thanks for the advice
Lmk how it goes
No trace of an onion. I looked everywhere. I nabbed a pint of Tusker and it seems to have had a positive effect on the cold. Or was it the altitude? We might never know. That is, until I find an onion…
And so the hunt for an onion continues
Day 4. If mean onion density at the airport is anything to go by, the country must be experiencing an onion drought like anything we’ve ever seen. This place seemingly has many layers… but I am yet to slice through the most shallot of them. Somewhere in there, a bulb awaits… I just know it
Jokes on them, caramelised onions are damn good both alone or in burgers.
Caramelized onions are, sure. But i’m assuming the 4chan poster bit into a raw onion with a Carmel glaze, however, which does not seem appetizing to me.
One Christmas extended family had a Christmas gift exchange, one uncle had made a “gag gift”, it was a piggy bank with pennies, I got it, he felt bad but to everyone’s suprise, I was estatic. I was 5 and collecting coins, a piggy bank filled with loose change was the best present.
As a toddler I’d eat onions and tomatoes like apples.
That sounds really good
Apples are too sweet to add candy to
I think the apples that are typically used are the sour varieties so that there is a flavor contrast when biting in to it. This is just what I heard though, I usually don’t like whatever is covering them.
It depends who makes them. The ones pre made at like a fair or store that are huge are usually sweet. Tart apples don’t tend to grow big.
Yup, that’s why I don’t buy that nonsense. Granny smith is the proper caramel apple.
never really liked the combo, apples/caramel. always eat them both separately
Try slicing a tart apple like granny smith and dipping it into caramel. Worst case scenario, you can stop combining them and just eat them separately.
Calm down, Jason
You fool! That’s an Aggie 1015Y super sweet onion! You’ve given him the taste of the good stuff and doomed us all!
Good old memories